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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : セツ; もう(ける); set up
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4325 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1471
Japanese Reading English
けんせつひよう (n) construction (building) costs/
けんせつきかい(n) construction machinery/
しょきせってい initialization/
しんせつ (n) newly organized or established/(P)/
こうせつ(n) public (institution)/
けんせつ (n,vs) construction/establishment/(P)/
きょうどうそうせつしゃ co-founder/
けんせつこうじ (n) construction work/
けんせつがいしゃ construction company/
ち設けるまちもうける (v1) to expect/to look for/to look forward to/to anticipate/to wait for/
コンピューターコンピューターえんようせっけいcomputer-aided design/CAD/
ふせつ (n) an annex/affiliated structure or institute/
を設けるせきをもうける(exp) to give a banquet/
こうせいしせつ rehabilitation facilities/halfway house/
かせつ(n) hypothesis/supposition/temporary/provisional/fictional/
とくせつかいじょう (n) site (e.g. room, building) especially prepared for a meeting (event, etc.)/
ようごしせつinstitution for the handicapped/
おんきょうせっけい acoustical design/
しせつ (n) institution/establishment/facility/(army) engineer/(P)/
ふせつ(n) construction/laying (a road)/(P)/
プリンター設プリンターせっていprinter setup/
けんせつがいしゃconstruction company
じょうせつ (n,vs) standing (a thing, in a place)/permanent/
こうきょうしせつpublic facilities/
とくせつ (n,vs) setting up specially/special installation/
宿しゅくはくせつび (n) accommodation(s)/
かせつ (n) construction/building/(P)/
けんせつしょうMinistry of Construction/
せいかつせっけい (n) plan for one's life/life planning/
ゆうきゅうしせつunused facilities or equipment/
設けるまちもうける (v1) to expect/to look for/to look forward to/to anticipate/to wait for/
モデムの設モデムのせっていmodem setup/
ほあんせつび(n) safety devices/
しゅうようせつび accommodations/
けんせつだいじん Minister of Construction/
きせつ (n) established/existing/
調くうちょうせつび (n) air conditioner/
ぞうせつ (n) extension/expansion/
いりょうしせつ medical facilities/
かいせつ(n,vs) establishment/opening/(P)/
まいせつ (n,vs) putting (laying) underground/
けんせつconstruction, building
かんこうしせつ tourist facilities/
ぞうせつりつexpansion rate/growth rate/
けんせつてき(adj-na) constructive/
きせつせんlines in operation/
い設けるおもいもうける (v1) to anticipate/to expect/
ごらくしせつ (n) amusement (recreational) facilities/
どうろけんせつ(n) road construction/
かんせつ (n) governmentally or nationally established or run/
けんせつぎょう (n) the construction industry/
ぼうえいしせつちょう(Japan's) Defense Facilities Administration Agency/
いせつ(n,vs) moving establishment/
を設けるこうじょうをもうける(exp) to set up a factory/
しせつ institution, facility
こうせいしせつ welfare facilities/
じょうせつかん(n) movie theater/
スプリンクラー設スプリンクラーせつびsprinkler system/
ふせつ (n) an annex/affiliated structure or institute/
へいせつ(n) establishment/link/
きゅうせつ (n,vs) hurried construction/speedy laying/
えいせいせつびsanitary facilities/
しせつおうえんだん(n) private cheer group/
そうせつ (n) establishment/founding/organization/
ぐんじしせつmilitary installations/
こうせついちば public market/
みせつ (n) uninstalled/projected/
けんせつてきかんけいconstructive relationship/
しせつ (n) private/(P)/