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Kanji: Radical: (はしる) : ; お(きる)、お(こる)、お(こす); happen, occur, raise
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4541 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3307
Japanese Reading English
を起こすことをおこす(exp) to cause trouble (a disturbance)/
り起こすきりおこす (v5s) to open up waste land for cultivation/
き起こすだきおこす(v5s) to lift (a person) in one's arms/to help (a person) sit up/
ね起きるはねおきる(v1) to jump up/to spring up/
ほっき (n) proposal/resolution/
き起こすまきおこす (v5s) to create (a sensation)/to give rise to (controversy)/
ほっきにん (n) originator/promoter/(P)/
り起こすゆりおこす (v5s) to shake someone awake/(P)/
惹起じゃっき(n,vs) bringing about/cause/provocation/
き起こすかきおこす (v5s) to begin (start) writing/
やっき (adj-na,n) desperation/eagerness/
掻き起こすかきおこす(v5s) to stir up/
く迄起きているおそくま でおきているto stay up late/
を起こすはたけをおこす (exp) to plow a field/
ついきそ(n) supplementary indictment/
起きねおき (n) ability to wake up/
い起こすゆうきをふるい おこす(exp) to muster up one's courage/
しちてんはっき (n) the vicissitudes of life/always rising after a fall or repeated failures/
き起こすひきおこす(v5s) to cause/(P)/
き起こるわきおこる (v5r) to burst/to arise/
鋤起こすすきおこす(v5s) to turn over soil/to dig or plow up/
け起こすたすけおこす to help a person to his (her) feet/
りゅうき(n) protuberance/projection/rising/(P)/
けっき (n,vs) jump to one's feet/stand up against/rising to action/
えんぎなおし (n) change of fortune/trying to change one's luck/
ちゅうようとっきえん appendicitis/
たに起こったあらたにおこったくにnewly established country/
け起こすたすけおこす (v5) to help up/
り起すほりおこす (v5s) to reclaim/to dig up/
さいき (n) comeback/recovery/restoration/rally/reflexive (gram)/(P)/
蜂起ほうき(n) uprising/revolt/
にゅうようとっき mastoid/
ふき (n) rising no more (as in illness and death)/returning no more/dying/
び起きるとびおきる(v1) to jump up to one's feet/
こうどうはっきじこく h-hour/
蜂起ぶそうほうきarmed uprising/
が起こるぜんそくがおこる(exp) to have an attack of asthma/
しちてんはっき (n) the vicissitudes of life/always rising after a fall or repeated failures/
鋒起 ほうきuprising/revolt/
起きななころびやおき (n) the vicissitudes of life/always rising after a fall or repeated failures/
い起こすふるいおこす(v5s) to muster (e.g. courage)/to gather/to collect/to pluck up/
かんき(n) evocation/(P)/
い起すふるいおこす (io) (v5s) to muster (e.g. courage)/to gather/to collect/to pluck up/
勃起 ぼっき(n,vs) (male) erection/standing erect/stiffening/
ふきそ(n) nonprosecution or indictment/
から起こるふみんからおこるひろう fatigue resulting from insomnia/
の起しゅのきげんOrigin of Species/
ゆうき (n,vs) evocation/evoke/
を起こすらんをおこす (exp) to rise in rebellion/
蹶起けっき(n,vs) jump to one's feet/stand up against/rising to action/
叩き起すたたきおこす(v5s) to wake up/to rouse out of bed/
起きあさおき(n) early rising/
き起すひきおこす (v5s) to cause/(P)/
けいき (n,vs) occurring in succession/
湧き起るわきおこる(v5r) to well up/to rise/
へいき (vs) occurring simultaneously/
き起こすときおこす (v5s) to begin one's argument or story or lecture/
り起こすふりおこす(v5s) to stir up/to stimulate/
く起きたよくおきたひblazing fire/
とっき(n) protuberance/
き起るわきおこる (io) (v5r) to burst/to arise/
しじょうとっき prickle (of plants)/
そうき (n,vs) remembering/recollection/recall/
り起こすほりおこす(v5s) to dig up/
いちねんほっき (n) be resolved to/
い起すおもいおこす (v5s) to recall/
れいき (n) (electrical) excitation/
叩き起こすたたきおこす(v5s) to rouse/
び起こすよびおこす (v5s) to call (to mind)/to wake/
えんぎ (n) omen/(P)/
こうき (n) rise/ascendency/aroused energy/high-spirited action/
起きはやおき(n) early rising/(P)/
を起こすかいしゃをおこ す(exp) to set up a company/
い起こすおもいおこす (v5s) to recall/to remember/
しんき (n) encouragement/stimulation/
ていき (n) bring suit/file a claim/raise a question/(P)/
すり起こすゆすりおこす(v5) to shake someone awake/(P)/
と起こったあかあかとおこったひblazing fire/
き起すだきおこす(v5s) to lift (a person) in one's arms/to help (a person) sit up/
き起こしかきおこし(n) opening words or sentence/
を起こすすいりょくででんきをおこす (exp) to generate electricity by hydraulic power/
えんぎもの (n) talisman/lucky charm/
ふんき (n,vs) stirring/rousing oneself/(P)/
起きはやおきearly rising
せいき(n,vs) take place/occurrence/happen/
で起こったまさつでおこったねつheat generated from friction/