献詠 | けんえい | (n) poem offering/ |
歌詠み | うたよみ
| (n) tanka composer/ |
遺詠 | いえい
| (n) posthumous song or poem/ |
近詠 | きんえい
| (n) recent poem/ |
旧詠 | きゅうえい
| ancient poems/ancient songs/ |
偶詠 | ぐうえい
| (n) (hum) impromptu poem/ |
御詠歌 | ごえいか | (n) song in praise of the Buddha/ |
賦詠 | ふえい
| poem/writing a poem/ |
朗詠 | ろうえい
| (n) recitation (of Japanese or Chinese
poem)/(P)/ |
御詠 | ぎょえい | (n) poem written by the Emperor or a member of the
imperial family/ |
一句詠む | いっくよむ
| (v5) to make up a haiku poem/ |
題詠 | だいえい
| (n) poetry composed on a set theme/ |
和歌を詠む | わかをよむ
| (exp) to compose a waka/ |
吟詠 | ぎんえい
| (n) recitation or chanting of a
poem/(P)/ |