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Kanji: Radical: (みる) : シン; おや、した(しい)、した(しむ); parent
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4293 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1799
Japanese Reading English
き親なきおやdeceased parent/
かりおや (n) adopted parents/temporarily assumed parents/
であるはなはだふしんせつであるto be extremely unkind/
みの親うみのおや (exp,n) one's true parents/founder/creator/
イ親にちイしんぜん friendly relations between Japan and Israel/
おんなおや(n) female parent/
にくしん (n) blood relationship/blood relative/(P)/
れ親しむなれしたしむ(v5m) to become familiar with/to get used to/
きんしんしゃ near relative/
ふたおや (n) parents/both parents/
いっしんとう(n) first degree of kinship/
かたおや (n) a or one parent/
おとこおや (n) father/male parent/
さんとうしん(n) third degree of kinship/
親にわってちちおやにかわってい う(exp) to speak for one's father/
りょうしん (n) parents/both parents/(P)/
ぼうしん deceased parent/
ろくしん (n) the six blood relations/
とうしん (n) degree of kinship/
ふたおや (n) parents/both parents/
さんしんとう(n) kinsman of the third degree (of consanguinity)/
きんしん(n) near relative/
にっこうしんぜん goodwill between Japan and Hungary/
きんしんそうかん incest/
じしんかみなりかじおやじ(n) earthquakes, thunder, fires, fathers (this proverb compares the traditional Japanese father with other things which are generally feared)/
ないしんのう (n) imperial or royal princess/
ふしんせつ(adj-na,n) unkindness/unfriendliness/(P)/
い親やしないおや (n) godparents/foster parents/
親にかずこをみることおやにしかず(exp) The parent is the best judge of the child/
ははおや(n) mother/(P)/
け親なづけおや(n) godparent/
て親そだておやfoster parent/
親をりょうしんをうしなう (exp) to be bereft of one's parents/
きんしんけっこんconsanguineous marriage/
ごりょうしん(n) your (honorable) parents/
こんしん (n) friendship/intimacy/
えせおや(n) distant disinterested parent/
こくさいしんぜん (n) international goodwill/
きんしんこん(n) consanguineous marriage/
ること親にかずこをみることおやにしかず(exp) The parent is the best judge of the child/
の親かりのおやfoster parent/expedient parent/
親のを笠にちちおやのいこうをかさにきる(exp) to shelter oneself under his fathers influence/
かみなりおやじ (n) snarling old man/irascible old man/
にとうしん (n) second-degree relative/
ちちおや (n) father/(P)/
こんしんかい(n) friendly reunion/get-together/(P)/
わしん (n) friendship/
さとおや (n) foster parent(s)/
狸親たぬきおやじ(n) sly (cunning) old man/
にしんとう(n) relation in the second degree/
ての親そだてのおや (n) foster parents/(P)/
いっとうしん(n) first-degree relative/member of one's immediate family/