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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : ダツ; ぬ(ぐ)、ぬ(げる)、ぬ(がす)、ぬ(がせる); remove
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3775 Index in Halpern dictionary: 973
Japanese Reading English
ちょうだつ(n,vs) transcendency/detachment/
脱ぎくつぬぎ (n) place where one can remove one's shoes/
きょうごうだっせんtrain derailment due to a concurrence of causes/
いつだつ(n,vs) deviation/omission/
こくがいだっしゅつ (vs) to flee abroad/
脱けはぬけ falling out of teeth/person with missing teeth/
脱ぐひとはだぬぐ (v5g) to pitch in and help/
洒脱しゃだつ(adj-na,n) unconventional/unconstrained/
脱ぎはだぬぎ (n) naked to the waist/
えいきゅうだつもう (vs) removing hair permanently/
りだつ (n,vs) withdrawal/secession/separation/breakaway/(P)/
きょだつかん(n) despondency/
脱ぐかたはだぬぐ(v5g) to lend a hand/
げだつ (n) Buddhist deliverance (of one's soul)/salvation/
の脱ききいっぱつのだっしゅつescape by a hairsbreadth/
ごだつ (n) errors and omissions/
かつだつ (adj-na,n) adaptation to circumstances/
剥脱はくだつ(n,vs) coming off/peeling off/
たいがいりだつout of body/leaving your body/
ちゃくだつ (n) attaching and removing/
沓脱ぎくつぬぎ(n) place to take off one's shoes before entering a house/
えんてんかつだつ(adj-na,n) versatility/adaptability/tact/
いだつ (n) omission/
きょだつ (n) prostration/
脱臼あだっきゅう (n) subluxation/
脱ぎくつぬぎいし(n) stepping stone/
洒脱けいみょうしゃだつ(adj-na,n) witty/smart and polished/
籠脱けかごぬけ(n) slipping out the back way with swindled goods/
穎脱えいだつ(n,vs) gaining recognition/rising above ones fellows/