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Kanji: Radical: (みみ) : ; みみ; ear
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3697 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3516
Japanese Reading English
りょうみみboth ears/
ふくみみ(n) plump ears, said to bring good fortune/
がれた耳そがれたみみ mutilated ear/
りゅうこうせいじかせん えん(n) mumps/
がいじえん(n) inflammation of the outer ear/
はやみみ (n) insider/keen of hearing/(P)/
の耳にうまのみみにねんぶつ (exp) not heeding what others say/in one ear and out the other/
ばじとうふう(n) utter indifference/talking to the wall/praying to deaf ears/
ちゅうじ(n) middle ear/tympanum/(P)/
かたみみ (n) one ear/
ないじ (n) inner ear/
たれみみ (n) lop-eared/
きくらげ (n) (uk) cloud ear mushroom/wood ear mushroom/Jew's ear mushroom/
ちゅうじえん (n) tympanitis (inflammation of middle ear)/(P)/
そらみみ(n) mishearing/(feigned) deafness/
とおみみ (n) sharp hearing/
じごくみみ(n) sharp ear/long ears/
れ耳たれみみ (n) lop-eared/
がいじ (n) external ear/concha/
俚耳りじ(n) the ears of the public/
ぞくじ (n) vulgar ears/attention of the masses/
き耳ききみみ(n) straining one's ears/
ないじえん(n) inner-ear inflammation/
ひだりみみ left ear/
耳のこうじのがくshallow learning/
こうじ (n) mouth and ear/
兎耳うさぎみみ(n) long ears/gossiper/
はつみみ (n) something heard for the first time/
がいじどう (n) external auditory canal (meatus)/
耳にこみみにはさむ (v5) to happen to hear/to overhear/
こみみ(n) (col) overhear/happened to hear that/
かたみみ (n) things overheard/
耳るぎゅうじる (v5r) to control/to take the lead in/to have under one's thumb/
ふくろみみ(n) retentive memory/