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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : ; うった(える); sue
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4340 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1507
Japanese Reading English
かべそしょう (n) grumbling or mumbling to oneself/
きそじょう (n) (written) indictment/
はんそ (n) counteraction/counterclaim/
い訴えるあらそいうった える(v1) to accuse/to rise up in judgment against/
しゅうだんそしょうclass-action (lawsuit)/
讒訴ざんそ(n) false charges/slander/
に訴えるぼうりょくにうったえる(exp) to resort to violence/
じきそ (n) direct appeal/
こうそじょうpetition of appeal/
こうそしん(n) appeal trial/
きゅうそ (n,vs) imploring with tears in ones eyes/
に訴えるりせいにうった える(exp) to appeal to one's reason/
ついきそ (n) supplementary indictment/
あいそ (n) appeal/complaint/
こうそさいばんしょappeals court/appellate court/
じょうそ (n) appeal (in court)/
こうそ (n) accusation/prosecution/
えっそ (n) appeal made directly to a senior official without going through formalities/
ていそ(n,vs) presenting a case/suing/(P)/
こうそけんright of appeal/
けいじそしょうほうCriminal Procedure Code/
こうそ (n) (legal) appeal/(P)/
みんじそしょうほう(Japan's) Civil Proceedings Act (1890; revised in 1926)/
しゅっそきげんほう statute of limitations/
ぎょうせいそしょう administrative litigation (action)/
りこんそしょうdivorce suit/divorce proceedings/(P)/
ふきそ(n) nonprosecution or indictment/
ついそ (n) supplementary suit or indictment/
しょうそ(n) winning a lawsuit/(P)/
こうそはいばんしょappeals court/appellate court/
けんじこうそ public prosecutor's appeal/
しゅそ (n) main complaint/
しゅうそ (n) complaint/
こうそいん(n) appelate court/
おうそ (n) countersuit/
きそ (n) prosecution/indictment/(P)/
けいじそしょう criminal action/(P)/
こうそきかん term in which an appeal may be filed/
かべぞしょう (n) grumbling or mumbling to oneself/
ごうそ(n,vs) direct petition/
こくそにん(n) complainant/plaintiff/
はいそ (n) loss of a court-case/(P)/
こうそりゆう grounds for an appeal/
へのを訴えるひんじゃへのえんじょをうったえる (exp) to appeal to people to help the poor/
ほんそ(n) original (legal) suit/
に訴えるひとにうったえるちか らがないbe of little appeal to people/
しゅっそ (n) access to courts/bringing an action/
こくそ(n) accusation/complaint/(P)/
に訴えるがないひとにうったえるちからがない be of little appeal to people/
こうそききゃく dismissal of an intermediate appeal/
みんじそしょうcivil action/civil suit/civil proceedings/(P)/
めんそ(n) acquittal/dismissal (of a case)/
を訴えるりんじんをうったえる(exp) to sue one's neighbor/
きそゆうよ suspension of indictment/leaving charge on the file/