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Kanji: Radical: (かい) : バイ; か(う)、か(い); buy
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3637 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2598
Japanese Reading English
買いとうようがい spot purchase/
かっぷこうばい buying in installments/
買いあおたがい(n) recruiting of students/
しきりばいばい transactions on dealer's terms/
ふばい (n) not buying/
ばいばい buying and selling
買いおしめがい(n) buying when the market is down/
買いさきがい (n) buy in advance/
こばいしゃa fence/dealer in stolen goods/
あいたいばいばい negotiated transaction/
を買うかんしんをかう(v5) to win favour/(P)/
買いきげんかい(n) fickle/capricious/
顰蹙を買うひんしゅくをかう (v5) to displease someone/to make someone disgusted/to be frowned at/
に買ったまえにかったぶん the lot I bought earlier/
おもわくがい(n) speculative buying/
買いひとかい (n) slave traffic/slave dealer/
じんしんばいばい slave trade/white-slave trade/
買いからがい (n) buying on margin/
を買われるくしんをかわれる(exp) to have one's labor appreciated/
買うひとやくかうto take on a role/to take part/
こうばいりょく(n) buying power/
さきものばいばい dealing in futures/
買いめくらがい buying blindly/
買いおもわくがい (n) speculative buying/
け買いかけがい (n) credit purchase/
を買うかぶをかう (exp) to buy stock/
買いさきものがいbuying futures/speculation/
ドル買いドルかい(n) dollar purchase/(P)/
ふばいうんどう a boycott/
ばいばいけいやく (n) contract for (of) sale/
買いまたかい buying through an agent/
きょうそうばいばい auction/
ふばいどうめい boycott/buyer's strike/
ひばいどうめい (n) a boycott/
買いげんきんがい cash purchases/
こばい (n) buying stolen goods/
みを買うひとのうらみをかう(exp) to incur a person's enmity/
しで買うやさいをおろし でかう(exp) to buy vegetables wholesale/
ばいばいだか sales amount/sales volume/
買いこがい (n) buying in small quantity/
みで買うこみでかう to buy the whole lot/to buy in bulk/
なかがいにん (n) broker/jobber/
こうばいくみあい cooperative society/
いっかつばいばい a bulk sale/buying and selling in bulk/
ばいばい(n) trade/buying and selling/(P)/
けで買うつけでかう to buy on credit/
なかがい (n) brokerage/(P)/
買いしょうどうがいimpulsive buying/
こうばい (n,vs) purchase/buy/(P)/
とうひんこばい dealing in stolen goods/
を買ってなこうどのやくをかってでる(exp) to offer one's service as a matchmaker/