The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
野菊 | のぎく | (n) wild chrysanthemum/aster/ |
観菊 | かんぎく | (n) chrysanthemum viewing/ |
雛菊 | ひなぎく | (n) daisy/ |
団菊祭 | だんぎくさい | kabuki performance in commemoration of Danjuro and Kikugoro/ |
一菊 | いっきく | one scoop (of water)/ |
蝦夷菊 | えぞぎく | Chinese aster/ |
除虫菊 | じょちゅうぎく | (n) pyrethrum/ |
白菊 | しらぎく | (n) white chrysanthemum/(P)/ |
春菊 | しゅんぎく | (n) edible chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium)/ |
夏菊 | なつぎく | (n) early chrysanthemums/ |
十日の菊 | とおかのきく | (n) coming too late/ |
寒菊 | かんぎく | (n) hardy variety of chrysanthemum/ |
残菊 | ざんぎく | (n) late chrysanthemums/ |
黄菊 | きぎく | (n) yellow chrysanthemum/ |