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Kanji: Radical: (みる) : ケン、ゲン; み(る)、み(える)、み(せる); look, see, show
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4284 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2544
Japanese Reading English
せんけんしゃ seer/
綿わたつみ (n) sea/
たけん (n) viewing by others/showing others/
ひよりみ (n,vs) straddle/
せんけん (n) foresight/anticipation/(P)/
りょうけん (n) (1) idea/thought/intention/design/inclination/decision/(2) motive/(3) discretion/(4) forgiveness/toleration/
こうけんにん(n) guardian/
いけん(n) opinion/view/(P)/
もくろみ(n,vs) a plan/a scheme/a project/a program/intention/goal/
いけん(n) different opinion/objection/
見蕎つきみそばsoba with egg/
せっけん(n) interview/
どくみやく taster for poison/
じろじろ見るじろじろみる(v1) to stare at/to look hard at/to look up and down/to scrutinize/
ひよりみしゅぎ opportunism/
で見るいろめがねでみる (v1) to look at things from a biased viewpoint/
きしゃかいけんpress conference/
とおみ (n) looking into distance/watchtower/distant view/
はやみ(n) chart/table/
よみせ(n) night shop/night fair/
かじみまい a post-fire visit to express sympathy/
あいみつもり competitive bids or bidding/
いんけん (n,vs) audience/interview/
たっけん (n) clearsightedness/penetration/farsightedness/excellent idea/
せいけん (n) political views/
そうけん (n) observing a performance in a large group/
見をいけんをいう (exp) to state one's opinion/
しょけん (n) seeing for the first time/first sight/
ものみ(n) sightseeing/a scout/keeping watch/
おめみえ (n) an appearance/an audience/
見をいけんをもつ(exp) to hold an opinion/
を見ないひをみない be unique (unrivaled)/
みずてんげいしゃloose geisha/
はんたいいけん(n) dissenting opinion/
せいけんほうそう broadcast of political views/
せんけん(n) shallow view/superficial idea/(P)/
み見るぬすみみる (v1) to steal a glance/
じんちゅうみまい visiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort/
こみだし (n) subheading/subtitle/
しっけん (n) views/opinion/discernment/pride/self-respect/insight/
かに見えるかすかにみえ る(v1) to be seen dimly/
いけんこうこく (n) protest advertising (on an issue by a pressure group)/
に迄見されるおやにまでみはな される(exp) to be the despair of one's parents/
せんにゅうけん (n) preconception/prejudice/preoccupation/
ていけん(n) fixed opinion/
ものみだかい(adj) burning curiosity/
しきけん (n) views/opinion/discernment/pride/self-respect/insight/
たすういけん (n) majority opinion/
しに見るかきねごしにみ る(exp) to look over the fence/
に見るしさいにみる(v1) to look closely/
うそはっけんき (n) lie detector/
脇見わきみ(n,vs) looking from the side/looking aside/(P)/
んで見せるりきんでみせるto show a bold front/
したみ (n) preview/preliminary inspection/siding (on a house)/(P)/
えっけん(n) audience (with someone)/(P)/
はなみ (n,vs) cherry-blossom viewing/flower viewing/(P)/
しのいけん his opinion/
おおみえ(n) dramatic pose/grand gesture/grandstanding/
ゆきみしょうじshoji with glass window behind a sliding bottom half/
したみいた (n) siding (on a house)/
いけん opinion
の見ひのみ (n) fire tower/
お見おみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/(P)/
ぞっけん(n) popular view/laymen's opinion/
よそみ(n,vs) looking away/looking aside/
お見おみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/
こくさいみほんいちinternational trade fair/
あじみ (n) sampling/tasting/
たっけん (n) farsightedness/insight/
ちょっとみ(n) a look or glance/
じゃけん (n) evil point of view/
見するにりるいっけんするにたりる(exp) to be worth seeing/
わすれがたみ(n) memento/souvenir/keepsake/posthumous child/
ろけん(n) discovery/detection/exposure/(P)/
こうけん (n) guardianship/guardian/
いけんこうかん exchange of ideas/exchange of opinions/
にんそうみ (n) physiognomist/
はいけん (n,vs) (hum) (pol) seeing/look at/(P)/
かいけんしゃ interviewer/
へんけん (n) prejudice/narrow view/(P)/
鹿を見るばかをみる(exp,v1) to feel like an idiot/to make a fool of yourself/
かざみ(n) weather vane/
え見ひかえみほんduplicate sample/
を見ないしじょうにれい をみないbe unparalleled in history/
まじまじと見るまじまじとみる (v1) to take a long hard look at something/
お見えになるおみえになる(v5) (hon) to arrive/
いちげん(n) unfamiliar/never before met/
しょちゅうみまい summer greeting card/(P)/
の見ひそうのけんshallow view/
見のはなみのうたげ cherry-blossom viewing party/
どういけん the same opinion/
つきみそう(n) evening primrose/
見櫓ものみやぐら (n) watchtower/
かいけんきrecord of an interview/
から見るとがいじんのめ からみるとfrom a foreigners point of view/
隙を見けるすきをみつける(exp) to seize an opportunity/
瞥見べっけん(n) a glance or glimpse/
おかみ looking on by an outsider/
えんけん (n) looking into distance/watchtower/distant view/
見せかおみせ(n) making an appearance/debuting/
きょうどうきしゃかい けんjoint press conference/
おみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/
見がめんどうみがよい be very helpful/take good care of/
とういつけんかい (n) collective view (opinion)/
を見るえきをみる (exp) to divine/
にだんみだし two-line heading/
さいけん (n) (visual) scrutiny/close inspection/
うめみ(n) plum-blossom viewing/(P)/
僻見へきけん(n) prejudice/
たんけん(n) narrow view/
しけん (n) personal opinion/
ないけん (n) preliminary inspection/preview/
たって見るべつのじ しょにあたってみる(exp) to try another dictionary/
つきみ(n) viewing the moon/(P)/
たかみ (your) opinion/excellent idea/
見をいけんをはく(exp) to give one's opinion/
く見えるわかくみえる to look (seem) young/
鄙見ひけん(n) my humble opinion/
そうけん (n) originality/creation/invention/
を見るかずこをみることおや にしかず(exp) The parent is the best judge of the child/
ひっけん(n) worth seeing/a must-see/
見えめみえ (n) interview/stage debut/
を見るそうをみる (exp) to read (a person's) physiognomy/
しょけん(n) view/opinion/
いんけん (n) appearance and disappearance/
しょちゅうみまい summer greeting card/(P)/
ふりょうけん(adj-na,n) indiscretion/
ゆきみ (n) snow viewing/
かおみしり(n) acquaintance/
ないようみほん sample pages/
どくみ (n,vs) poison tasting/foretaste/
見るかいまみる(v1) to take a peep at/to catch a glimpse of/(P)/
はやみひょう (n) simplified chart/
はなみ cherry blossom viewing
ゆめみ (n) having a dream/
こじんてきいけんpersonal opinion/
此れ見よがしにこれみよがしに for show/ostentatiously/
そうきはっけん (n) early detection (of cancer)/
覗き見のぞきみ(n) peeping tom/
ちょうけん (n) audience with the Emperor/imperial audience/
そとみ(n) outward appearance/
よけん (n,vs) foresight/foreknowledge/divination/
ふたみ(adj-no) forked (road, river)/
ゆきみざけ(n) sake drunk while viewing a snowy scene/
だと見えるびょうきだとみえるto seem to be sick/
てそうみ(n) palm reader/
いっけん (adv,n,vs) a look/a glimpse/first meeting/glance/(P)/
むていけん (adj-na,n) lacking fixed principles or opinions/
見のひっけんのもの a must/something that deserves attention/
こうけん(n) watching with detachment/
見のよみのくにhades/realm of the dead/the next world/
ぐけん (n) one's humble opinion/
く見せるふるくみせる to impart an ancient appearance/
みけん (adj-no,n) unacquainted/unknown/
たって見るひとのいこうをあたってみる (exp) to sound out a person's thoughts/
おはなみ(vs) cherry-blossom viewing/flower viewing/
ざんしょみまい late-summer greeting card/
く見るあまくみる (exp,v1) to not take seriously/to take lightly/
べて見るとならべてみるとin comparison/
みじめ (adj-na) (arch) sad/pitiful/wretched/
かたみ(n) memento/souvenir/(P)/
その見およそのけんとうrough estimation/
姿すがたみ (n) dresser/full-length mirror/(P)/
に見られないめったにみられないずseldom seen sight/
ふけんしき(adj-na,n) thoughtless/indiscreet/lacking in common sense/rashness/betraying one's lack of judgment/absurd/undignified/compromising/disgraceful/
さんけん (n,vs) being seen here and there/
はっけん (n,vs) discovery/(P)/
ひとみしり(n) shyness/(P)/
よ そ見よそみ(n,vs) looking away/looking aside/(P)/
しょうすういけん(n) minority opinion/
ひけん (n) my humble opinion/
じっと見るじっとみる(v1) to watch steadily/
淺見せんけん(n) shallow view/superficial idea/
ゆきみどうろうthree-legged stone lantern/
たんどくかいけん exclusive interview/
はなみどき(n) (cherry) blossom season/
き見すきみ (n) peeping/
見えになるおみえになる (v5) (hon) to arrive/
を見ることかずこをみることおやに しかず(exp) The parent is the best judge of the child/
りょうけんちがい wrong idea/delusion/indiscretion/false step/
を見るじむをみる (exp) to attend to business/
じっけん (n) seeing with one's own eyes/witnessing/
しょけん(n) reading/
見えまるみえ(n) completely visible/
きょうどうかいけん news conference/
なかみせどおり shopping street in the precincts of a shrine (temple)/
ぼうけん(n,vs) watching from afar/
ひけん (n,vs) read/peruse/(P)/
でも見えるよるでもみえるめeyes capable of seeing in the dark/
かいけん (n) interview/audience/(P)/
こう見ずむこうみず (adj-na,n) recklessness/
ものみゆさん going on a pleasure jaunt/
どうけん (n) insight/discernment/
いちけんしき(n) an opinion/
り見よりどりみとり having one's choice/
を見なうえいがをみそこなう (exp) to fail to see a film/
かたみわけ(n) distribution of mementos/
を見るゆめをみる (v1) to dream/
ち見たちみ (n) stand watching a performance/
を見ないひのめをみないstaying indoors/have no sunshine/remain obscure/
見をごいけんをうかがう(exp) to ask the opinion of (a superior)/
がいけん (n) outward appearance/(P)/
れつみだしcolumn heading/
を見るうきめをみる(exp) to have a hard time of it/to have a bitter experience/
いけんしょ (n) opinion in writing/written opinion/argument/
ち見たちみきゃく person standing/the gallery/
ち見たちみせきstanding room/
ざまを 見ろざまをみろ(exp,int) serves you right!/see what happens!/
ぎ見るあおぎみる(v1) to look up/
見るゆめみる (v1) to dream (of)/
の見櫓ひのみやぐら (n) fire lookout/watchtower/
グループ見グループみだしgroup heading/
り見るかたよりみる(v1) to show partiality/
に見るおおめにみる(v1) to tolerate/to condone/to overlook/to let pass/
見するあじみするtaste, sample
を見るしょるいをみる (exp) to examine papers/
を見るちをみるあらそいstruggle with bloodshed/
ちけん (n) diagnosis/opinion/knowledge/
おみまい(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/
はっけんりょうfinder's fee/
かざみどり (n) weather vane/opportunist/
謬見びゅうけん(n) fallacy/
を見るになりきをみるにびんなり be quick at seizing an opportunity/