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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ソウ; ほうむ(る); funeral
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4000 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2320
Japanese Reading English
かそうば (n) crematory/crematorium/
こうそう (n) school funeral/
かいしゃそうcompany funeral/
こうそう (n) public funeral/
ふくそうひん(n) burial accessories/(P)/
ほんそう (n) formal funeral/
ぐんそう military funeral/
かそう (n) cremation/(P)/
ろに葬るねんごろにほう むる(exp) to bury with due ceremony/
ぶっそう (n) Buddhist funeral/
みっそう (n) private funeral/
こくそう (n) national funeral/
しんそう (n) Shinto funeral/
かいそう (n) reburial/(P)/
かいそう (n) attendance at a funeral/
かいそうしゃattendants at a funeral/mourners/
ちょうそう (n) exposure of a corpse (to be eaten by birds)/
かそう(n) temporary burial/
ぐんたいそうmilitary funeral/
すいそう (n) burial at sea/
かんこんそうさい (n) important ceremonial occasions in family relationships/(P)/
まいそう(n) burial/(P)/
かりまいそう(n) temporary burial/
しそう (n) municipal funeral/
しゃそう (n) company funeral/
たいそう (n) imperial funeral/
どそう (n,vs) burial/interment/
まいそうち(n) burial place (ground)/cemetery/graveyard/
そうそう(n) (attending a) funeral/