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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ヨウ; ; leaf
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4001 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2321
Japanese Reading English
まんようがな(n) early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese characters used phonetically/
きりひとは(n) falling paulownia leaf signaling the beginning of autumn/
まつよう(n-adv,n-t) end/close/
しい葉をただしいことばをつか う(v5) to use the correct word/
つ葉みつば (n) honeywort/wild chervil/
葉からことばからじっこうにうつる(v5) to change words into actions/
あいことば(n) password/watchword/
すえば (n-t) the last descendant/the last days of any age/
けいようTokyo and Chiba/
ふくようき(n) biplane/
はやくちことばtongue twister/
葉尻ことばじり (n) word ending/slip of the tongue/
たいせいよう opposite leaves/
ぜんとうよう(n) frontal lobe/
ちばけんprefecture next to Tokyo/
桧葉ひば(n) cypress leaf/
したば (n) lower leaves/
の葉このは (n) foliage/leaves of trees/
ふくよう (n) compound leaf/biplane/
葉をことばをにごす(exp) to not commit oneself/
うよう right lobe/
おうふくはがき postcard with a reply card attached/
とおりことば (n) common saying/slang/argot/
蓮っ葉はすっぱ(adj-na,n) vulgar/wanton/
へんしんようはがき(postal) reply card/international reply coupon/(P)/
やまとことば(n) the ancient or primordial Japanese language/
こうようじゅ (n) broadleaf tree/
おちば (n,vs) fallen leaves/leaf litter/defoliation/shedding leaves/
闊葉かつようじゅ(n) broad-leaved tree/
くにことば(n) national language/local dialect/
かれはざい(n) defoliant/
こうよう(n) yellow leaves/(P)/
ひば (n) dried leaves/dried daikon leaves/
うすよう(n) Japanese tissue/
っ葉なっぱふく(n) (light blue) overalls/
はいよう (n) pulmonary lobe/lobe of the lung/
葉にせないことばにあらわせ ないineffable/inexpressible/
らくようじゅ(n) deciduous tree/
いちよう (n) (1) a leaf/a page/(2) a copy (of a photo)/(3) a boat/
けいよう(n) stems and leaves/
ゆば (n) sheet of dried tofu/
も葉もい噂ねもはもないうわさgroundless rumor/
えだは (n) leaves and branches/side issues/foliage/(P)/
ふたば(n) bud/sprout/
こうよう (n) autumn colours/maple/(P)/
したまちことばworking-class accent or dialect/
ぜんよう (n) preceding page/
れ葉かれは (n) dead leaf/dry leaves/(P)/
ふたば (n) bud/sprout/
葉をことばをつぐ(exp) to continue (to say)/
も葉もないねもはもない (exp) unfounded rumor/completely untrue/
えはがき (n) picture postcard/(P)/
いみことば(n) taboo word/
わかば (n) new leaves/fresh verdure/
かんせいはがき (n) official (government) postcard/postal card/
ことばlanguage, speech
かいことば(n) tit for tat/
かたいことばstiff speech/
ち葉おちば(n,vs) fallen leaves/leaf litter/defoliation/shedding leaves/(P)/
へんしんりょうはがき return, postage-paid postcard/
はやしことば words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song/
ちゅうよう(n-adv,n-t) about the middle (of an era)/
たんよう (n) simple leaf/monoplane/
ことばづかい(n) speech/expression/wording/(P)/
の葉ことのは (n) literary word/
の葉のれるこのはのこすれるおと rustling of leaves/
り葉ねほりはほり (adv,exp) thoroughly/persistently/through-and-through/(P)/
さとことば(n) dialect/(historical) language used toward customers by women in the drinking-world establishment/
コンパイラーコンパイラーことばcompiler language/
はなしことば(n) spoken word/(P)/
くさば (n) blades of grass/
らくよう (n,vs) fallen leaves/leaf litter/defoliation/shedding leaves/
の葉このはずく (n) screech owl/
ばつよう (n-t) the last descendant/the last days of any age/
い葉桶かいばおけ(n) manger/crib/
たんしようしょくぶつ(n) a monocotyledon/
こうよう (n) posterity/future generations/descendant/
り葉ねほりはほりgreatly inquisitive/
葉にまることばにつまる(exp) to be at a loss for words/
ほり葉ほりねほりはほり (adv,exp) thoroughly/persistently/through-and-through/
便ゆうびんはがき postcard/
はやりことば buzzword/
ちるおちばfalling leaves/
ほめことば(n) words of praise/
しよう (n) leaves and branches/side issues/foliage/(P)/
たんようき (n) monoplane/
ひゃくようばこ(n) Stevenson screen (louvre-sided box housing for meteorological gauges)/
ことば(n) word(s)/language/speech/(P)/
ばせあそばせことば(n) polite language used by women/
つたもみじ(n) maple/scarlet-tinged ivy/
し葉おしば (n) pressed leaves/
葉の綾ことばのあや figure of speech/
まんようしゅう (n) Manyoushuu (famous 8thC poetry)/Japan's oldest anthology of poems/(P)/
つ葉のクローバーよつばのクローバー four-leaf clover/
かよう (n) lower leaves/
しよう (n) cotyledon/seed leaf/
もみじ maple, red leaves of autumn
ノ葉このは (n) foliage/leaves of trees/(P)/
すてことばsharp parting remark/
ちばけんChiba prefecture (located next to Tokyo)
たんしようmonocotyledon (botany)/
ねんがはがき New Year's postcard/
したいいふるしたことば hackneyed saying/
はやりことば popular expression/
かよう lotus leaf/
いみことば(n) taboo word/(P)/
の葉きのは (n) foliage/leaves of trees/
しせいはがき (n) unofficial postcard/
うらば (n) end leaves/top leaves/last leaves/
葉杖まつばづえ(n) crutch(es)/
ことばじち(n) a promise or pledge/
ことばがき(n) foreword to a collection of poems/preface/explanatory notes/captions/
まつば (n) pine needle/
ち葉くちばいろ(n) yellow-brown/
もみじ (n) autumn colours/maple/(P)/
ほめことば(n) eulogy/compliment/
宿した葉つゆをやどしたはleaf heavy with dew/
さかさことば(n) word said backwards/word of opposite meaning/
あいことば (n) password/watchword/
かんようしょくぶつ (n) decorative plant/
かんよう lobe of the liver/
しんようじゅ(n) conifer/needle-leaved tree/
しょよう beginning of an epoch/initial period/
ち葉くちば(n) decayed leaves/(P)/
はなことば(n) language of flowers/
らかいやわらかいわかばsoft young leaf/
葉マークわかばマーク sticker for new car drivers/
しようまっせつ unimportant details/unessentials/(lit) branches and leaves/
らくようしょう (n) larch/
アセンブリーアセンブリーことばassembly language/
ゆずりは (n) yuzuriha plant/
によう two flat things/
い葉かいば(n) fodder/
とげのあることばstinging (barbed) words/harsh language/
からまつ(n) larch/
くちことば (n) words in common use/
っ葉なっぱ (n) rape leaves/greens/
かきことば(n) the written word/the written language/(P)/
んだはりをふくんだことばstinging (scathing) words/
からないわけのわからないことばmeaningless words/words that make no sense/
かれは (n) dead leaf/dry leaves/(P)/
うりことば(n) inflammatory words/
さんようちゅう(n) trilobite/
葉尻を捉えることばじりをとらえる(exp) to cavil at a person's words/
あおば (n) fresh leaves/
うれば (n) end leaves/top leaves/last leaves/
葉をえることばをまじえる (exp) to exchange words/
の葉くさのは blade of grass/
てりはきょうげん type of theater which combines elements of Noh, kyogen, and kabuki with dances and popular songs/
くちば (n) decayed leaves/
そうしようしょくぶつ (n) dicotyledon/
もみじがり(n) autumn-leaf viewing/
ノ葉きのは (n) foliage/leaves of trees/
ふようど (n) humus/leaf mold/
そくとうよう(n) temporal lobe/
葉のことばのかべlanguage barrier/
あしたば(n) angelica/