手裏剣 | しゅりけん
| (n) dart/throwing star/ |
麻裏草履 | あさうらぞうり
| hemp-soled sandals/ |
庫裏 | くり
| (n) monastery kitchen/priests'
quarters/ |
頁の裏 | ぺえじのうら | overleaf/ |
足の裏 | あしのうら | sole of foot/ |
| とり | (n) in the
heart/ |
舞台裏 | ぶたいうら
| (n) offstage/ |
囲炉裏 | いろり | (n) hearth/fireplace/ |
内裏 | だいり
| (n) imperial palace/ |
胸裏 | きょうり
| (n) one's heart/one's mind (feelings,
bosom)/ |
共裏 | ともうら | (n) lining a kimono with the same material as the kimono
itself/ |
屋根裏部屋 | やねうらべや
| attic/garret/loft/ |
成功裏に | せいこうりに | in success/ |
抜け裏 | ぬけうら | (n) byway/bypass/ |
暗暗裏 | あんあんり | (n) gloomy/tacitly/secretly/ |
麻裏 | あさうら
| (n) hemp-soled sandals/ |
禁裏 | きんり
| (n) Imperial Palace or residence/ |
交際場裏 | こうさいじょうり
| society/ |
禁裏様 | きんりさま | (n) the emperor/ |
総裏 | そううら
| (n) (full) lining/ |
内裏雛 | だいりびな
| (n) festival dolls representing the emperor and
the empress/ |
表裏一体 | ひょうりいったい | (n) the two views (of an object) referring to the same
thing/being inseparable like the two sides of an object/Moebius
strip/ |
屋根裏 | やねうら
| (n) attic/ |
天井裏 | てんじょううら | (n) above the ceiling/ |
口裏 | くちうら
| (n) determining a speaker's true or hidden
meaning/ |
表裏 | ひょうり | (n) two sides/inside and outside/(P)/ |
脳裏 | のうり
| (n) one's mind/ |
衿裏 | えりうら | (n) lining of the collar/ |
内裏様 | だいりさま | (n) the Emperor/emperor and empress dolls/ |