事を起こす | ことをおこす | (exp) to cause trouble (a disturbance)/ |
切り起こす | きりおこす
| (v5s) to open up waste land for
cultivation/ |
抱き起こす | だきおこす | (v5s) to lift (a person) in one's arms/to help (a
person) sit up/ |
跳ね起きる | はねおきる | (v1) to jump up/to spring up/ |
発起 | ほっき
| (n) proposal/resolution/ |
巻き起こす | まきおこす
| (v5s) to create (a sensation)/to give rise to
(controversy)/ |
発起人 | ほっきにん
| (n) originator/promoter/(P)/ |
揺り起こす | ゆりおこす
| (v5s) to shake someone awake/(P)/ |
惹起 | じゃっき | (n,vs) bringing about/cause/provocation/ |
書き起こす | かきおこす
| (v5s) to begin (start) writing/ |
躍起 | やっき
| (adj-na,n) desperation/eagerness/ |
掻き起こす | かきおこす | (v5s) to stir up/ |
遅く迄起きている | おそくま
でおきている | to stay up late/ |
畑を起こす | はたけをおこす
| (exp) to plow a field/ |
追起訴 | ついきそ | (n) supplementary indictment/ |
寝起き | ねおき
| (n) ability to wake up/ |
勇気を奮い起こす | ゆうきをふるい
おこす | (exp) to muster up one's
courage/ |
七顛八起 | しちてんはっき
| (n) the vicissitudes of life/always rising
after a fall or repeated failures/ |
引き起こす | ひきおこす | (v5s) to cause/(P)/ |
沸き起こる | わきおこる
| (v5r) to burst/to arise/ |
鋤起こす | すきおこす | (v5s) to turn over soil/to dig or plow up/ |
扶け起こす | たすけおこす
| to help a person to his (her)
feet/ |
隆起 | りゅうき | (n) protuberance/projection/rising/(P)/ |
決起 | けっき
| (n,vs) jump to one's feet/stand up
against/rising to action/ |
縁起直し | えんぎなおし
| (n) change of fortune/trying to change one's
luck/ |
虫様突起炎 | ちゅうようとっきえん
| appendicitis/ |
新たに起こった国 | あらたにおこったくに | newly established country/ |
助け起こす | たすけおこす
| (v5) to help up/ |
掘り起す | ほりおこす
| (v5s) to reclaim/to dig up/ |
再起 | さいき
| (n)
comeback/recovery/restoration/rally/reflexive (gram)/(P)/ |
蜂起 | ほうき | (n) uprising/revolt/ |
乳様突起 | にゅうようとっき
| mastoid/ |
不起 | ふき
| (n) rising no more (as in illness and
death)/returning no more/dying/ |
飛び起きる | とびおきる | (v1) to jump up to one's feet/ |
行動発起時刻 | こうどうはっきじこく
| h-hour/ |
武装蜂起 | ぶそうほうき | armed uprising/ |
息が起こる | ぜんそくがおこる | (exp) to have an attack of asthma/ |
七転八起 | しちてんはっき
| (n) the vicissitudes of life/always rising
after a fall or repeated failures/ |
| ほうき | uprising/revolt/ |
七転び八起き | ななころびやおき
| (n) the vicissitudes of life/always rising
after a fall or repeated failures/ |
奮い起こす | ふるいおこす | (v5s) to muster (e.g. courage)/to gather/to collect/to
pluck up/ |
喚起 | かんき | (n) evocation/(P)/ |
奮い起す | ふるいおこす
| (io) (v5s) to muster (e.g. courage)/to
gather/to collect/to pluck up/ |
| ぼっき | (n,vs)
(male) erection/standing erect/stiffening/ |
不起訴 | ふきそ | (n) nonprosecution or indictment/ |
不眠から起こる疲労 | ふみんからおこるひろう
| fatigue resulting from insomnia/ |
種の起原 | しゅのきげん | Origin of Species/ |
誘起 | ゆうき
| (n,vs) evocation/evoke/ |
乱を起こす | らんをおこす
| (exp) to rise in rebellion/ |
蹶起 | けっき | (n,vs) jump to one's feet/stand up against/rising to
action/ |
叩き起す | たたきおこす | (v5s) to wake
up/to rouse out of bed/ |
朝起き | あさおき | (n) early rising/ |
引き起す | ひきおこす
| (v5s) to cause/(P)/ |
継起 | けいき
| (n,vs) occurring in succession/ |
湧き起る | わきおこる | (v5r) to well up/to rise/ |
併起 | へいき
| (vs) occurring simultaneously/ |
説き起こす | ときおこす
| (v5s) to begin one's argument or story or
lecture/ |
振り起こす | ふりおこす | (v5s) to stir up/to stimulate/ |
良く起きた火 | よくおきたひ | blazing fire/ |
突起 | とっき | (n) protuberance/ |
沸き起る | わきおこる
| (io) (v5r) to burst/to arise/ |
刺状突起 | しじょうとっき
| prickle (of plants)/ |
想起 | そうき
| (n,vs)
remembering/recollection/recall/ |
掘り起こす | ほりおこす | (v5s) to dig up/ |
一念発起 | いちねんほっき
| (n) be resolved to/ |
思い起す | おもいおこす
| (v5s) to recall/ |
励起 | れいき
| (n) (electrical) excitation/ |
叩き起こす | たたきおこす | (v5s) to rouse/ |
呼び起こす | よびおこす
| (v5s) to call (to mind)/to wake/ |
縁起 | えんぎ
| (n) omen/(P)/ |
興起 | こうき
| (n) rise/ascendency/aroused
energy/high-spirited action/ |
早起き | はやおき | (n) early rising/(P)/ |
再起動 | さいきどう | re-starting/ |
会社を起こす | かいしゃをおこ
す | (exp) to set up a company/ |
思い起こす | おもいおこす
| (v5s) to recall/to remember/ |
振起 | しんき
| (n) encouragement/stimulation/ |
提起 | ていき
| (n) bring suit/file a claim/raise a
question/(P)/ |
揺すり起こす | ゆすりおこす | (v5) to shake someone awake/(P)/ |
赤赤と起こった火 | あかあかとおこったひ | blazing fire/ |
抱き起す | だきおこす | (v5s) to lift (a person) in one's arms/to help (a
person) sit up/ |
書き起こし | かきおこし | (n) opening words or sentence/ |
水力で電気を起こす | すいりょくででんきをおこす
| (exp) to generate electricity by hydraulic
power/ |
縁起物 | えんぎもの
| (n) talisman/lucky charm/ |
奮起 | ふんき
| (n,vs) stirring/rousing oneself/(P)/ |
早起き | はやおき | early rising |
生起 | せいき | (n,vs) take place/occurrence/happen/ |
摩擦で起こった熱 | まさつでおこったねつ | heat generated from friction/ |