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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : ゲン、ゴン; い(う)、こと; speech, word
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4309 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1941
Japanese Reading English
ゆいごんしょ (n) testament/
ふげん (n) silence/
にごん (n) double dealing/double tongue/
めいげん (n) wise saying/
へんげん (n) brief remark/few words/
の言にわされるたのげんにまどわされる(exp) to be led astray by others opinion/
曰く言いいわくいいがたし(exp) It is hard to explain/It is hard to say/
だいげんにん (n) attorney/
ぎげん (n) falsehood/
けんげん (n,vs) right to speak/offering one's opinion to one's superior/proposal/
りげん (n) dialect/
よげん (n) prediction/promise/prognostication/(P)/
ひょうげん (n) a comment/critical remarks/
しい言ただしいことばをつか う(v5) to use the correct word/
ぼうげん (n) reckless remark/rash remark/abusive language/thoughtless words/
言も言わずひとこともいわずwithout saying a word/
あいことば(n) password/watchword/
だいなごん(n) chief councillor of state/
ひとこと (n) single word/(P)/
いっかごと(n) private opinion/personal view/personal opinion/
じょげん(n) foreward/preface/introduction/
むごん (n) silence/(P)/
せつげん (n) urging/persuasion/declaration/
よげん (n) prophecy/
こごと (n) scolding/fault-finding/(P)/
くりごと (n) tedious talk/repetition/complaint/
じょごんしゃ adviser/counsellor/
べつげん (n) other words/
はやくちことば tongue twister/
怨言うらみごと(n) grudge/complaint/
きょうつうげんご lingua franca/
あくげん (n) uncomplimentary remarks/slander/
オブジェクトオブジェクトしこうげんごObject-oriented language/
ふげん (n) additional remarks/postscript/
かんげん (n) cajolery/(P)/
ちゃばんきょうげん farce/burlesque/low comedy/
がものを言うかねがもの をいう(exp) money talks/
かくげん (n,vs) assertion/confirmation/
りゅうげん (n) groundless rumor/
と言うというsaid/called thus/
ちゅうげん (n) (good) advice/
いちげんこじ (n) a person who always has to have his say/a ready critic/
と言うというわけだthis is why/this means/
みてを言うかえりみてたをいう(exp) to give an evasive answer/
むごんげき(n) pantomime/
きりきょうげん (n) last act/
しんごん (n) mantra/quintessential word/Mantrayana/Shingon, Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism, originating in the eight century/
き言なきごと(n) complaint/
を言ういけんをいう (exp) to state one's opinion/
ゆいごんほそくしょ codicil/
ふたこと (n) two words/repetition/
おうべいしょげんごthe languages of Europe and America/
いっかげん(n) private opinion/personal view/personal opinion/
こくせきげんごnational language/
きょげん (n) falsehood/
きょうさんとうせんげんThe Communist Manifesto/
あっと言うあっというまに(exp) just like that (lit: in the time it takes to say "Ah!")/in the twinkling of an eye/in the blink of an eye/
へんげんせきご (not even) a few words/
わりかわりきょうげん(n) upcoming program/
かげん (n) flowery words/
ずばずば言うずばずばいう(v5) to speak one's mind/to speak very frankly/
じょげん(n) advice/suggestion/(P)/
いちごんいっく each word/word by word/
せいげん (n,vs) attestation/attest/vow or oath (made to the gods)/
がげん(n) elegant words/refined diction/
り言とおりことば(n) common saying/slang/argot/
しょうげん (n) detailed explanation/
と言うのはというのは(exp) (uk) this means/that is to say/because/
しい言いくるしいいいわけ lame (poor) excuse/
ひとことふたことa word or two/(P)/
くうげん (n) falsehood/lie/
に言うとうせいりゅうに いう(v5) to put (it) in contemporary terms/
くげん(n) candid (frank) advice/exhortation/
きょうどうせんげん joint declaration/
迂言うげん(n) roundabout explanation/
きょうげんじさつ faked suicide/
の言うかれのいうところwhat he says/
やまとことば(n) the ancient or primordial Japanese language/
よげんしゃ (n) prophet/predictor/prognosticator/
はつげん(n) utterance/speech/proposal/(P)/
しゅうげん (n) wedding celebration/
じょごん (n) advice/suggestion/
まんげん (n) rambling talk/
こうぞうげんごがくstructural linguistics/
くにことば(n) national language/local dialect/
と言えばみぎといえばひだりwidely spoken/(P)/
せんげんばんご (n) many words/
まんげん (n) many words/
たりあたりきょうげん(n) a hit play/
から と言ってからといってwhile it may be true that/just because/nevertheless/not necessarily/
罵言ばげん(n) abuse/
いちごん(n) single word/(P)/
いて言えばしいていえば if I'm forced to say something/if anything/
せんげんしょ (written) declaration/
僻言へきげんunreasonable talk/
めいげん (n) declaration/statement/
おんせいげんご a spoken language/
そらごと (n) falsehood/lie/
わって言うちちおやにか わっていう(exp) to speak for one's father/
綸言りんげん(n) imperial words/
ぞくげん(n) colloquial language/
たげん (n,vs) talkativeness/verbosity/garrulity/
つてごと(n) verbal message/rumor/word/
しんげん (n) proposal/counsel/advice (to a superior)/
み言うらみごと(n) grudge/
はつげんりょく (n) forcefulness of speech/influential voice/
言するひじょうじたいをせんげんする (vs) to declare a state of emergency/
ぎげん(n) nonsense/silly things/joke/
と言うなんという (adj-pn,adv,exp) how (beautiful, etc)/
かごん(n) exaggeration/saying too much/
こうげん (n) boasting/bragging/talking big/
したまちことば working-class accent or dialect/
じゅうごん (n) succession of words of similar meaning/
のうきょうげん (n) noh farce/noh interlude/
言すればべつげんすれば in other words/
りゃくげん (n) brief statement/summary/
して言えばしていえばif I must say (choose)/
だんげん (n,vs) declaration/affirmation/
きんはんげん (n) estoppel (patents)/
りゅうげんひご (n) false rumors or report/
ほうげん (n) dialect/(P)/
にんげんかんきょうせ んげんU.N. declaration on the human environment issued in Stockholm in 1972/
いみことば (n) taboo word/
とやかく言うとやかくいう(v5) to say all kinds of things/to complain/
プログラム言プログラムげんご(n) programming language/
佗言わびごとsad words/anxious words/
たげん (n) telling others/revealing to others/letting out a secret/
ひゃくまんげん (n) saying something many times/
に言うととうせいふうに いうとas we would say nowadays/
たこくせきげんご multilingual/in many languages/
い言かいことば(n) tit for tat/
せかいじんけんせんげ んUniversal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)/
言すればかんげんすれば(conj,exp) in other words/
たげんごの multilingual
そうかと言ってそうかといって (conj) but still/
はつげんけん(n) right to speak/
と言うよりかれはがくしゃというよりむしろしじんだ (exp) He is not so much a scholar as a poet/
い言かたいことば stiff speech/
言はばすかんげんはぐうじんをよろこばす sweet words only please a fool (prov)/flattery works on puppets and fools/
ざれごと(n) nonsense/silly things/joke/
ようげん (n) declinable word/
はやしことば words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song/
ふげん(n) groundless rumor/
言いものいい (n) manner of speaking/objection/way of speaking/rumor/quarrel/protest/
けんげん(n,vs) right to speak/offering one's opinion to one's superior/proposal/
せんげん(n,vs) declaration/proclamation/announcement/(P)/
こうげん (n) flattery/
かげん (n) reticence/taciturnity/
詫び言わびごと(n) apology/
に言えばたんじゅんにい えばsimply put/putting it simply/
ひかくげんごがくcomparative linguistics/(P)/
げさに言うおおげさにい う(v5) to exaggerate/
さとことば(n) dialect/(historical) language used toward customers by women in the drinking-world establishment/
あっと言わせるあっといわせる (v1) to startle/
コンパイラー言コンパイラーことばcompiler language/
つうげん (n) cutting remark/biting (scathing, bitter) criticism/harsh words/
よまいごと (n) grumbling/muttering/nonsense/
し言はなしことば(n) spoken word/(P)/
ひげん slang expression/
り言ひとりごと (n) a soliloquy/a monologue/speaking to oneself/(P)/
すうりげんごがく mathematical linguistics/
でんごんばん(n) message board/
しつげん (n,vs) using improper words/verbal slip/
ふたことめ (n) the constant burden of some people's talk/
譫言うわごと(n) talking in delirium/incoherent muttering/
じょうげんchatter/useless words/(P)/
しげん (n) wise saying/
ふげんじっこう action before words/work before talk/
ようげん(n,vs) opening declaration/profession/declaration in public/proclamation/
言をじょげんをあおぐ (exp) to ask for advice/
かげん (n) good words/
こげん (n) obsolete word/old proverb/
贅言ぜいげん(n) verbosity/redundancy/
嘉言かげんぜんこう good words and good deeds/
ばくだんはつげん (n) bombshell announcement (statement)/
に言えばかんたんにいえ ばsimply put/putting it simply/
かんとうげん(n) foreword/preface/prefatory note/
ちょくげん (n) plain speaking/
に言うとかんたんにいうとsimply put/
りつげん(n) expression of one's views/
と言えるといえるit can be said/one can say (that)/
ぼうげん (n) reckless remark/rash remark/abusive language/thoughtless words/
ふげん(n,vs) saying in addition/postscript/additional remarks/
いちごんはんく(n) a word/a few words/(not even) a word/(not even) a syllable/
えそらごと a fabrication/pipe dream/
め言ほめことば(n) words of praise/
にわかきょうげん(n) farce/extravaganza/
ゆいごん (n) will/testament/last request/(P)/
を言うてんねんなにをいうてんねん(ksb:) (sl) What the hell are you saying?!/
ていげん (n) categorical statement/
言わみざるきかざるいわざる (exp,n) see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil/
へんげんせっく(not even) a few words/
かげん reticence/
を言えばじつをいえば (adv) as a matter of fact/to tell the truth/
箴言しんげん(n) proverb/maxim/
こうげん(n) protest/
と言えば といえば(exp) speaking of/
きんげん(int,n) Yours Sincerely.../(P)/
しょげん (n) foreword/preface/
ばせ言あそばせことば(n) polite language used by women/
れ言ざれごと (n) a joke/
きんげん (n) wise saying/maxim/
怨み言うらみごと(n) reproach/grudge/
しかくげんご visual language/
言を言うねごとをいう (v5) to talk in one's sleep/
でんごん message, word
り言つくりごと (n) fabrication/lie/fiction/
り言くりごと (n) tedious talk/repetition/complaint/(P)/
かねごと(n) prediction/promise/prognostication/
くちこごと(n) scolding/faultfinding/
讒言ざんげん(n) false charge/slander/defamation/
れいげん (n) preface/foreword/
あいきょうげん(n) comic interlude (in Noh)/
すてことばsharp parting remark/
とおしきょうげん (n) performance of an entire play/
いちげん (n) single word/
にわかきょうげん(n) impromptu skit/(theatrical) farce/
に言うぞくにいう (v5) ``commonly referred to as....''/
り言はやりことばpopular expression/
かと言うとなぜかというと(exp) because/the reason why is/
こうげんれいしょく (n) flattery/honeyed words/
ないしゅうげん(n) private wedding/
く言うわるくいう (v5) to deprecate/to traduce/
み言いみことば(n) taboo word/(P)/
言うものいう (v5u) to talk/to carry meaning/
たいげん (n) uninflected word/
睦言むつごと(n) lovers' talk/whispered intimacies/
しょうげん (n,vs) evidence/testimony/(P)/
しぜんげんご natural language/
ほうげん (n) careless remark/
言のむごんのぎょうascetic practice of silence/
ていげん (n) proposal/motion/
諫言かんげん(n) admonition/
こうげん (n) declaration/profession/(P)/
きょうげんまわし(n) a supporting, but indispensable role/
ほうげん dialect
ふげんふご silence/
眞言しんごん(arch) Shingon (Budd.)/
すんげん (n) pithy or short and witty remark/wisecrack/
ほめことば (n) eulogy/compliment/
さ言さかさことば(n) word said backwards/word of opposite meaning/
しょくげん(n) eat one's words/break one's promises/
よげんしゃ(n) prophet/
い言あいことば (n) password/watchword/
たいげんそうご (n) big talk/boasting/bragging/
俚言りげん(n) slang/dialect/
誣言ふげん(n) calumny/slander/false charge/
はなことば(n) language of flowers/
みこと (n) the spoken words of the emperor or a noble/
けいりょうげんごがく computational linguistics/
さんびゃくだいげん (n) pettifogging lawyer/
ねごと (n) talking in sleep/nonsense/(P)/
たわごと(n) nonsense/silly things/joke/
かくげん (n) aphorism/
の言うおやのいうことをきく (exp) to obey one's parents/
まかに言えばおおまかに いえばgenerally speaking/
ねんじゅうしつげん always saying the wrong thing/
アセンブリー言アセンブリーことばassembly language/
せんげん (vs) keeping ones word/
たごん (n) telling others/revealing to others/letting out a secret/
ぞうげん(n) false report/lie/
を言うれいをいう (v5) to thank/
だいげん (n) prefatory words/epigraph/
ちょげん (n) foreword/preface/
る言とげのあることば stinging (barbed) words/harsh language/
だからと言ってだからといって(conj) while it may be true that/just because/nevertheless/not necessarily/
と言ってといって(exp) however/
きょくげん(n) be frank, go so far as to say/
やくげん (n) summary/contraction/verbal agreement/
くちことば (n) words in common use/
き言かきことば(n) the written word/the written language/(P)/
んだ言はりをふくんだことばstinging (scathing) words/
どくりつせんげん Declaration of Independence/(P)/
あっこうぞうごん all kinds of malicious gossip/
ぞうごん (n) foul language/abuse/
ゆいごんじょう(n) will/testament/
糞みそに言うくそみそにいう (v5) to verbally attack (violently)/to run down/to criticize severely/
からない言わけのわからないことばmeaningless words/words that make no sense/
もうげん (n) reckless remark/rash remark/abusive language/thoughtless words/
いちげんいっこう(n) just a word or an act/
ぞうげんひごwild rumor/
り言うりことば (n) inflammatory words/
と言われるといわれるto be called .../to be referred to as .../
かたこと (n) a smattering/talk like a baby/speak haltingly/
かんげん(n) in other words/
たくげん (n) pretext/excuse/plea/
てりはきょうげん type of theater which combines elements of Noh, kyogen, and kabuki with dances and popular songs/
な言使りそうてきなげんごしよ うしゃideal speaker-hearer/
いちげんはんく (n) a word/a few words/(not even) a word/(not even) a syllable/
でんごん(n) verbal message/rumor/word/(P)/
ぶげん (n) insult/(P)/
寓言ぐうげん(n) allegory/fable/
せんげんはっぴょう declaration/
嘉言かげん(n) wise saying/
きょうげん (n) play/drama/make-believe/(P)/
じんけんせんげん (France's revolutionary era) Declaration of the Rights of Man/
こうげん(n) boasting/bragging/talking big/
だいげん (n) advocacy/pleading by proxy/speaking for another/attorney/
けつげん(n) summary/wrap-up/
怨言えんげん(n) grudge/complaint/
ぜんげん (n) previous remarks/