拉致 | らち | (n,vs) taking captive/carrying
away/kidnapping/abduction/ |
筆致 | ひっち | (n) literary style/stroke of the
brush/touch/ |
誘致 | ゆうち | (n,vs) attraction/lure/invitation/ |
思いを致す | おもいをいたす
| (exp) to think of/to give one's thought
to/ |
雅致 | がち | (n) artistry/good taste/elegance/grace/(P)/ |
挙国一致 | きょこくいっち
| (n) national unity/ |
万場一致で | まんじょういっちで
| unanimously/ |
お願い致します | おねがいいたします | (hon) please/ |
政教一致 | せいきょういっち | unity of church and state/ |
全会一致 | ぜんかいいっち
| unanimous/ |
極致 | きょくち
| (n) culmination/perfection/ |
招致 | しょうち
| (n,vs) invitation/ |
召致 | しょうち
| (n,vs) calling together/ |
祭政一致 | さいせいいっち
| unity of church and
state/theocracy/ |
力を致す | ちからをいたす | (exp) to render assistance/to make an
effort/ |
一致団結 | いっちだんけつ | (n) union/solidarity/total cooperation/ |
一致点 | いっちてん | point of agreement/ |
不才の致す所 | ふさいのいたすところ
| be due to my incompetence/ |
格物致知 | かくぶつちち
| (n) gaining a perfect knowledge of natural
laws/ |
引致 | いんち | (n) arrest/custody/ |
送致 | そうち
| (n) sending/forwarding/ |
言行一致 | げんこういっち
| acting up to one's words/ |
どう致しまして | どういたしまして
| (int) you are welcome/don't mention
it/(P)/ |
仕を致す | しをいたす | (v5) to resign/ |
風致 | ふうち
| (n) taste/elegance/ |
共同一致 | きょうどういっち
| unanimous cooperation/ |
風致地区 | ふうちちく
| scenic zone/landscape area/(P)/ |
人を死に致す | ひとをしにいたす | (exp) to cause the death of a person/ |
満場一致 | まんじょういっち
| (n) unanimous/ |
過失致死罪 | かしつちしざい | (n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental
homicide/ |
一致 | いっち | (n,vs)
coincidence/agreement/union/match/conformity/consistency/co-operation/(P)/ |
言文一致 | げんぶんいっち | unification of the written and spoken forms of a
language/ |
過失致死 | かしつちし | (n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental
homicide/ |
風致林 | ふうちりん
| (n) scenic forest/ |
合致 | がっち
| (n) agreement/concurrence/conforming
to/(P)/ |
霊肉一致 | れいにくいっち | unity of body and spirit/ |
不一致 | ふいっち | (n)
discrepancy/discord/disagreement/dissonance/ |
馴致 | じゅんち | (n,vs) taming/gradual habituation/leading to/ |