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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : タク; かこ(つ); entrust
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4315 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1455
Japanese Reading English
じゅたく(n,vs) being entrusted with/taking charge of/
ごたく(n) tedious talk/impertinent talk/repetitious talk/saucy speech/pretentious statement/
しんたくしきんtrust fund/
じゅたくがいしゃtrustee company/
きょうたく (n) deposit/
を託つひにくのたんをか こつ(exp) to fret from forced idleness/
しんたく(n,vs) trust/entrusting/(P)/
託のくったくのないcarefree/free from worry/
いたくはんばい (n) consignment sale/
しんたくがいしゃ trust company/
しんたくぎょうtrust business/
しんたくとうち trusteeship/
いたくけんきゅう (n) contract research/
ご託ごたく(n) tedious talk/impertinent talk/repetitious talk/saucy speech/pretentious statement/
しょくたくさつじんcontract murder/
しょくたく (n,vs) entrusting with/
しんたく (n) oracle/
いたく (n) dependence (on someone)/
きたく (n,vs) deposit/entrusting/
くったく (n) worry/care/
とうししんたく an investment trust/
よたくきん(n) deposit/
かたく(n) pretext/pretense/
きんせんしんたく (n) cash or money trust/
ふたく (n,vs) committing to/refer to/submit to/
むしょうしんたくnaked trust/
きょうたくぶつ something deposited/
かしつけしんたく loan trust/
せいたく (n) solicitation/
ふたく (n) referring or submitting to a committee/
ふたく(n,vs) charging (someone) with responsibility/
よたく(n,vs) deposition/
しんたくとうし trust investment/
いいんふたく referral to a committee/
けったく (n) conspiracy/collusion/(P)/
託のないくったくのない carefree/free from worry/
いたく (n,vs) consign (goods (for sale) to a firm)/entrust (person with something)/commit/(P)/
しんたくけいやく trust agreement/
きょうたくきん(n) deposit of money/
しょくたく (n,vs) commission/charge (person with)/(P)/
いたくしゃげきfiring from elbow rests/
じゅたくはんばい consignment sale/
しんたくぎんこう (n) trust bank/
いたくせいscholarship student sent by government office or business/
に託けてびょうきにかこ つけてunder the pretext of ill health/
を託つふぐうをかこつ (exp) to repine at one's hard lot/
じゅたくしゅうわいざい (the crime of) bribery/