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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : キツ; つ(める)、つ(め)、つ(まる); be packed
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4359 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1521
Japanese Reading English
い詰めるかよいつめる(v1) to visit frequently/
を詰めるにもつをつめる(v1) to pack one's things/
き詰めるしきつめる (v1) to lay/to spread all over/
罐詰めかんづめ(oK) (n) packing (in cans)/canning/canned goods/tin can/
おおづめ(n) final stage/finale/
り詰めるのぼりつめる (v1) to go to the top/to be engrossed in/
かんづめ(n) packing (in cans)/canning/canned goods/tin can/(P)/
詰めひだりづめleft justified/
壜詰 びんづめ(n) bottling/
を詰めるぎょうかんをつ める(exp) to crowd the lines/
を詰めるゆびをつめる (exp) to cut off a person's finger/
詰めてづめ(n) pressing/urging/
詰りゆきづまり (n) deadlock/stalemate/impasse/dead end/
膝詰めひざづめ(n) knee to knee/
詰まりきづまり(adj-na,n) constraint/(P)/
煎じ詰めるせんじつめる(v1) to boil down/to condense/
なんきつ (n,vs) reprimand/
り詰めるはりつめる (v1) to strain/to stretch/to string up/to make tense/to cover over/to freeze over/
ち詰めたちづめ(n) keep on standing/
詰まりすんづまり (adj-na,n) a little short/sawed-off (pants)/
詰めるにつめる(v1) to boil down/to concentrate/(P)/
詰まるにつまる (v5r) to be boiled down/
糞詰まりふんづまり(n) constipation/
詰めみぎづめ right justified/
詰めほんしょうずめservice at the Head Office/
詰めじづめ (n) number of characters/manuscript paper/printed matter/
り詰めきりつめ(n) retrenchment/curtailment/
詰まりかねづまり (n) financial distress/money shortage/
寿詰めすしづめ (n) packed in like sushi (like sardines)/
き詰まるいきづまる(v5) to reach the limits/to come to the end of ones tether/
り詰めるのぼりつめる(v1) to go to the top/to be engrossed in/
を詰めるおうをつめる (exp) to checkmate the king/
詰をえるおおづめをむかえる(v1) to approach the finale/to come to a close/
を詰めるこんをつめる(exp) to strain one's nerve/
ち詰めでいるたちずめで いるto keep standing/
を詰まらせてこえをつま らせてin a chocked voice/
し詰まるおしつまる (v5r) to approach the year end/to be jammed tight/
詰めちょうづめ(n) sausage/
めんきつ(n,vs) reprimanding (a person) personally/personal reproof/
き詰りゆきづまり(n) deadlock/stalemate/impasse/dead end/
の詰んだじのつんだ of close texture/
に詰めるびんにつめる (exp) to fill a bottle/
き詰りいきづまり (n) deadlock/stalemate/impasse/dead end/
い詰めるといつめる (v1) to press a question/to cross-examine/
詰めかんづめ(n) packing (in cans)/canning/canned goods/tin can/(P)/
り詰めるきりつめる(v1) to shorten/to reduce/to economize/
き詰まりいきづまり (n) deadlock/stalemate/impasse/dead end/
詰りいきづまり(n) deadlock/stalemate/impasse/dead end/
詰まるいきづまる (v5r) to be breathtaking/to be stifling/
詰まってせっぱつまって under the pressure of necessity/
い詰めるくいつめる (v1) to go broke/
り詰めたはりつめた tense/high-strung/
詰まりてづまり (n) stalemate/
膝詰めひざづめだんぱん direct negotiations/
詰めりづめ (n) reasoning/logic/
っ詰めひっつめ (n) hair pulled tightly back in a bun/
に詰まることばにつまる (exp) to be at a loss for words/
詰めせっちんづめcornering someone/
詰めごづめ (n) rear guard/
詰まりめづまり (n) clogging up/
に詰まるへんとうにつまる(exp) to be embarrassed for a reply/
詰めこおりづめ (n) packing in ice/
い詰めるおいつめる (v1) to corner/to drive to the wall/to run down/to track down/
詰めよづめ(n) night watch/
詰めおおづめ (n) final scene/the end/
き詰まりゆきづまり (n) deadlock/stalemate/impasse/dead end/
ろんきつ(n) criticism/
鮨詰め すしづめ(n) packed in like sushi (like sardines)/
き詰めるつきつめる(v1) to investigate thoroughly/to probe into/to think something through/to follow an argument to its logical conclusion/
西詰めはしのにしずめwestern edge of a bridge/
ぎゅう詰めぎゅうづめ(adj-na,n) packed like sardines/jammed/
煎じ詰めるとせんじつめると after all/in the end/in short/
詰めびんづめ (adj-no,n,vs) bottling/bottled/(P)/
い詰めるおもいつめる(v1) to think hard/to brood over/
詰まるせっぱつまる(v5r) to be at one's wit's end/to be cornered/
詰りてづまり(n) stalemate/
り詰めおりづめ(n) food packed in a wooden box/
詰めはこづめ (adj-no,n) packed in a box (i.e. chocolates)/
し詰めさしずめ(adv) for the time being/after all/
し詰めるおしつめる (v1) to pack (in box)/to drive to wall/
詰まりはなづまり(n) nasal congestion/
を詰めるいきをつめる (exp) to hold one's breath/
詰りはなづまり (n) nose being clogged up/
詰めるみつめる (v1) (uk) to stare at/to gaze at/to look hard at/to watch intently/to fix one's eyes on/(P)/
らしを詰めるくらしをつ める(exp) to cut down housekeeping expenses/
びんづめ(adj-no,n,vs) bottling/bottled/(P)/
詰めじゅうづめ (n) food packed in nest of lacquered boxes/
を詰めるもんだいをつめ る(exp) to work toward a solution to a problem/
詰めしろつめくさ white clover/
詰めいしこづめburying alive beneath stones/