急襲 | きゅうしゅう | (n,vs) raid/assault/descent/ |
来襲 | らいしゅう
| (n) raid/attack/invasion/(P)/ |
蹈襲 | とうしゅう | (n,vs) following (e.g. suit)/ |
猛襲 | もうしゅう
| (n,vs) fierce attack/furious attack/ |
敵襲 | てきしゅう | (n) enemy attack or raid/ |
城を襲う | しろをおそう
| (exp) to raid a fort/ |
因襲 | いんしゅう
| (n) convention/tradition/long-established
custom/(P)/ |
夜襲 | やしゅう | (n) night attack/nocturnal assault/(P)/ |
大統領の後を襲う | だいとうりょうのあとをおそう
| (exp) to succeed to the
presidency/ |
逆襲 | ぎゃくしゅう | (n,vs) counterattack/ |
世襲 | せしゅう
| (n) heredity/heritage/(P)/ |
踏襲 | とうしゅう
| (n,vs) following/ |
空襲警報 | くうしゅうけいほう
| air raid alarm/ |
空襲 | くうしゅう
| (n) air raid/(P)/ |
強襲 | きょうしゅう
| (n) assault/violent attack/ |
奇襲 | きしゅう
| (n,vs) surprise attack/ |