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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : ドク、トク、トウ; よ(む); read
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4375 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1541
Japanese Reading English
読みほんよみ(n) good reader/scenario reading/
ん読つんどく buying books and not reading them/
いちどく (n) perusal/one reading/
たどく (n) wide (extensive) reading/
ふくとくほん(n) supplementary reader/
かどく (adj-na,n) readable/
らんどく (n) indiscriminate reading/
り読みはしりよみ (n) skimming through/scanning (reading matter)/
もくどく(n,vs) reading silently/
みどく (adj-na,n) not yet read/
ちょくどく(n) reading (Chinese) without syntactical rearrangement into Japanese/
かいどく(n) reading-and-discussion meeting/
貪り読むむさぼりよむ(v5) to read a book avidly/
まんどく (n) browsing/
で読むおんでよむ to read kanji in the on reading/
かいどく (n,vs) deciphering/decoding/
読みくんよみ (n) kun-yomi (Japanese reading of character)/(P)/
こうどく(n,vs) subscription (e.g. magazine)/(P)/
あいどくしゃ(n) subscriber/reader/admirer/
かいどく (n) read in turn/circulate a book (among friends)/
つうどく(n,vs) reading through/reading over/
き読みぬきよみ (n) skimming a text/
読みぼうよみ (n) reading in a monotone/reading a Chinese classical text without translating it into Japanese/
へいどく (n) secondary reading/
桶読みゆとうよみ (n) mixed kun-on reading (cf. juubakoyomi)/
くとうてん (n) punctuation marks/(P)/
ごどく (n,vs) misreading/misinterpreting/
読みしたよみ (n) rehearsal (of play)/preparatory reading/lesson study/
し読みまわしよみreading a book in turn/
りんどく (n) reading in turns/
くとう (n) punctuation/pause/
なんどく (n) difficult to read (e.g. obscure kanji)/
こうどく(vs) reading responsively/
はんどく (n) decipherment/interpretation/making out/
せいこううどく(n) working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather/living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits/
ひつどくしょ must book/
あいどく (n,vs) reading with pleasure/(P)/
耽読たんどく(n) absorption in reading/
もじよみとりそうち character reader/
を読むひょうをよむ (exp) to count the votes/
じどく(n) imperial tutor/
そどく (n) reading without comprehending/
ほうどく (n) respectful reading/
かんぶんくんどく (vs) reading a Chinese text in Japanese/
鯖を読むさばをよむ(exp,v5) to manipulate figures to one's advantage/
くんどく (n,vs) reading a Chinese text (kanbun) in Japanese/
かどくせい (n) readability/legibility/
み読みぬすみよみ (n) reading surreptitiously/
読のいちどくのあたいがあ る(exp) to be worth reading/
みどく (n,vs) appreciating a book/perusal/
ふくどくほん (n) supplementary reader/
じゅくどく (n,vs) perusal/careful reading/
で読むちゅうでよむ to recite from memory/
だいどく (n) reading for another/
ふごうかいどく decoding/
えつどく (n,vs) reading/perusal/
を読むきょうをよむ (exp) to chant a sutra/
び読むふたたびよむ to reread/to read again/
読みびょうよみ (n) countdown/(P)/
読むふみよむつきひ days of reading/
はいどく (n,vs) reading/
読みおんよみ (n) on (Chinese) reading of kanji/(P)/
さばを読むさばをよむ(exp,v5) to manipulate figures to one's advantage/
読みすよみ (n) reading without comprehending/reading a second draft without checking it against the original/
せいどく (n,vs) intensive reading/conning/
くとうほう(n) punctuation/(P)/
やくどく (n) reading and translating/
ろうどく (n) reading aloud/recitation/(P)/
あいどくしょ(n) a favourite book/
そくどく (n) speed reading/
さどく (n) investigative reading/research/
ち読みたちよみ(n) reading while standing (in a bookstore)/(P)/
こうどく(n,vs) reading/translation/
読みじゅうばこよみcorrupt pronunciation (on-kun mixture)/
おんどく (n,vs) reading aloud/(P)/
ひつどく (n) should be read by all/(P)/
こうどくぶんresponsive readings/
を読むがくふをよむ(exp) to read music/
い読みひろいよみ (n,vs) reading here and there/skimming through/
を読むひとのこころをよ む(exp) to read a person's thoughts/to guess what a person is thinking/
こうどくりょう subscription charge/(P)/
読みひょうよみ (n,vs) estimation of votes/
さいどく (n,vs) rereading/
を読むふをよむ (exp) to read music/
らんどく (n) reading unsystematically/