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Kanji: Radical: (みずから) : シュウ; くさ(い); bad smell
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3842 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2633
Japanese Reading English
黴臭いかびくさい(adj) musty/putrid/
かび臭いかびくさい(adj) musty/putrid/(P)/
臭いどろくさい (adj) smelling of mud or earth/unrefined/uncouth/
かんりょうしゅう smack of the bureaucrat/
げ臭いこげくさい (adj) smelling (or tasting) burnt/
だっしゅうざい(n) deodorant/
臭いにんげんくさい full of human traits/quite human/
ぼうしゅうざい(n) deodorant/deodorizer/
臭いちちくさい (adj) smelling of milk/green/wet behind the ears/immature/
鹿臭いばかくさい (adj) absurd/
臭いいんきくさい(adj) dismal/gloomy/
臭いじゃまくさい(adj,exp) troublesome/pain in the butt/
いしゅう (n) offensive smell/off-flavor/
しげきしゅう irritant odor/irritating smell (odor)/
臭いみずくさい(adj) stand-offish/distant/not frank/reserved/watery/(P)/
げきしゅう(n) strong odor/
よしゅう (n) lingering odor/
りしゅう officialism/red tape/
れ臭いてれくさい (adj) embarrassing/awkward/
げきしゅう (n) strong smell/
臭いふるくさい (adj) stale/old fashioned/hackneyed/trite/(P)/
臭いちなまぐさい (adj) bloody/bloody stench/
だっしゅう (n) deodorization/
ししゅう (n) putrid smell of a corpse/
臭いあおくさい (adj) inexperienced/immature/grassy-smelling/
なまぐさもの(n) meat and fish (forbidden to monks)/
臭いめんどうくさい(adj) bother to do/tiresome/(P)/
ぼうしゅう (n) odor-resistant/
腋臭わきが(n) body odor/abnormal underarm odor/
こうしゅう (n) bad breath/halitosis/
なまぐさぼうず (n) wordly priest/
臭いしんきくさい(adj) irritating/fretful/boring/
り臭いとしよりくさいslovenly like an old man/
あくしゅう (n) stink/bad odor/stench/(P)/
臭いどんくさい (adj) slow (opposite of fast)/stupid/irritating/
臭いきなくさい(adj) burning or scorched smell/imminent military action/suspicious/
おしゅう(n) foul smell/
どうしゅう (n) the lust for money/
臭いつちくさい (adj) smelling of earth/rustic/
臭いほとけくさい (adj) otherwordly/sanctimonious/
阿呆臭いあほくさい(adj) ridiculous/
ものぐさ (adj-na,n) laziness/
たいしゅう (n) body odor/personal odor/characteristic (of someone)/
臭いしゃらくさい(adj) impertinent/impudent/cheeky/
臭いあせくさい (adj) smell(ing) of sweat/
ぞくしゅう (n) vulgarity/worldliness/(P)/
むしゅう (n) odorless/unscented/
臭いしゃらくくさい(adj) impertinent/impudent/cheeky/
臭いのろくさい (adj) slow (opposite of fast)/stupid/irritating/
臭いまっこうくさい (adj) smelling of incense/overly pious/
臭いさけくさい(adj) reek of liquor/
臭いうさんくさい(adj) suspicious looking/shady/
にゅうしゅうじ(n) greenhorn/fledgling/
にゅうしゅう (n) boyishness/inexperience/
の臭いふせいのにおいsmack of evil/
噌臭いぬかみそくさい(adj) overly concerned with domestic affairs/
臭いなまぐさい(adj) smelling of fish or blood/fish or meat/(P)/
柿臭いじゅくしくさい(adj) smelling of (stale) liquor/
臭いしろうとくさい(adj) amateurish/