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Kanji: Radical: (いたる) : ; いた(す); cause to
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3847 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1316< /tr>
Japanese Reading English
拉致らち(n,vs) taking captive/carrying away/kidnapping/abduction/
ひっち(n) literary style/stroke of the brush/touch/
ゆうち(n,vs) attraction/lure/invitation/
いを致すおもいをいたす (exp) to think of/to give one's thought to/
がち(n) artistry/good taste/elegance/grace/(P)/
きょこくいっち (n) national unity/
致でまんじょういっちで unanimously/
い致しますおねがいいたします(hon) please/
せいきょういっちunity of church and state/
ぜんかいいっち unanimous/
きょくち (n) culmination/perfection/
しょうち (n,vs) invitation/
しょうち (n,vs) calling together/
さいせいいっち unity of church and state/theocracy/
を致すちからをいたす(exp) to render assistance/to make an effort/
いっちだんけつ(n) union/solidarity/total cooperation/
いっちてんpoint of agreement/
の致すふさいのいたすところ be due to my incompetence/
かくぶつちち (n) gaining a perfect knowledge of natural laws/
いんち(n) arrest/custody/
そうち (n) sending/forwarding/
げんこういっち acting up to one's words/
どう致しましてどういたしまして (int) you are welcome/don't mention it/(P)/
を致すしをいたす(v5) to resign/
ふうち (n) taste/elegance/
きょうどういっち unanimous cooperation/
ふうちちく scenic zone/landscape area/(P)/
に致すひとをしにいたす(exp) to cause the death of a person/
まんじょういっち (n) unanimous/
かしつちしざい(n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental homicide/
いっち(n,vs) coincidence/agreement/union/match/conformity/consistency/co-operation/(P)/
げんぶんいっちunification of the written and spoken forms of a language/
かしつちし(n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental homicide/
ふうちりん (n) scenic forest/
がっち (n) agreement/concurrence/conforming to/(P)/
れいにくいっちunity of body and spirit/
ふいっち(n) discrepancy/discord/disagreement/dissonance/
馴致じゅんち(n,vs) taming/gradual habituation/leading to/