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Kanji: Radical: (ます) : ; ま(う)、まい; dance
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3862 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2146
Japanese Reading English
まえぶたい apron stage/
みせじまい(n,vs) close up shop/stop business/go out of business/
舞いみまいきゃく (n) a visitor to a sick or distressed person/
ぐんぶ(n) dancing in groups/
こまい (n) laths/
る舞いたちいふるまい (n) movements/behavior/
舞いみじまい(n) dressing or outfitting oneself/
じまい (n) end/termination/informal (Noh play)/
に舞をじるしんぜんにまいをほうじる(exp) to dedicate a dance to a god/
舞いかじみまい a post-fire visit to express sympathy/
る舞うふるまう(v5u) to behave/to conduct oneself/to entertain (vt)/(P)/
舞いおしまい (n) the end/closing/being done for/
しもたや store that has been gone out of business/household that lives without carrying on a business/
舞いせっきじまい end-of-year settling of accounts/
おんなかぶき (n) girls kabuki/
舞うみまう (v5u) to ask after (health)/to visit/(P)/
ししまい(n) lion dance/
舞いおおばんふるまい (n) splendid banquet/great feast/
はつぶたい(n) debut/initial stage appearance/
舞いじんちゅうみまい visiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort/
おおばんぶるまい(n) be lavish in giving gifts or wining and dining (others)/a lavish feast/
舞いふるまい(n) behavior/conduct/
えんぶ (n,vs) dance performance/
えんぶきょく(n) waltz (composition)/
舞うたちふるまう(v5u) to behave/
みんぞくぶよう folk dance/
の舞にのまい (n) repeating the same failure/
かそうぶとうかいmasquerade ball/
る舞うたちふるまう(v5u) to act/to behave/
けんぶ (n) sword dance/
舞いじまい (n) end/termination/informal (Noh play)/
おみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/(P)/
舞いおみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/
にほんぶよう (n) traditional Japanese dance/
くせまい (n) recitative dance/
桧舞ひのきぶたい(n) stage made of Japanese cypress/the limelight/the big time/
りんぶきょく rondo/
舞いみまいひんgoods offered to a person in distress/
あとじまい(n) settlement/winding or straightening up/
てんてこまい (n) whirl of business/humming with activity/bustling activity/
ようぶ(n) Western-style dance/
舞いしょちゅうみまい summer greeting card/(P)/
らんぶ (n,vs) boisterous dance/
舞いたちぶるまいfarewell dinner/
かぶ (n) singing and dancing/
舞いみせじまい(n) close for the day/go out of business/
きりきり舞いきりきりまい(n,vs) a whirl/going round and round/rushing a person off his feet/
舞いしまい(n) end/termination/informal (Noh play)/
舞いみまいきん(monetary) present to a person in distress/
にちぶ (n) Japanese dancing/
かぶきKabuki (traditional Japanese musical drama)
舞いおみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/
こぶげきれい encouragement/
れ舞はれぶたいgala occasion/
舞いみまい(n) enquiry/expression of sympathy/expression of concern/(P)/
舞いてんてこまい(n) whirl of business/humming with activity/bustling activity/
舞いししまい(n) lion dance/
のうぶたい(n) noh stage/
しょちゅうみまいsummer greeting card/(P)/
ひとりぶたい (n) one's unrivaled field/
舞うふるまう (v5u) to behave/to conduct oneself/to entertain (vt)/
舞いはやじまい (n) early closing/
ほんぶたい(n) main stage/public place/
舞うしまう (v5u) (uk) to finish/to close/to do something completely/to put away/to put an end to/(P)/
舞いてじまい(n) clearing or evening of accounts/
舞いおしまい(n) the end/closing/being done for/(P)/
こぶ (n) inspiration/encouragement/(P)/
そうじまい(n) finishing up (a job)/selling out/buying up/
り舞まわりぶたい revolving stage/
る舞いおおばんふるまい (n) splendid banquet/great feast/
舞いしまいこむ(v5m) to put away/to stow away/to tuck away/to hoard/
舞いざんしょみまいlate-summer greeting card/
ふるまい (n) behavior/conduct/
かぶきじゅうはちばん (n) repertoire of 18 kabuki plays/
舞いみまいじょう(n) get-well card/sympathy letter/
りんぶ (n) round dance/dancing in a circle/
り舞ひとりぶたい having the stage to oneself/being peerless/monopolization/
しまい(n) end/termination/informal (Noh play)/(P)/
えんぶ(n) waltz/
みまい(n) enquiry/expression of sympathy/expression of concern/(P)/
しまいもの (n) goods left unsold/
かぶき(n) kabuki/Japanese classical drama/(P)/
かめんぶとうかいmasquerade ball/
おみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/
舞いふるまいざけ(n) treat of sake/