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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : ; ; section
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4389 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1573
Japanese Reading English
ぶんか(n) subdivision/section/branch/
きょうしょくかてい teacher-training curriculum/
ふか (n,vs) levy/imposition/(P)/
にじゅうかぜい double taxation/
けっか (n,vs) cutting class/absence from school/
けんしゅうか training section/
にかべんきょう (vs) studying two lessons/
はくしかてい (n) doctoral course/
ぶんりかぜい separate taxation/
こうかひょう(n) personnel record/business record/
る課てにあまるかだい task beyond one's powers/
しょむかgeneral affairs section/(P)/
きかくか(n) planning section/
こうほうか(n) public relations department (section, office)/
にっか(n) daily lesson/daily work/daily routine/(P)/
だいいっか Lesson one/(P)/
じんじか(n) personnel section/(P)/
きょうようかてい (n) general education course/
ろうむかlabor section/
こうか(n) public imposts/taxes/
けんきゅうかだい (n) research task/
そうごうかぜい tax on aggregate income/
ひしょかsecretarial section/
がっか (n) lesson/school work/
げんせんかぜい tax withholding at the source/
ゆにゅうかちょうきんa surcharge on imports/
がくせいか(n) student affairs office/
そうむか(n) general affairs section/
しゅうしかてい master's course/
せいか (n) regular curriculum/required subject/
ほうかご (n-t) after school/
こうか (n) evaluation/rating/
きょういくかてい curriculum/
はかせかてい (n) doctoral course/
るいしんかぜい progressive taxation/graduated taxation/
きょうむか (n) educational affairs section/
かいけいかaccounts (accounting) section/
の課つぎのか next lesson/
こうそこうか taxes and public dues/
ひかぜい(n) tax exemption/