家訓 | かきん | (n) family precepts/ |
軍事訓練 | ぐんじくんれん
| military exercise/drill/ |
処世訓 | しょせいくん | (n) precepts/ |
特訓 | とっくん | (n) special training/intensive training/crash
course/(P)/ |
回訓 | かいくん | (n) instructions sent in response to a question (from an
embassy, consulate, etc.)/ |
職業訓練 | しょくぎょうくんれん | (n) job (work) training (for the
unskilled)/ |
避難訓練 | ひなんくんれん | disaster drill/ |
師訓 | しくん
| the instruction of a teacher/ |
難訓 | なんくん
| (n) difficult reading of a kanji/ |
内訓 | ないくん
| (n) private or secret orders/ |
厳訓 | げんくん
| (n) strict instruction/ |
字訓 | じくん
| (n) the Japanese reading of a kanji/ |
音訓 | おんくん | (n) kanji readings/(P)/ |
庭訓 | ていきん
| (n) (arch) home education/ |
遺訓 | いくん
| (n) dying instructions/ |
教訓を垂れる | きょうくんをたれる | (exp) to lecture/to give a lesson/ |
処生訓 | しょせいくん | guiding motto for one's life/ |
山上の垂訓 | さんじょうのすいくん
| the Sermon on the Mount/ |
義訓 | ぎくん
| (n) reading of a kanji by meaning/ |
漢文訓読 | かんぶんくんどく
| (vs) reading a Chinese text in
Japanese/ |
正訓 | せいくん | (n) correct kun reading/ |
熟字訓 | じゅくじくん | (n) special kanji readings/ |
垂訓 | すいくん
| (n) instruction/ |
教訓 | きょうくん
| (n) lesson/precept/moral
instruction/(P)/ |
校訓 | こうくん | (n) school precepts/ |
古訓 | こくん
| (n) ancient instruction/old reading/ |
猛特訓 | もうとっくん
| train extra hard/ |
防災訓練 | ぼうさいくんれん
| disaster prevention practice/ |
和訓 | わくん
| (n) Japanese reading of a Chinese
character/ |
音訓索引 | おんくんさくいん | index listing kanji by their Chinese and Japanese
pronunciations/ |
家訓 | かくん | (n) family precepts/ |
慈訓 | じくん
| kind counsel/mother's advice/ |
教訓的 | きょうくんてき | instructive/ |
傍訓 | ぼうくん | (n) marginal notes/ |
請訓 | せいくん
| (n) request for instructions/ |
同訓 | どうくん
| (n) kun homophone/ |