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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : キャク、キャ; あし; leg
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3773 Index in Halpern dictionary: 974
Japanese Reading English
ひあし(n) spreading of a fire/
そうきゃく (n) both feet/
かざあし (n) wind speed/
さんきゃく tripod
かいきゃく (n) with the legs spread/
りっきゃく (n) being based on/(P)/
ひとあし bottom legs radical/hitoashi/
りょうきゃく (n) both legs/
まえあし (n) forelegs/
きょうきゃく (n) bridge pier/pontoon bridge/(P)/
かきゃくlegs/lower limbs/
ひあし (n) daytime/position of the sun/
さんきゃくか(n) tripodal frame/
脚椅さんきゃくいすa three-legged stool/
あめあし (n) passing shower/streaks of pouring rain/
脚をわすばきゃくをあらわす (exp) to reveal the true nature/
にゅうじかっけ infantile beriberi/
りょうきゃくき (n) compass (for drawing circles)/
ねこあし (n) carved table leg/
さんきゃく (adj-no,n) tripod/three legs/
あんぎゃ (n) pilgrimage/walking tour/tour/
りっきゃくてん(n) standpoint/
ぜんきゃく (n) forelegs/
りょうきゃくきpair of compasses/
くもあし (n) cloud movements/overhanging clouds/
きょうきゃくしゅう pontoon/
ばきゃく (exp,n) give oneself away/reveal one's true colors/
しっきゃく(n,vs) losing one's standing/being overthrown/falling/(P)/
けあし(n) length of hair/
けんきゃく (adj-na,n) good walker/
ににんさんきゃく (n) a three-legged race/
けんきゃくかgood walker/
鰭脚ききゃくるいpinnipeds (seals and walruses)/
ひきゃく (n) express messenger/postman (arch.))/courier/
へんぼうかんきゃく the radicals/
いんきゃく (n) metrical foot (poet.)/
うんきゃく (n) cloud movements/overhanging clouds/
りっきゃくち (n) standpoint/
あまあし (n) passing shower/streaks of pouring rain/
脚をわすばきゃくをあらわす (exp) to reveal the true nature/
あとあし (n) hind (rear) legs/