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Kanji: Radical: (ころも) : レツ; さ(く)、さ(ける); split
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4233 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2687
Japanese Reading English
リンピョウトウシャカイ ジンレツザイゼンnine cuts mudra/exorcism-purification spell/
き裂くひきさく(v5k) to tear up/to tear off/to split/(P)/
裂れふちぎれ border strip/
り裂けるはりさける (v1) to burst (open)/to break/to split/
裂れこだいぎれ (n) ancient cloth fragment/
ばくれつ (n,vs) exploding/
鉤裂きかぎざき(n) (a) rip/(a) tear/
ばくれつだん(n) bomb/bombshell/
炸裂さくれつ(n,vs) explosion/
り裂くきりさく (v5k) to cut off/to cut up/to tear to pieces/
裂くきりこまざく (v5k) to cut up small/
かくぶんれつせいせいぶ つ(n) fission product/
を裂くふうふのなかをさく(exp) to bring about marital separation/
しぶんごれつ (n) torn asunder/disruption/
はれつおん(n) plosive sound (ling)/
しぶごれつ (n) torn asunder/disruption/
はれつ (n,vs) explosion/rupture/break off/(P)/
かくぶんれつ (n) nuclear fission/
ぶんれつぶっしつ fissionable materials/
さいぼうぶんれつ cell division/
けつれつ (n) breakdown/rupture/(P)/
せいしんぶんれつしょう(n) schizophrenia/
かんれつ (n) cracks in drying lumber/
しりめつれつ (adj-na,n) incoherent/inconsistent/illogical/
めつれつ(adj-na,n) in chaos/incoherent/
裂くひきさく (v5k) to tear up/to tear off/to split/(P)/
ぶんれつせい fissionable/
ぶんれつ (n,vs) split/division/break up/(P)/
つ裂きやつざき(n) tearing limb from limb/tearing apart/cutting (a person) to pieces/
亀裂きれつ(n) crack/crevice/fissure/chap/