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Kanji: Radical: (かい) : ; つい(やす)、つい(える); expenses
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4497 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2607
Japanese Reading English
しゅっちょうりょひ(n) travel expenses/travel(ing) allowance/
ぐんじひwar funds/war expenditures/
ちりょうひ(n) doctor's fee (bill)/
うんてんひrunning expenses/operational costs/
けんせつひよう(n) construction (building) costs/
しょうひ (n,vs) consumption/expenditure/(P)/
くのを費やすおおくのかねを ついやす(exp) to spend (expend) a lot of money/
きゅうひせい (n) scholarship student/
かんぴ (n) government expense/
きょうざいひteaching material fees/
りょうひ (n) boarding-expenses/
しひ (n) municipal expenditure/
しょうひしゃだんたいconsumer group/
ぐんぴ (n) war funds/war expenditures/
たいきゅうしょうひざいdurable (consumer) goods/
ぶっけんひ(n) cost of equipment/
ぼしゅうひrecruiting expenses/
しひ (n) private expense/(P)/
そんぴ (n) village expenses/at village expense/
しょうひとしconsumer city/
しょうひざい (n) consumer goods/
せいさんひ(n) production costs/
こうひ (n) public expenditure/
じひしゅっぱん (n) self-publishing/publishing at one's own expense/
かんぴりゅうがくstudying abroad at government expense/
ちょくせつひ(n) direct cost/
こうこくひadvertising expenses/
みはらいひよう accrued expenses/
ゆそうひshipping charges/transportation expenses/
しく費やされたむなしくついやされたときwasted time/time passed in vain/
えいぎょうひoperating expenses/
こじんしょうひ consumer spending/
きみつひ(n) secret funds/
しょうひしゃかかくconsumer's price/
きょういくひ(n) education or school expenses/
きゅうひ (n) provision of expenses/scholarship/
しっぴ(n) expenses/
りょひ(n) travel expenses/(P)/
たいひせいstudent on a scholarship-loan/
うんそうひtransportation rates or expenses/
いりょうひ(n) medical expenses/doctor's bill/
じっぴ (n) actual expense/cost price/(P)/
りょうようひ(n) medical expenses/
けいひせつやく (n) curtailment of expenditure/financial retrenchment/
じひ(n) one's own expense/
うんぱんひtransportation charge/
くひ ward expenses/
しょうひしゃがわ consumers side/
けっこんひよう (n) wedding expenses/
しょうもうひんひ office supplies/
こうひ (n) construction cost/
さいひ (n) annual expenditure/
かいひ (n) membership fee/(P)/
いじひmaintenance costs/(P)/
せいけいひしすうcost of living index/
こくないしょうひぜいexcise tax/
こうじひ (n) construction costs/
そうぎょうひoperating costs/
じょうひ unnecessary expenses/
さいていせいかつひminimum cost of living/
ねんりょうひ(n) fuel expenses/cost of fuel/
しょうひしゃしんようconsumer credit/
かこうひprocessing cost/
うんえいひoperating expenses/budget/
しゅっぴ (n) expenses/disbursements/
がくひ (n) tuition/school expenses/(P)/
しゃひ (n) company expenses/at company expense/
かんぴりゅうがくせい student studying abroad at government expense/
たいひ(n) (student) loan/
かけいひ(n) household expenses/
こていひ(n) (a) fixed cost/
しょくひ (n) food expense/(P)/
こくひ (n) national expenditures/(P)/
しょうひりょうamount of consumption/
じんけんひ(n) personnel expenses/
こうねつひ(n) cost of fuel and light/(P)/
しょうひしゃうんどうconsumer movement/
ゆうきょうひentertainment expenses/
そしょうひよう (lawsuit) costs/(P)/
けいひ (n) expenses/cost/outlay/(P)/
せったいひentertainment expenses/
しょうひぜい(n) consumption tax/
うんどうひcampaign fund/
費をしょくひをとる (exp) to charge for one's meal/
ろうひ (n) waste/extravagance/(P)/
ぼうえいひ(n) defense costs/ERA/
こうしつひ(n) the Imperial Household expenses/
くみあいひ (n) union dues/
ざいりょうひ(n) cost of materials/
けいえいひoperating costs/
けんきゅうひ(n) research funds (expenses)/
せんぴ (n) war expenditures/
りんじひ(n) incidental expenses/
つうしんひpostage/communications expenses/
としょひ(n) book budget/
せいけいひ(n) living expenses/
ぞうえいひconstruction costs/
しゅっぱんひpublishing costs/
くうひ (n) wastefulness/
うんえいけいひ operating expenses/budget/
さぎょうひoperational expense/
せいかつひ(n) living expenses/(P)/
こうつうひ(n) traveling expenses/carfare/(P)/
ねんかいひannual fee/
費でしひでat one's own expense/
ひつようけいひ (n) necessary expenses/
ふたいひよう incidental expenses/
せいさくひ(n) production cost/
こうさいひ(n) entertainment expenses/
きょうえきひ(n) monthly fee for common areas of an apartment building (lighting, etc)/condo fees/
じょうひ(n) unnecessary expense/
しゅうぜんひrepair expense/
くのまったくのろうひsheer waste/
こくぼうひ defence expenditure/defence cost/
しょうひかくめい consumer or consumption revolution/
しょうひせいかつ(n) one's life as a consumer/
ざっぴ (n) miscellaneous expenses/
じゅうたくひ(n) housing costs (expenses)/
よびひ(n) reserve funds/emergency funds/(P)/
しょうひせいこう consumption propensity/
しょうひしゃ(n) consumer/(P)/
せつびひ(n) cost of equipment/
けいひさくげん cost reduction/
に費えたむいについえたとしつき years spent idly/
らんぴ (n) waste/lavish spending/dissipation/
そうぎょうひ initial expenses/
ねんぴ (n) fuel consumption/gas mileage/(P)/
たいざいひ hotel expenses/expenses incurred during a stay/
せんでんひ publicity or advertising expenses/
しゃひ (n) dormitory maintenance fee/
らんぴ (n) waste/lavish spending/dissipation/(P)/
にゅうひ(n) expenses/
とひ(n) waste/
けんちくひ building expenses/construction costs/
ろうひへき wasteful habits/
よういくひchild-rearing expenses/
きょひ (n) great cost/
けいじょうひ(n) current expenses/operating costs/