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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : カ、ケ; はな; gorgeous
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3955 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2283
Japanese Reading English
はんかがい (n) business district/shopping district/bustling street/shopping centre/(P)/
の華ぶしどうのはな flower of chivalry (Bushido)/
蓮華れんげそう(n) Chinese milk vetch/
華のえいがのきわみapex of prosperity/
蓮華れんげ(n) (1) lotus flower/(2) china spoon/
あえんかなんこう (n) zinc oxide ointment/
華鍋ちゅうかなべ (n) a wok/
蓮華なむみょうほうれんげ きょう(n) Glory to the Sutra/Hail Lotus Sutra/
ちゅうかみんこくChinese Republic (Taiwan)/
沙華まんじゅしゃげ(n) red spider lily/cluster belladonna/cluster amaryllis/manjusaka/
ちゅうか(n) China/Middle Kingdom/(P)/
いおうか(n) flowers of sulfur/
耀えいようえいが(n) prosperity/luxury/
蓮華れんげざ(n) lotus seat (under Buddha's statue)/
華丼ちゅうかどん (n) bowl of rice with a chop-suey-like mixture on it/
しかしゅう (n) anthology (of poems)/florilegium/
ほっけしゅう (n) Hokke sect in Buddhism/
蓮華みょうほうれんげきょう (int,n) Lotus Sutra/
せいか (n) flower/essence/glory/
こっか (n) national pride/
しょうか (n) sublimation/
ばんかきょう(n) kaleidoscope/
華絢爛ごうかけんらん luxurious and gorgeous/
こうげ (n) flowers and incense/
ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこくPeople's Republic of China/Communist China/(P)/
さんげ(n,vs) falling as flowers do/dying a glorious death/
ごうかばん (n) deluxe edition/
はんか (adj-na,n) bustle/prosperity/
ごうかせん(n) luxury liner/
にっか (n) Japan and China/
なにわ Naniwa (former name for Osaka region)/
ちゅうかがい Chinatown/
えいが (n) glory/splendour/majesty/luxury/
まんげきょう (n) kaleidoscope/
ふか (adj-na,n) empty show/frivolity/levity/
うどんげ (n) plantain flower/
ごうか (adj-na,n) wonderful/gorgeous/splendor/pomp/extravagance/(P)/
ちゅうかりょうり Chinese cooking/Chinese dishes/(P)/
あえんか (n) zinc white/zinc oxide/flowers of zinc/
やしひやしちゅうか (n) chilled Chinese noodles/
けいか (n) capital/flower capital/
ほけきょう(n) the Lotus Sutra/