裏書譲渡 | うらがきじょうと | endorsing over to/ |
謙譲の美徳 | けんじょうのびとく
| modest virtue/(P)/ |
禅譲 | ぜんじょう
| (n) (historical, in China) abdication by an
emperor in favor of a more virtuous successor/ |
委譲 | いじょう
| (n,vs) transfer/assignment/ |
安く譲る | やすくゆずる
| to sell (a thing) cheap/ |
百歩譲る | ひゃっぽゆずる | (v5) to be unwilling but to give in/ |
割譲 | かつじょう
| (n) cession (of territory)/(P)/ |
謙譲語 | けんじょうご | (n) humble language (e.g. itadaku)/ |
分譲 | ぶんじょう
| (n) selling (real-estate) lots/ |
親譲り | おやゆずり
| (n) inheritance from a parent/(P)/ |
後日に譲る | ごじつにゆずる | (exp) to keep (the matter) for another
occasion/ |
互譲 | ごじょう | (n) conciliation/compromise/(P)/ |
謙譲 | けんじょう
| (adj-na,n) modesty/humility/(P)/ |
互譲的 | ごじょうてき | conciliatory/ |
分譲地 | ぶんじょうち
| (n) lots for sale/ |
席を譲って上げる | せきをゆずってあげる | (exp) to offer a seat to someone/ |
辞譲 | じじょう
| (n) deferring to another/ |
移譲 | いじょう
| (n,vs) transfer/assignment/ |
交譲 | こうじょう
| (n) concession/compromise/ |