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Kanji: Radical: (みる) : ; ; rule
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4285 Index in Halpern dictionary: 978
Japanese Reading English
むきりつ (adj-na,n) lawless/unregulated/
じょうぎざ(n) the Rule (star)/
ふせいき(n) irregularity/
にっぽんきかくきょうか いJapan Standards Association/JSA/
かきぜ規かきまぜきそく scrambling/
えんき (n) pair of compasses/
しんきほかん (file) save as/
せいきか (vs) normalise/
くこうぞうきそくphrase structure rule/
ないき (n) private regulations/bylaws/tradition/
にほんのうりんきかく(n) Japan Agricultural Standards (JAS)/
さんはんきかん (n) semicircular canals/
ほととぎす (n) cuckoo/
げんこうほうき (n) existing laws/regulations now (at present) in force/
くもがたじょうぎFrench curve/
こうつうきそくtraffic rules/
じしゅきせいvoluntary restraints/
こくさいきかく international standard/
彙規ごいきそくlexical rules/
こうぎょうきかくindustrial standard/engineering standard/
しゅじそせいきやく head feature convention/HFC/
かいいんきやく membership agreement (e.g. for a credit card)/
しんき(adj-na,n) novelty/originality/(P)/
しじょうきぼ market scale/
ちょうだいきぼしゅうせ きかいろ(n) VLSI/very large-scale integration/
だいきぼしゅうせきかい ろ(n) LSI/large-scale integration/
じょうぎ (n) (measuring) ruler/(P)/
せいきぐん(n) regular army/
しゃくしじょうぎ (adj-na,n) a hard-and-fast rule/stick fast to rules/a stickler (for rules)/hidebound system/inflexible/
こうき (n) school regulations/
ゆしゅつきせい export controls/
はんだんきじゅん evaluation standard/
しんきとうし new investment/
ていじがたじょうぎT square/
しんきじぎょうnew business/
ふきそく (adj-na,n) irregularity/unsteadiness/disorderly/(P)/
りょうきゃくき(n) compass (for drawing circles)/
しこうきそく (n) enforcement regulations/
こくないきかくか(vs) international standardization/
しゅうぎょうきそく work regulations/
ちゅうきぼ(adj-na,n) mid-range/mid-scale/mid-size/
せいききょくせん probability curve/
ふきそくどうし(n) irregular verb/
ふきりつ(adj-na,n) irregular/undisciplined/disorganized/slipshod/
だいきぼせんそうall-out war/full-scale war/
ほうき (n) the law/(P)/
しゅうき (n) religious regulations/
きゅうき (n) old regulations/
かいき (n) society by-laws/
ぶんぽうきそく grammar rules/
せいきへいregulars/regular soldiers/
とうき (n) party rules or regulations/
ビジネスしょうきぼビジネスsmall business/
にほんこうぎょうきかく (n) Japan Industrial Standards (JIS)/
ちきゅうきぼglobal scale/
さんかくじょうぎtriangles (used in mechanical drawing)/set square/
かかくきせいprice control/price regulation/
じょうき (n) stipulation/
しんきかぶしきこうかい initial public offering (IPO)/
ふせいきせん unconventional warfare/
ていじょうぎ(n) T square/
れいき(n) established rule/
せいきぶんぷ normal distribution/
かんけいほうき (n) related laws and regulations/
へんけいきそく transformational rule/
かいせんせいぎょきそく line discipline/
ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ ULSI/ultra large-scale integration/
ていじじょうぎ(n) T square/
せいきひょうげん(computer) regular expression/
ぐんき (n) military regulations/
せいき (adj-na,adj-no,n) regular/legal/formal/established/legitimate/(P)/
い規ゆるいきそく lenient regulations/
ふせいきぐん irregular forces/guerrillas/
ちょうちょうだいきぼ しゅうせきかいろULSI/ultra large-scale integration/
だいきぼ (adj-na,n) large-scale/
しょうきぼ(adj-na,n) small scale/
こくさいきぼ international scale/
じこきせい self regulation/
かいようとうききせい じょうやくConvention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters/