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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ; ; load
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3956 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2282
Japanese Reading English
はっかとう (n) peppermint/
茗荷みょうが(n) Japanese ginger (Zingiber mioga)/
はつに (n) first cargo of the year/
ふなに (n) cargo/freight/
しゅっか (n,vs) shipping/outgoing freight/forwarding/(P)/
ひでんか (n) specific charge/
ざいか (n) stock/goods on hand/
かいせんふか circuit load/
き荷うきに (n) flotsam/
はっか (n) (pepper)mint/
ふかぶんさん load balancing/load sharing/load distribution/
み荷つみに(n) (a) load/freight/
ふのでんかnegative charge/
荷鮨いなりずし (n) sushi in fried tofu (aburage)/
ていかくかじゅう rated capacity/net lifting load/
ふなにしょうけん bill of lading/
ちゃくに (n) arrival of goods/
こにもつ(n) parcel/package/
そくじつしゅっか same day shipping/
蒐荷しゅうか(n) collection of cargo/cargo booking/
でんかけつごうそし Charge-Coupled Device/CCD/
そうか (n) loading/
り荷いりに (n) arrival of goods/goods received/
からにlacking cargo/in ballast/
いなり (n) Inari (fox deity, originally of harvests)/flavoured boiled rice/(P)/
てにもつ (n) hand luggage/(P)/
ふか (n,vs) burden/load (e.g cpu time, electricity, etc.)/
ちゃっか(n) arrival of goods/
いっか (n) a load/
おもに (n) load/heavy burden/encumbrance/heavy freight/heavy responsibility/(P)/
しゅうか(n) collection of cargo/cargo booking/
でんか (n) charge/electric charge/
寿いなりずし (n) sushi in fried tofu (aburage)/
くらに (n) warehouse goods/(P)/
うわに (n) top cargo/top of the load/
そこに (n) ballast/
ぜんかじゅうfull load/
さいか(vs) loading/load/
じゅうか (n) load/heavy burden/encumbrance/heavy freight/heavy responsibility/
はっかせい (n) essence of (pepper)mint/
け荷ふりわけにもつ pair of bundles slung over a shoulder/
てにもつ hand baggage
き荷ぬきに (n) pilfered goods/
げ荷なげに jetsam/jettisoned cargo/
にゅうか (n,vs) arrival of goods/goods received/(P)/
こにもつあつかいparcel consignment/
ち荷うちに (n) jettisoned cargo/
ばら荷ばらに(n) bulk goods/
かりてにもついちじあずかりしょshort-term hand-luggage storage/(P)/