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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ゾウ; くら; storehouse
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4042 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2364
Japanese Reading English
ちんぞう(n) treasuring something of value/
しゅうぞう (n) garnering/collection/
だいぞうきょう(n) the Tripitaka (complete Buddhist canon)/
あいぞうばん favourite printing (edition)/
きょうぞう (n) scripture house/
ちゅうしんぐらChushingura (Buddh.)/(P)/
まいぞうぶつ(n) buried property/buried treasure/treasure trove/deposits/
れいぞうほう refrigeration/
れいぞうせんrefrigerator ship/
ちょぞうひんsupplies/stock/stored goods/
えんぞう (n) preserving in salt/salting down/
退たいぞうひん hoarded goods/
おおくらしょうMinistry of Finance/(P)/
ちょぞうこ(n) storehouse/
しぞう (n) private collection/
でんきれいぞうこ(n) electric refrigerator/fridge/
退いんたいぞうぶっしsecretly hoarded goods/
ちょぞう (n) storage/preservation/(P)/
しぞう (n,vs) hoarding/storing away/
しょぞう (n) (in one's) possession/
まいぞう (n) buried property/treasure trove/(P)/
まいぞうりょう (n) deposits/reserves/
揃った蔵そろったぞうしょgood collection of books/
じぞう (n) Ksitigarbha (bodhisattva who looks over children, travellers and the underworld)/the Receptacle of Earth/
ちょぞうしょa storage place/
おおくら (n) Ministry of Finance/(P)/
ふくぞう (n) reserving one's thoughts/
れいぞうこ(n) refrigerator/(P)/
きゅうぞう (n) one's old possessions/
まいぞうきんburied gold/buried treasure/
れいぞうしゃrefrigerator car/
えんぞうしょくひん salted food/
退たいぞう (n) hoarding/
れいぞう (n) cold storage/refrigeration/(P)/
あなぐら(n) cellar/
さかぐら(n) wine cellar/
かんぞうごSino-Tibetan (languages)/
れいぞうしつ(n) cold room/
ほうぞう(n,vs) containing/keeping/comprehending/entertaining (an idea)/
かねぐら(n) treasure house/
ひぞう (adj-no,n,vs) treasure/prize/cherish/treasured/
かぞう(n) household possessions/
こくうぞうAkasagarbha (bodhisattva)/the Receptacle of Void/
どぞう(n) storehouse with thick (earthen) walls/godown/
こめぐら(n) rice granary/
ないぞう (n,vs) involvement/internal (e.g. disk)/
じぞうそん (n) Jizo (guardian deity of children)/(image of) Khitigarbha-bodhisattva/
あいぞう(adj-no,n,vs) treasured/cherished/
じぞうがお(n) gentle and round face/
きんぞう (n) treasure house/
蔵タンクちょぞうタンク storage tank/
ほうぞう (n) treasure house/treasury/
さんぞう (n) three branches of Buddhist sutras/
まめぞう(n) loqacious (male)/
むじんぞう(adj-na,n) inexhaustible supply/(P)/
りんぞう (n) rotating shelf for sutras/
おおくらだいじん Minister of Finance/