初志貫徹 | しょしかんてつ | carrying out one's original intention/ |
吹貫き | ふきぬき
| (n) streamer/pennant/ |
指貫 | ゆびぬき
| (n) thimble/ |
一貫作業 | いっかんさぎょう
| continuous operation/ |
首尾一貫 | しゅびいっかん
| (n) consistent/unchanging from beginning to
end/ |
縦貫 | じゅうかん | (n) running through/traversal/ |
突貫 | とっかん
| (n,vs) charge/rush/lightning
attack/(P)/ |
目的を貫く | もくてきをつらぬ
く | (exp) to accomplish (attain) one's
object/ |
吹貫 | ふきぬき | (n) streamer/pennant/ |
裸一貫の人 | はだかいっかんのひと
| person with no property but his (her) own
body/ |
一貫して | いっかんして | consistently/ |
突貫工事 | とっかんこうじ | construction at top speed/ |
一貫 | いっかん
| (n) consistency/coherence/integration/8.333
lbs/(P)/ |
町を貫く路 | まちをつらぬくみち
| road passing through the town/ |
首尾一貫した | しゅびいっかんし
た | consistent/ |
一貫番号 | いっかんばんごう
| serial number/ |
刳貫く | くりぬく | (io) (v5k) to gouge out/to excavate/to bore/to
drill/ |
看貫 | かんかん | (n) weighing/platform scales/ |
指貫 | さしぬき
| (n) type of hakama worn in ancient
times/ |
尺貫法 | しゃっかんほう
| (n) (obs) Japanese system of weights and
measures/(P)/ |
刳り貫く | くりぬく | (v5k) to gouge
out/to excavate/to bore/to drill/ |
一貫性 | いっかんせい
| consistency/ |
指貫き | ゆびぬき
| (n) thimble/ |
壁を貫く | かべをつらぬく
| (exp) to penetrate the wall/ |
裸一貫 | はだかいっかん | (n) without any means/reduced to naked personal
merit/(P)/ |
盲貫銃創 | もうかんじゅうそう | (oK) (n) lodged-bullet wound/ |
満貫 | まんがん
| (n) winning with the highest possible score (in
mahjong)/ |
打ち貫く | うちぬく | (v5k) (1) to punch/to hit and hit/to stamp out/(2) to
pierce/to bore into/to knock down walls/ |
刺し貫く | さしつらぬく
| (v5k) to pierce/ |
終始一貫 | しゅうしいっかん
| (adv) consistency/ |