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Kanji: Radical: (あし) : ソク; あし、た(る)、た(りる); foot, leg
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4546 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2188
Japanese Reading English
てぶそく (adj-na,n) shorthanded/understaffed/
足をふそくをおぎなう (exp) to replenish a shortage/
じくあし (n) pivot leg/
ほそくせつめい (n) supplementary explanation/
足りることたりる (v1) to suffice/to serve the purpose/to be satisfied/
ねこあし(n) carved table leg/
き足うきあし (n) standing on the balls of the feet/
なみあし(n) walking pace/slow march/
足掻きわるあがき (n) wicked mischief/wicked play/
け足しつけたし (n) addition/appendix/supplement/postscript/
足らずつきたらず (n) premature birth/
さんぼんあし(n) three legs (two legs and a cane)/
ほそく (n) supplement/complement/(P)/
って足らずちあまってゆうた らず(exp) lacking boldness by being too sagacious/being too sagacious to be bold/
け足りつけたり addition/pretext/
み足いさみあし (n) overeagerness/rashness/(P)/
にそくどうぶつ biped/
たそくるい(n) myriapod/many-legged/
足りないものたりない (adj) unsatisfied/unsatisfactory/(P)/
しゅんそく(n) swift horse/talented person/
やくぶそく (adj-na,n) dissatisfaction with one's position/
せっそくどうぶつ(n) arthopods/
げそくりょう (n) footwear-checking charge/
れんしゅうぶそく (n) lack of training/
げ足をあげあしをとる(v5) to find fault with someone/to flame someone/
せんそく(n) washing the feet/
きんそく (n) confinement/
だそく (n) redundancy/utter superfluousness/uselessness/(P)/
ひとあしさき one step ahead/
おおあし (n) big feet/long stride/
足のにそくのわらじmany irons in the fire/
ち足りるみちたりる (v1) to be content/to have enough/to be happy/to be sufficient/to be satisfied/
み足きざみあし (n) mincing steps/
よいであしgood turnout of people/good start/
にんしきぶそく (n) lack of knowledge or understanding/
ゆいごんほそくしょ codicil/
駿足しゅんそく(n) swift horse/fleet steed/fleet speed/fast runner/brilliant person/
いっそく(n) fast runner/excellence/
足らずすんたらず (adj-na,n) a little too short/
かざあし (n) wind speed/
みぎあし (n) right foot/
き足でぬきあしで stealthily/
の足にのあし (n) hesitation/
まんぞく (adj-na,n,vs) satisfaction/(P)/
が足りることがたりる (exp) to be sufficient/to answer the purpose/
み足なみあし(n) walking pace/slow march/
鎌足かまあし(n) legs bowed in/sitting with heels spread apart/
ちょうそく(n) rapid progress/great strides/
だいこんあし(n) fat legs/
げ足にげあし(n) running away/escaping on foot/(P)/
じかたび(n) work tabi/split-toed heavy cloth shoes with rubber soles/
び足しのびあし(n) stealthy steps/soft steps/(P)/
まえあし (n) forefeet/
足のちょうそくのしんぽ rapid progress (strides)/
れ足うれあし (n) sales/demand/
足りにたり barge/lighter/
ぎ足すつぎたす to extend/to add/
とうそくるい(n) cephalopod/
はっそく (n) starting/inauguration/
けあし (n) length of hair/
どそく (n) shoes/(P)/
ないはんそく(n) clubfoot/
足がまんぞくがいく (exp) to be satisfied/
あまあし (n) passing shower/streaks of pouring rain/
あとあし(n) hind (rear) legs/
むかで (gikun) (n) centipede/
に足りないようにたりな いbe of no use/be useless/
纒足てんそく(n,vs) foot-binding/
あぶらあし (n) greasy feet/
煽り足あおりあし(n) scissors kick/
きゅうそく resting/
するに足りるいっけんするにたりる(exp) to be worth seeing/
しゅそく (n) head and legs/the body/
ひあし (n) spreading of a fire/
ろ足うしろあし (n) hind foot/hind-legs/
どんそく (n) slow-footed/
足ることたる (v5r) to suffice/to serve the purpose/to be satisfied/
さいほっそく restart/fresh start/
すあし (n) bare feet/
じきゅうじそく (n) self-sufficiency/
し足さしあし (n) stealthy steps/kick when one (horse) overtakes another/
もろあし(n) both feet/both legs/
じそく (n,vs) self-sufficiency/self-satisfaction/
摺り足 すりあし(n) shuffling (one's feet)/
こあし(n) mincing steps/
ひだりあし (n) left foot/(P)/
疣足いぼあし(n) parapodium/
じかたび (n) work tabi/split-toed heavy cloth shoes with rubber soles/
とんそくpigs feet/
ひとあしちがい barely miss (meeting someone, catching a train etc.)/
ろしゅつぶそく(n) underexposure/
き足ききあし (n) one's dominant foot/
纏足てんそく(n) foot-binding/
が足りないすんがたりな いbe too short/
ちからぶそく(adj-na,n) strong weakness/great insufficiency/
足しようたし(n) (transaction of) business/purveyor/going to the washroom/(P)/
へんぺいそく(n) flatfoot/
あめあし(n) passing shower/streaks of pouring rain/
てあし (n) one's hands and feet/limbs/(P)/
にあし(n) sale/ballast/lading/
げ足あげあしとり (n) faultfinding/
かふそく(n) excess or deficiency/
たんそく(n) short legs/
にそくさんもん (n) dirt cheap/very cheap/
摺足すりあし(n) sliding feet/
しょくりょうぶそく (n) food shortage/
足しつけたし (n) addition/appendix/supplement/postscript/
かたあし(n) one leg/one-legged/
鰐足わにあし(n) bowlegs/knock-kneed/
い足すかいたす (v5s) to make additional purchases/
ぐんそくsoldier's socks/
きゃくあし (n) customers/
が足りないてがたりない be short of hands/
ぐそく (n) completeness/armor/coat of mail/
うんどうぶそくinsufficient exercise/(P)/
ひとあし (n) a step/(P)/
ふそく (adj-na,n) insufficiency/shortage/deficiency/lack/dearth/(P)/
ふくそくるい(n) gastropods/
げそくばん(n) doorman in charge of footwear/
足りないしょうしょうたりないsomewhat lacking/somewhat weak in the head/
げ足さげあし (n) downward trend/
の足すいせんのあしfoot of a perpendicular line/
ひとあし (n) pedestrian traffic/
こうそく (n) best student/leading disciple/
げ足をあげあしをとる(v5) to find fault with someone/to flame someone/
どろあし(n) muddy feet/
ちからあし (n) strong legs/
しおあし (n) the speed of the tide/
はやあし (n) quick pace/
じゅうそく (n) sufficiency/(P)/
えりあし (n) nape of neck/border of hair at back of neck/
み足ぬすみあし(n) stealthy steps/
いっそく (n-adv,n-t) a pair (footwear)/(P)/
の足つくえのあし legs of a table/
いっそくとび(n) (at) one bound/
にんそく (n) coolie/laborer/carrier/
蛸足たこあし(n) table etc. with many legs/
であし (n) start/turnout/
足蟹たかあしがに (n) giant spider crab/
の足うまのあし (n) minor or untalented actor (relegated to roles such as the legs of a stage horse)/
しょくりょうふそく (n) food shortage/
ふまんぞく(n) dissatisfaction/displeasure/discontent/
き足らないあきたらない (exp) unsatisfactory/unsatisfying/
け足すつけたす (v5s) to add to/(P)/
いっそく a pair of (shoes, socks, etc)
足らずしたたらず (adj-na,adj-no,n) lisping/inadequate linguistic ability/
おかしいstrange word
つ足よつあし(n) four-footed (animal)/
えいようふそく malnutrition/
まんぞくかん(n) feeling of satisfaction/
にそく (n) two pairs/
び足しのびあし stealthy steps
じょうそく (n) high retainer/
よさんふそく budget deficit/
ごそくろう(n) (polite term for) inviting another to one's home/
ほっそく(n) starting/inauguration/(P)/
り足さぐりあし (n) feel one's way (with one's feet)/
を足すようをたす(exp) to relieve oneself/to do one's business/to go to the toilet/
ぎそく(n) (a) pseudopodium/
いっきょしゅいっとう そく(n) a slight effort/the least trouble/
き足すかきたす(v5s) to add to/to insert/
ぎ足すつぎたす (v5s) to add (coals to a fire)/
ふそくがちneedy circumstances/
りょうそく (n) both feet/both legs/
い足りないくいたりない not eating enough/
の足つうきんのあしfacilities for commutation/
蛸足たこあしはいせん overloading an electrical circuit/
へんぺいそく(n) flat foot/
げ足あげあし(n) find fault/
むだあし(n,vs) visit for no reason/go on fool's errand/
くついっそく pair of shoes/(P)/
ふなあし (n) speed of a boat/draft/
はだし (n) barefoot/(P)/
き足うきあしだつ(v5t) to be prepared to flee/
げそく (n) footgear/footwear/
すいみんぶそく lack of sleep/(P)/
驥足きそく(n) full ability/
ちどりあし(n) tottering steps/
ぎそく (n) artificial leg/
ぎ足いそぎあし (n) fast pace/
け足かけあし (n) running fast/double time/(P)/
えんそく (n) trip/hike/picnic/(P)/
ひとでぶそく shorthanded/
ずかんそくねつ (n) keeping the head cool and feet warm/
ひあし(n) daytime/position of the sun/
かいそく (adj-no,n) quick of foot/fast/nimble-footed/
ねぶそく (adj-na,n) lack of sleep/
くもあし (n) movement of clouds/
じこまんぞく (n) self-satisfaction/(self-)complacency/
きざみあし(n) mincing steps/
足りにたりぶねa barge/a lighter/
の足をにのあしをふむ(v5) to hesitate/to think twice/to shy or flinch/
りょうあし(n) both feet/both legs/
い足すいいたす (v5s) to add/to say something additional/
ていそくすう (n) quorum/