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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : セイ; ちか(う); swear
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4369 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2754
Japanese Reading English
せんせいしき administration of an oath/
せんせいしょ(n) (written) oath/
ぎせい perjury/false oath/
せんせい(n) oath/abjuration/(P)/
り誓ういつわりちかう (v5) to swear falsely/
きせい (n) vow/oath/pledge/(P)/
しゅうどうせいがん vows of religious orders/
に誓うしんぜんにちかう(exp) to pledge before God/
弘誓ぐぜい(n) Buddha's great vows/