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Kanji: Radical: (はしる) : エツ; こ(す)、こ(える); go beyond
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4542 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3314
Japanese Reading English
くりこし(n) balance brought forward/a transferred amount (of money)/
を越すどをこす(exp,v5) to go too far/
っ越ひっこ (io) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)/changing residence/
越しよいごし(n) (kept) overnight/(P)/
僣越せんえつ(adj-na) presumptuous/arrogant/
越しかきねごし(n) conducting (a conversation) or doing over a fence/
り越しのりこし(n) riding past (one's station)/(P)/
り越しみしりごし(n) being well-known to/
ちゅうごし over center field/
韓越にっちゅうかんえつCJKV/Japan, China, Korea and Vietnam/
ちょうえつ (n) transcendental/(P)/
り越しのりこしりょうきん excess fare (for going too far)/
じょうえつ area on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata/
たくえつ(n) excellence/superiority/(P)/
び越すとびこす (v5s) to leap over/
越しをするやまごしをす る(vs) to cross a mountain/
っ越しひっこしさき(n) destination of a move/
き越すひきこす (v5s) to move (house)/to change quarters/
り越えるのりこえる(v1) to climb over/to ride across/to surmount/(P)/
僭越せんえつ(adj-na,n) audacity/forwardness/
み越えるふみこえる(v1) to step over or across/to overcome/
し越しもうしこし (n) send word/
かんえつおんVietnamese reading (of Chinese characters)/
越しにかきねごしにみる (exp) to look over the fence/
し越すもうしこす (v5s) to send word to/to write to/
みつこし Mitsukoshi (department store)/
び越えるとびこえる (v1) to jump over/to clear/to walk over (someone)/
い越すおいこす(v5s) to pass (e.g. car)/to outdistance/to outstrip/(P)/
を越えるかわをこえる(exp) to cross a river/
り越すまかりこす (v5s) to visit/to call on/
ゆうえつけんspecial rights/predominant rights/
ゆうえつかん(n) superiority complex/(P)/
ごえつどうしゅう (n) bitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat/(P)/
し越えるさしこえる(v1) to go out of turn/to butt in/
け越しまけこし (n) more losses than wins (sport)/
じょうえつほんせん Joetsu Main Line/
越しものごし (n) with something in-between/
り越すのりこす (v5s) to ride past/to pass/to outdistance/(P)/
ちょうえつかんすうtranscendental function/
げきえつ (adj-na,n) violent/vehement/
っ越しひっこし (n) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)/changing residence/(P)/
ひっこし(io) (n) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)/changing residence/
を越すせんをこす(exp) to take the initiative/to forestall/
い越しおいこし (n) passing/
越えやまごえ (n) crossing a mountain/
り越すとおりこす (v5s) to go past (a place or thing)/to go beyond/
越しなつごしkeeping over the summer/
ち越すかちこす (v5s) to have more wins than losses/to lead (someone) by (three) matches/
を越すとうげをこす(exp,v5) to cross over a pass/to finish the most difficult part/(P)/
り越すかりこす(v5s) to overdraw/
越えかわごえ crossing a river/
越すよこす (v5s) to send/to forward/(P)/
を越えるのりをこえる (exp) to violate the laws of nature/
り越しかりこし(n) outstanding debt/overdraft/
っ越すひっこす (v5s) to move/to change residence/(P)/
ゆうえつふくごうsuperiority complex/
を越すとしをこす (v5) to enter a new year/
しねつほんせん Shinetsu Main Line (Gunma-Nagano-Niigata Railway)/
しんえつ(n) region on Japan Sea side of Japan west of Tokyo/Nagano and Niigata/
し越しかしこし(n) overdraft/
し越すさしこす(v5s) to go out of turn/to send/
ちょうえつてんpassage point/
ゆうえつ(n,vs) supremacy/predominance/being superior to/
越しとしこし(n) New Year's Eve/end of year/
り越しとりこしぐろう (n) overanxiety/
越しにまどごしに over the window sill/
越すひきこす (v5s) to move (house)/to change quarters/
ごえつ(n) Go-Etsu/two rival states in ancient China/(P)/
を越すやまをこす(exp) to surmount a difficulty/to go across a mountain/
り越すくりこす(v5s) to carry forward (i.e. on a balance sheet)/to transfer/
り越しくりこしきん (n) balance carried forward/
ちゅうえつふんそう dispute between China and Vietnam/
ひえつ (n,vs) jumping over (a hurdle)/clearing (a fence)/hurdling/
越すみこす(v5s) to anticipate/to foresee/
越すのりこす (v5s) to ride past/to pass/to outdistance/(P)/
り越しかりこしきん overdraft/outstanding debt/
を越えるとうげをこえる (exp) to pass over the peak/to cross a pass/
越しつきごし(n) left (unpaid) from previous month/
ちょうえつこうたい passage of lines/
ち越すもちこす (v5s) to carry over/to carry forward/to keep (for later)/to defer/
越しのりこし(n) riding past (one's station)/(P)/
越しかわごし (n) crossing a river/
たくえつふう(n) prevailing wind/
越しやまごし (n) wind blowing down, coming over a mountain/
り越しくりこし(n) balance brought forward/a transferred amount (of money)/
ち越しかちこし(n) more wins than losses (sport)/(P)/
越しふゆごし (n) wintering/passing the winter/
越しひっこし (io) (n) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)/changing residence/