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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : セツ、ゼイ; と(く); explain
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4373 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1547
Japanese Reading English
ぶっせつ(n) Buddha's teaching/
きょうようしょうせつ bildungsroman/
たんていしょうせつ detective story/(P)/
ほそくせつめい (n) supplementary explanation/
しゃせつ (n) editorial/leading article/(P)/
ふうせつ (n) rumor/gossip/hearsay/
いっせつ (n) another report (opinion)/
じんえんどうそせつmonkey-ancestry theory/
とりせつ (abbr) users' manual/
りきせつ (n,vs) insistence/(major) emphasis/stress/
てんのうきかんせつ (n) theory of the Emperor as an organ of government/
ほんかくしょうせつgenuinely attempted novel/
ゆうぜい (n,vs) election tour/election campaign/stumping/(P)/
説きくどきもんく(exp) (loving) words/
とりあつかいせつめいしょuser's manual/handling instructions/
でんせつ (n) tradition/legend/folklore/(P)/
いせつ (n) different opinion/
せいうんせつ(n) the nebular hypothesis/
せいあくせつ(n) the view of human nature as fundamentally depraved/
りゃくせつ(n) outline/summary/
みんやくせつsocial-contract theory/
かんせつ (n,vs) allusion/alluding/
さぎょうかせつ (n) working hypothesis/
ししょうせつ(n) novel narrated in the first person/
れきししょうせつ historical novel/
しょせつ (n) explanation/matter under discussion/contents/one's opinion/
り説とりせつ(abbr) users' manual/
じだいしょうせつ historical novel/
たいりくいどうせつ(n) theory of continental drift/
きょせつ (n) groundless rumor/
かいせつ (n,vs) explanation/commentary/(P)/
じせつ (n) one's personal opinion/
あまいしょうせつsentimental novel/
ろんせついいん editorial writer/
こせつ (n) ancient belief/
りゅうせつ (n) groundless rumor/false report/
れたちほうしょくのあらわ れたしょうせつnovel with local color/
ちどうせつ(n) heliocentric (Copernican) theory/
じょせつ (n) explanation/interpretation/
てんどうせつ(n) Ptolemaic theory/
説をてるかせつをたてる(exp) to build up a hypothesis/
ぞくせつ (n) common saying/popular version/folklore/tradition/
おくせつ(n) hypothesis/speculation/surmise/
謬説びゅうせつ(n) fallacy/fallacious argument/
説をしょうせつをかく(exp) to write a novel/
たちあいえんぜつ campaign speech/
げんしせつatomic theory/
るせつ(n) groundless rumor/false report/
たくせつ (n) excellent opinion/
しんせつ (n) new theory/
きょくせつ (n) false theory/
つうせつ (n) (obs) prevailing view/common opinion/
どうせつ(n) the same opinion/
じっせつ (n) true story/
えんぜつ (n) speech/address/(P)/
さいせつ (n) detailed explanation/(P)/
説きとすくどきおとす(v5s) to persuade/to prevail upon/to win a woman's heart/to win over/to talk someone into doing/
へんせつ (n) change of opinion/
しょかんたいしょうせつnovel written in epistolary style/
よていせつ(n) predestination/
しょせつふんぷん (adj-na) divergent opinions abound/opinion is divided/
もうせつ(n) fallacy/false report/
きょうどしょうせつ local story/(P)/
ちょくせつほう(n) direct method/indicative mood/
かいきしょうせつ mystery novel/
じっけんしょうせつ experimental novel/
でんきしょうせつ romance (fiction)/
きむかせつ null hypothesis/
きゅうせつ (n) old theory/ancient ideas/
くうそうかがくしょう せつscience fiction/sci-fi/
じせつ (n) one's cherished opinion/
がいとうえんぜつ street oratory/soapbox speech/
しせつ (n) the teacher's theory/
こうせつ (n) your opinion/
説くくどく (v5k) to seduce/to make a play/
巷説こうせつ(n) gossip/talk about town/
かいせつしょ(n) (an instruction) manual/handbook (of roadsigns)/
しょせつ(n) opinion/(P)/
くぜつ(n) lover's tiff/
ていおうしんけんせつ(n) theory of the divine right of kings/
しんりしょうせつ psychological novel/
しゅうにんえんぜつ inaugural speech/
おうけんしんじゅせつ(n) the theory of the divine right of kings/
じゃせつ(n) heretical doctrine/
しせつ (n) personal opinion/
がいせつ (n) general statement/outline/
を説くきょうもんのぎを とく(exp) to explain the meaning of a sutra/
じょせつ(n) introduction/(P)/
ふうぞくしょうせつ novel depicting customs and manners of the day/
かせつ(n) hypothesis/supposition/temporary/provisional/fictional/(P)/
かんぜい (n,vs) urging/persuasion/
くうせつ (n) groundless rumor or story/
ぎゃくせつてき(adj-na) paradoxical/
説をかたくじせつをとる (exp) to persist in one's views/
ちゅうかんしょうせつ middle-brow novel/
こうせつ (n) explanation (by lecture)/
がくせつ (n) theory/(P)/
ぶきょうしょうせつswashbuckling stories/martial arts fiction/chivalric knight novels/wuxia xiaoshuo/
辻説つじせっぽう(n) street preaching/
えんえきてきせつめいほうdeductive method/
ぎゃくせつ (n) paradox/(P)/
縷説るせつ(n) detailed explanation/
を説くほうをとく (exp) to preach the truth/
たんぺんしょうせつ short story/novella/(P)/
おうえんえんぜつ (n) campaign (vote-getting) speech (for a candidate)/
ぐせつ(n) foolish opinion/one's opinion/
ぼうせつ (n) fallacy/false report/
さいせつ (n) repeated explanation/
せいぜんせつ(n) belief that human nature is fundamentally good/
ぼうけんしょうせつadventure story/novel of adventure/(P)/
さんもんしょうせつ dime novel/
しょうせつ (n) detailed explanation/
掻き説くかきくどく(v5k) to complain/to pester/
れんさいしょうせつ serial/serialized novel/(P)/
かくせつ (n) established theory/
あっかんしょうせつ picaresque novel/
ていせつ (n) established theory/
臆説おくせつ(n) conjecture/hypothesis/
説をぜんせつをひるがえす(exp) to change one's former opinion/
かいさんせつrumor of dissolution/
かいせつしゃ(n) commentator/
すいりしょうせつ mystery or detective novel/
しょうじょしょうせつ (n) story for young girls/
僻説へきせつ(n) prejudiced opinion/
ふせつ (n) groundless rumor/
しゅうせつ (n) various theories/
こでんせつold tradition/
ぶんしせつ molecular theory/
たいがしょうせつ roman-fleuve/
い説とりあつかいせつめいしょuser's manual/handling instructions/
ろんせつ (n) editorial/dissertation/
げんせつ (n) remark/statement/
った説くつがえったせつ overthrown theory/
はんぷくせつ(n) (Hegelian) theory of recapitulation/
そうせつ (n) review article/general remarks/
ぐういしょうせつ allegory/allegorical tale/
わたくししょうせつ(n) novel narrated in the first person/
めいろんたくせつ excellent opinions and theories/
つうぞくしょうせつ popular novel/
しょうせつか(n) novelist/fiction writer/
ぜんせつ (n) former opinion/
かんぜんちょうあく しょうせつ(Edo-period) didactic novel or fiction/
ずせつ(n) illustration/diagram/
しょせつふんぷん(adj-na) divergent opinions abound/opinion is divided/
ちんせつ(n) novel idea/strange theory/
しょうせつ (n) novel/story/(P)/