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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : ボウ、ム; はか(る); plan
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4414 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1593
Japanese Reading English
さくぼう(n) strategy/artifice/
とうごうさんぼうほんぶ Joint Chiefs of Staff/
しんぼうえんりょ (n) far sight and deep design/
謀をてるいんぼうをくわだてる(exp) to plot against/
ちぼう (n) ingenuity/resourcefulness/
えんぼう (n) foresight/forethought/
むぼう (adj-na,n) reckless/thoughtless/recklessness/(P)/
けんぼう (n) scheme/stratagem/ploy/
しんぼう (n) deliberate/careful/thoughtful/deeply laid plan/
さんぼう(n) staff officer/participating in planning/(P)/
つうぼう(n) collusion/conspiring/
しゅぼう (n) planning/plotting/ringleader/
みつぼう(n) conspiracy/
を謀るあんさつをはかる(exp) to plot an assassination/
智謀ちぼう(n) ingenuity/resourcefulness/
詭謀 きぼう(n) ruse/trick/
さんぼうちょう (n) chief of staff/
さんぼうほんぶ General Staff Headquarters/
しゅぼう (n) chief/leader/
よぼう premeditation/aforethought/
きょうぼう (n) conspiracy/complicity/(P)/
けんぼうじゅっすう (n) trickery/wiles/finesse/Machiavellism/
いんぼう(n) plot intrigue/conspiracy/(P)/