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Kanji: Radical: (ふね) : セン; ふね; ship, boat
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3873 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1341
Japanese Reading English
びょういんせん (n) a hospital ship/
そくりょうせん(n) survey ship/
きゅうゆせん(oil) tanker/
こぶね(n) boat/small craft/
ゆぶね (n) bathtub/
い船のりあいぶね(n) ferryboat/
便ゆうびんせん mail boat/
ぞうせん (n) shipbuilding/(P)/
れいとうせんrefrigerator ship/
げんしりょくせん (n) nuclear(-powered) ship (vessel)/
かきゃくせん (n) combined cargo and passenger ship/
わせん(n) Japanese-style ship/
みずぶね (n) water trough/cistern/boat transporting drinking water/
はいせん(n) scrapped vessel/
傭船ようせん(n) chartered ship/
船渠かんせんきょ (n) dry dock/
つりぶね (n) fishing boat/
かんしせんpatrol boat/
かにこうせん(n) crab-canning boat/
ていきせん(n) (ocean) liner/
きはんせん(n) motorized sailboat/
くろふね (n) black ships/
おやぶね (n) mother ship/
浚渫船しゅんせつせん(n) dredger/
ち船もちぶねone's own ship/
はいせん (n) assignment of vessels/
かいせん (n) lighter/(small) cargo vessel/
うんそうせんfreighter/cargo vessel/
れいぞうせんrefrigerator ship/
ぞうせんぎょうshipbuilding industry/
しらかわよふね (n) sound asleep/
うちゅうせん(n) space ship/
かいぞくせん(n) pirate ship/
ぞうせんしょ(n) shipyard/dock yard/shipbuilding yard/
ゆうらんせん(n) pleasure cruise/(P)/
そうせん(n) handling a ship/
てんません(n) large sculling boat/
さいひょうせん(n) ice breaker/
しゅいんせん(n) shogunate-licensed trading ship/
きょせん (n) ocean liner/
曳船ひきぶね(n) tugboat/towing/
ぜんせん (n) the whole line/all lines/the whole ship/
おおぶね(n) large boat/
きせん (n) steamship/(P)/
がいようせんocean-going ship/
しょうせんきmerchant flag/
こうかんせん (n) repatriation ship/
ほまえせん(n) sailboat/sailing boat/
ほんせんわたしF.O.B./free on board/
船渠かんどっく (n) dry dock/
きゅうじょせん lifeboat/rescue ship/
に繋る船おきにかかるふ ねship mooring off the coast/
し船わたしぶね (n) ferry/ferryboat/(P)/
かんせん (n) (ocean) vessels/warship/
がいりんせん(n) paddle steamer/
ちゃくせん (n) arrival of a ship/ship which has arrived/
ぎょせん(n) fishing boat/(P)/
れんらくせん(n) connecting ferryboat/
ゆうれいせんphantom ship/
じょうせんけん (n) boat ticket/passage ticket/
かんそくせんobservation ship/
曳船えいせん(n) tugboat/towing/
かいゆうせんexcursion boat/
ようせん(n) chartering or hiring a vessel/
じょうせん (n,vs) embarking/on board/
け船ほかけぶね(n) sailboat/
はんせん(n) sailing ship/sailing boat/sailing vessel/(P)/
やかたぶね (n) pleasure boat/houseboat/
のりあいせん(n) ferryboat/passenger boat/
ほげいせん(n) whaling ship/(P)/
ぞうせんじょ(n) shipyard/dock yard/shipbuilding yard/
ほんせん (n) mother ship/this ship/
でんどうせんmissionary boat/
じょうせん (n,vs) embarking/
のりあいぶね(n) ferryboat/passenger boat/
ごしゅいんせん (n) shogun-authorized trading vessel/
ごそうせんだん(n) (armed) convoy/
ゆそうせん(n) transport ship/troop ship/
ぐんせん (n) (wind or human-powered) warship/
ほぶね(n) sailing ship/sailing boat/sailing vessel/(P)/
しょうせんがっこうmerchant-marine school/
曳船ひきふね(n) tugboat/towing/
かにこうせん(n) crab-canning boat/
かもつせん(n) freighter/
にぶね(n) freighter/lighter/
いでぶね (n) weighing anchor/setting sail/outgoing ship/
傭船ようせんけいやく chartering ships/
きゃくせん (n) passenger boat/(P)/
とせんじょうferry landing/
け船たすけぶね(n) lifeboat/friend in need/help/
しらかわよふね (n) be fast asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one)/
とせん(n) a ferry/
り船いりぶね(n) incoming ship/ship's arrival/
かかくせん (n) combined cargo and passenger ship/
ぼせん(n) depot ship/
ゆそうせん(n) an oil tanker/
ともぶね consort ship/
ていせんじょう ferry landing/
たからぶね (n) (picture of a) treasure ship/
ごうかせん(n) luxury liner/
はせん (n) a shipwreck/
どうせん (n) the same ship/taking the same ship/
の船すうせきのふね several boats/(P)/
ていせん (n) stopping a ship/detention/quarantine/
なんばんせん (n) the early European ships/
ひこうせん(n) airship/blimp/
ゆそうせん(n) an oil tanker/
きしょうかんそくせんweather ship/
きゅうなんせん rescue ship/slavage boat/
じょうきせん(n) steamship/
り船つりぶね(n) fishing boat/
れんしゅうせん(n) school or training ship/
せんごくぶね(n) large junk/
しょうせんだいがく mercantile marine college/
船のどうせんのひとfellow voyager/
むじんうちゅうせんunmanned spacecraft/
かいそくせんfast ship/
けいせん(n,vs) mooring a ship/
まるきぶね(n) dugout canoe/
すいちゅうよくせん (n) a hydrofoil/
廻船かいせん(n) lighter/(small) cargo vessel/
じゅんしせん(n) patrol boat/
ひょうりゅうせんdrifting ship/
へいせん(n) warship/
しょうせんたい merchant fleet/
でふね (n) weighing anchor/setting sail/outgoing ship/
ふうせん(n) balloon/(P)/
便びんせん (n) available steamer/
り船いりふね (n) incoming ship/ship's arrival/
ゆうせん (n) mail boat/
よふね (n) night boat/
ごそうせんship's convoy/
しんぞうせん (n) new (newly-built) ship (boat)/
いくさぶね (n) (wind or human-powered) warship/
の船まんかんしょくのふねfull dress ship/
にゅうせん (n) ship's arrival/
ローロー船ローローふねroll-on-roll-off ship/
ひらそこぶねflat-bottomed boat/scow/
しょうせん (n) merchant ship/
ぶそうせんarmed ship/
なんせんほくば(n) constant travelling/being on the move/restless wandering/
はこぶね(n) ark/
きせんずみ shipment by steamer/
みつゆせん(n) smuggler/
しゅっこうせん outgoing vessel/
り船にたりぶねa barge/a lighter/
げせん (n,vs) going ashore/
なんせん (n) shipwreck/
ちんぼつせんsunken ship/
繋船 けいせん(n) mooring/