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Kanji: Radical: (みみ) : ショク; ; employment
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3718 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1425
Japanese Reading English
どうしょく(n) the same occupation/the said occupation/
けんしょく(n) prominent or high post/
かきゅうしょくsubordinate post/
こうしょく (n) degradation/
しゅうしょくろうにん jobless university graduate/
職から退けるようしょくからしりぞけるto expel (a person) from an important position/
せいしょくしゃ (n) clergyman/churchman/clergy/
ゆうそく (n) (1) holding a job/(2) learned/well-versed in usages or practices of the court or military households/knowlegeable/
ていしょく(n) suspension from office/
ぐんしょく (n) military profession/military post/
じょうきゅうかんり しょくupper management/
じゅんしょくしゃ(n) person who has died at his post (in the performance of his duties)/
曠職こうしょく(n) neglect of official duty/
きょうしょくかていteacher-training curriculum/
えいしょく (n) honorable post/
こうきょうしょくぎょうあんていじょ (n) public employment exchange/
こうしょくせんきょほう(n) Public Officers Election Act/
涜職とくしょく(n) corruption/bribery/
職をじしょくをせまる(exp) to urge to resign/
きゅうしょくがかりapplicant interviewer/
かんりしょく(n) management/
かんしょく (n) government service/
てんしょく (n,vs) change of occupation/
じしょくねがい(written) resignation/
かいしょく (n) discharge/dismissal/
退たいしょく (n,vs) retirement (from office)/(P)/
じじゅうしょく (n) board of chamberlains/
退たいしょくしゃretired person/
しゅうしょくうんどう job hunting/
ざしょく (n) sedentary work/
しゅうしょくじtime of employment/
てじょく (n) handicraft/
にんしょく ordination/
きゅうしょく (n) job hunting/seeking employment/(P)/
ないしょく(n) side job (at home)/home industry/side line/(P)/
しゅうしょくりつ (n) employment rate/
退たいしょくきん(n) retirement allowance/
職をねるりょうしょくをかねる(exp) to hold two offices concurrently/
しっしょく (n) unemployment/
ひしょく (n) not employed/holding a post but having no duties/
きゅうしょくこうこくsituation-wanted advertisement/
そしょくかいかく (n) organizational change/
こうぞうおしょく structural corruption/
めんしょく (n) dismissal/sacking/discharge/(P)/
退たいしょくねんきん(retirement) pension/
そしょくず(n) organizational chart/
てきしょく (n) suitable occupation/
ないかくそうじしょくen masse resignation of the cabinet/
退ていねんたいしょく retirement due to age/
しゅうしょく (n,vs) finding employment/inauguration/(P)/
かんしょく(n) leisurely post/do-nothing job/sinecure/
ほしょく (n) appointment to an official post/
そうじしょく (n,vs) mass resignation/
りしょく (n) leaving or losing a job/
しゅうだんしゅうしょ くgroup employment/
退いがんたいしょく retirement at one's own request/
そうしょく (n) (Buddhist) priesthood/
むしょく (n) without an occupation/(P)/
ふくしょく (n) reinstatement/reappointment/
とくべつしょく(n) special position in Government service/
じしょくねがいletter of resignation/
しょうしょく (n) (hum) I/a humble (government) servant/
そしょくろうどうしゃ (n) organized labour/
げんしょく (n) present condition/(P)/
退ていねんたいしょく (n) (compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 60)/
てないしょく (n) manual piecework done at home/
こうしょくついほう purge of public officials/
じゅうしょく (n) chief priest (of a Buddhist temple)/
じしょく(n) resignation/(P)/
きゅうしょくしゃjob applicant/
てんしょく(n) vocation/lifework/calling/
ほんしょく (n) professional/principal occupation/an expert/
やくしょくてあてexecutive allowance/
じゅんしょく (n,vs) dying at one's post/being killed in the line of duty/(P)/
しゅうしょくさき place of employment/
しゅうしょくなん(n) scarcity of employment/
めいよしょく(n) honorary position/(P)/
げきしょく (n) exhausting work/
りしょくしゃretired employee/unemployed person/
職のそしょくのこうちょくか(n) organizational inertia/
ていしょく (n) occupation (i.e. field of regular employment)/steady job/regular work/
ぎちょうしょっけんauthority as chairperson or president etc./
じゅうしょく (n) responsible position/
かしょく (n) one's trade or profession/
けんしょく (n) pluralism/plurality/concurrent post/
職斡しゅうしょくあっせん placement/
せいしょく (n) sacred profession/holy orders/vocation/ministry/
しゅうしょくぐち (n) position/opening/employment/
きょうしょくいんくみあいteachers' union/
こうしょく (n) public office/
ようしょく(n) important office/
ゆうしょくしゃemployed person/
やくしょく (n) post/managerial position/official position/
ゆうそくこじつ(n) well-versed in usages or practices of the court or military households/
しっしょくしゃ unemployed person/
たたみしょく (n) tatami maker/
せんもんしょく(n) professional job/profession/
り職かざりしょく (n) maker of metallic ornaments/
てしょく (n) handicraft/
したしょく (n) subcontractor/
きゅうしょく (n) temporary retirement/suspension from office/
しんしょく(n) Shinto priest(hood)/
ちょうかいめんしょく disciplinary dismissal (discharge)/
ゆうしょく(n) (1) holding a job/(2) learned/well-versed in usages or practices of the court or military households/knowlegeable/
むしょくしゃunemployed person/
しょうぐんしょく(n) the shogunate/
鳶職とびしょくにんscaffold constructor/steeplejack/
いっぱんしょく(n) a government job/
おしょく (n) corruption/(P)/
しゅうしょくじょうほうし(n) job-placement journal (magazine)/
きょうしょく (n) teaching certificate/the teaching profession/
そしょくたい (n) organizational entity/
そしょく (n) organization/business (in licensing terms)/
とうぐうしょく (n) Imperial Household Agency employee assigned to the household of the Crown Prince/
きょうしょくいん (n) teaching staff/faculty/
げきしょく (n) busy job/
しゅうしょくかつどう (n) job hunting/
ざいしょく (n) being in office/
とうしょく (n) this duty or job/
鳶職とびしょく(n) scaffolding or construction worker/
ほうしょく (n,vs) being in the service of/