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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ヤク; くすり; drug
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4074 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2375
Japanese Reading English
し薬くだしぐすり(n) laxative/
釉薬 うわぐすり(n) glaze/enamel/
まやくはんざいdrug-related crime/
ばくやく (n) explosive/blasting powder/(P)/
のうやく(n) agricultural chemicals/
薬籠じかやくろうちゅうのものcomplete mastery of or over/at one's beck and call/
かやく(n) spices/seasoning/adding extra ingredients (med)/
こなぐすり(n) powder medicine/
え薬けはえぐすり(n) hair restorer/
しょうどくやく(n) disinfectant/
け薬つけぐすり (n) ointment/lotion/
こうせいしんやく psychotropic drug/
炸薬さくやく(n) explosives/
ぎやく (n) inactive placebo/placebo/
いちょうやく(n) digestive medicine/medicine for the stomach and bowels/
てんびやく nose drops/
まやくとりしまりほう(Japan's) Narcotics Control Law/
調ちょうやく (n,vs) dose/
さつしんきんやく fungicide/
めいやく (n) effective or well-known medicine/
煎じ薬せんじぐすり(n) (medical) decoction/infusion/
てんがんやく(n) eye drops/
そうやく(n) (charging with) gunpowder/
しじやく(n) indicator/
きばくやく (n) triggering explosive/
せやく (n) (dispensation of) free medicine/
ますいやく (n) anesthetic/narcotic/
すいみんやく (n) sleeping pill/sleep medication/
てんかやく (n) priming powders/
かやくこ(n) powder magazine/
綿めんかやく(n) guncotton/cotton powder/
ばいやく (n) patent medicine/
すいやく (n) potion/liquid medicine/
股膏薬うちまたごうやく (n) double-dealing/fence-sitting/moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict/duplicity/turncoat/
みょうやく (n) wonder drug/miracle cure/
かぜぐすり(n) remedy for a cold/(P)/
せんやく (n) panacea/elixir (of life)/
げんやく (bulk) drug substance/
かざぐすり (n) cold medicine/
めぐすり (n) eye drops/eyewash/(P)/
きぐすり (n) herbal or natural medicine/
く薬よくきくくすりvery efficacious medicine/
ドクダミ (n) chameleon plant (Houttuynia cordata)/
こくしょくかやくblack powder/gunpowder/
膏薬こうやく(n) plaster/ointment/
かぜぐすり (n) cold medicine/
まやくかんじゃdrug addict/
ひにんやく a contraceptive/
じやく (n) one's usual medicine/
そっこうやく(n) quick-acting remedy/
すいやく propellant/
いぐすり (n) stomach medicine/
とうやく (n) dosage/
かんぽうやく(n) herbal medicine/(P)/
み薬のみぐすり (n) internal medicine/
釉薬ゆうやく(n) glaze/enamel/
せいやくがいしゃ (n) pharmaceutical (drug) company/
しょうやく (n) crude drug/
かんぽうやくherbal medicine
ざやく (n) suppository/
かやくめし(n) boiled rice mixed with vegetables and meat or fish/
まやくじょうようしゃ drug user or addict/
さいみんやく(n) sleeping medicine/
けいこうひにんやく(n) oral contraceptives/
まやくじょうよう narcotic addiction/
がいようやく(n) external medicine/
り薬ねりぐすり (n) electuary/
れいやく(n) unusually effective medicine/miracle drug/
かやく(n) gunpowder/powder/(P)/
まやく (n) narcotic drugs/narcotic/opium/dope/(P)/
ひやく(n) nostrum/secret medicine/
てんやく (n) applying eye drops/
しんやく (n) a new medicine/
げきやく (n) powerful medicine/strong poison/(P)/
げやく(n) laxative/
まんのうやく cure-all/panacea/
ふくやく (n,vs) taking medicine/
はなぐすり (n) bribe/hush money/(P)/
てんやく (n) court physician/
まやくとりしまりはんa narc(otics) squad/
どくやく (n) poison/(P)/
よぼうやくprophylactic medicine/
痩せ薬やせぐすりdrug used for weight reduction/
うわぐすり (n) glaze/enamel/
てきやく (n) specific medicine or remedy/
せいやく (n) pharmacy/chemist (shop)/(P)/
がんやく (n) pill/
だんやくこ powder magazine/
じょうびやく(n) household medicine/
しょうやく (n) gunpowder/
嗽薬がんそうやく gargle medicine/mouthwash/
むえんかやく (n) smokeless (gun)powder/
まやくちゅうどくdrug addiction/
ひゃくやく (n) sundry remedies/
かざぐすり(n) remedy for a cold/
惚れ薬ほれぐすり(n) love potion/philter/
りょうやく (n) good medicine/
ろし薬おろしぐすり (n) an abortive/
とっこうやく(n) a specific medicine/
ちけんやく(n) investigational new drug/
綿きょうめんやく(n) guncotton/
いやく(n) medicine/
だんやく(n) ammunition/(P)/
し薬さしぐすり (n) eye drops/eye lotion/
ないようやく(n) medicine taken internally/
せいさんやくgastric antacid/
さんやく (n) powdered medicine/
り薬ぬりぐすり (n) liniment/ointment/salve/
煎薬せんやく(n) (medical) decoction/infusion/
こんごうかやく explosive mixture/
むしぐすり (n) children's medicine for nervousness/
じゅうやく (n) chameleon plant (Houttuynia cordata)/
しゅやく(n) principal agent (in a medicine)/
い薬にがいくすり bitter medicine/
いやくひん(n) medical supplies/(P)/
にほんやっきょくほう(n) Japanese pharmacopeia/
い薬あいぐすり (n) specific remedy/
インポ薬インポやく(abbr) anti-impotence medication/
芍薬しゃくやく(n) peony/
媚薬 びやく(n) aphrodisiac/
まやくじょうしゅうdrug addiction/
しやく (n) reagent/
みずぐすり (n) potion/liquid medicine/
痺れ薬しびれぐすり(n) anesthetic/
股膏薬うちまたこうやく (n) double-dealing/fence-sitting/moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict/duplicity/turncoat/
いやくぶんぎょう separation of medical and dispensary practice/
しこうせいばくやく shaped charge/
け薬きつけぐすり(n) restorative/
り薬ねむりぐすり (n) sleeping powder/sleeping drug/narcotic/anaesthetic/(P)/
ないふくやく (n) medicine taken internally/
ひっちやく necessity guaranteed to cure/