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Kanji: Radical: (しん) : リン; のぞ(む); attend
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3840 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1630
Japanese Reading English
さいりん(n) Second Coming/Second Advent/
しんりん (n) visit by an emperor or noble/
しょうりん (n) looking down (from the heavens)/visit of a high-ranking person/
とうりん(n) climbing to a high spot/ascending the throne/
さいりんは Adventists/
せいれいこうりんさい(n) (the feast of) Pentecost/
に臨むかいごうにのぞむ(exp) to be present at a meeting/
くんりん (n,vs) reign/control/(to) dictate/(P)/
さいこうりん Second Advent/
たいりん (n) visit by the empress or the crown prince/
こうりん(n) advent/descent/
れに臨んわかれにのぞん parting (with)/
らいりん (n) attendance/presence/visit/coming/advent/