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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : ヨウ; こし; waist
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3799 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1036
Japanese Reading English
の腰さるのこしかけ (n) bracket (shelf) fungus/
たちふたこし two swords/
び腰およびごし (n) bent back/indecisive attitude/
り腰ねばりごし (n) strong pelvis or hips/
えりこし (n) height of the neck/
まるごし (n) unarmed/
ぎっくり腰ぎっくりごしslipped disc
げ腰にげごし(n) preparing to flee/being ready to run away/
喧嘩腰けんかごし(n) belligerent/
ほそごし(n) slender hips/slim waist/
ものごし (n) manner/demeanour/bearing/(P)/
にげごし (n) preparing to flee/being ready to run away/
むごし(n) unarmed/
ちゅうごし(n) half-rising posture/body bent/
さいよう (n) slender hips/slim waist/
き腰うきごし (n) wavering/unsteady/
にまいごし(n) (in sumo and judo) posture in which the legs are firmly planted/
蝦腰えびごし(n) bent (with age)/
の腰をはなしのこしをおる (exp) to interfere/to butt in/
腰をれるほんごしをいれる(exp) to set about in earnest/
つよごし (n) firm or tough stance/
あしこし legs and loins
ぎっくり腰ぎっくりごし(n) strained back/slipped disk/lumbosacral strain/
ほんごし(n) strenuous effort/earnestness/seriousness/(P)/
の腰しょうじのこし lower part of a shoji (paper sliding-door)/
えびごし (n) stooped over/
け腰うけごし (n) stance adopted when prepared to catch an object/
やなぎごし(n) slim waist/(P)/
あしこし (n) legs and loins/
よわごし (adj-na,n) weak attitude/(P)/