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Kanji: Radical: (あし) : ; ; road
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4561 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1533
Japanese Reading English
おおじ(n) main street/
けいろ (n) path/route/process/
けいろせきぶん path integral (physics)/
どうろひょうじ (n) traffic sign painted on the road/
れ路わかれみち(n) branch/forked road/crossroads/branch road/parting of the ways/turning point/
れ路わかれじ(n) parting of the ways/the way to hades/one's way after the parting/
ふくろ(n-adv,n-t) return path (of a signal, communication)/return trip/
すぐみち(n) straight road/short cut/
ようろ (n) (1) main or important road/(2) influential or important position/the authorities/
へんこうかいろ deflection circuit/
かんせんどうろ main road/main thoroughfare/
どうろちず (n) road (highway) map/
しい路けわしいみち steep street/(P)/
あくろ (n) bad road/
えんろ (n) long road/journey/detour/
のじ (n) path in a field/
沿えんろ (n) route/
しんろ (n) course/route/(P)/
ちょうすいろ(n) swimming pool lane which is longer than 50 meters/
なみきじ avenue of trees/
だんがんどうろ long, straight, wide-open highway/
がいろ (n) road/street/avenue/(P)/
どうろきょう(n) (highway) overpass/
てんろき(n) (railroad) switch/
おうりょくけいろ stress path/
しんにゅうろ(aircraft's) approach/
かつろ (n) means of escape/
がいろじゅ(n) roadside trees/
じゅんろ (n) (regular) route/(P)/
なみじ (n) sea route/
退たいろ (n) path of retreat/
わせごろあわせ(n) pun/play on words/
西ほくせいこうろ Northwest Passage/
かわじ river's course/
べつろ (n) different road/
かいろきばん (electrical circuit) substrate/
こうろびょうしゃ (n) person fallen sick by the wayside/
さんさろ three-forked road/
こうろひょうしき beacon/
がり路まがりみち (n) roundabout road/curving road/
ちょうだいきぼしゅう せきかいろ(n) VLSI/very large-scale integration/
だいきぼしゅうせきか いろ(n) LSI/large-scale integration/
どうろふうさ roadblock/
はいすいろdrainage channel/
く路まちをつらぬくみちroad passing through the town/
なみきみちavenue of trees/
げ路にげみち (n) escape route/means of escape/
ひろこうじ(n) a (wide) main street/
ほそうどうろ paved road/(P)/
めいろ (n) maze/labyrinth/blind alley/(P)/
みっかじ three-day journey/
かっそうろ(n) runway/(P)/
ごろ (n) the sound or euphony of a sentence/
いえじ(n) the road home/
せんろ (n) line/track/roadbed/(P)/
けつろ (n) way out/means of escape/
どうろけいかく (n) road plan/
りゅうつうけいろ (n) channel of distribution/
じんせいこうろ the path of one's life/
ぶんしゅうかいろ clock division circuit/
こうつうろ(n) traffic route/
くうろ (n-adv,n-t) air lane/
やそじ(n) eighty years of age/
へんろ (n) pilgrim/(P)/
たんすいろ(n) short course (swimming)/
すいろ (n) waterway/channel/aqueduct/(P)/
路をれるしんろをそれる(exp) to swerve from the course/
とうろ (n) the authorities/
どうろこうつう (n) road traffic/
せいろ (n) righteousness/path of righteousness/path of duty/the right track/
のじこ (n) a Japanese yellow bunting/
かいろ (n) circuit (electric)/(P)/
かつろかいたく developing a way or means/
こうろ (n) one's course or path or road/
おうろ (n) outward journey/
どうろ (n) road/highway/(P)/
けいろ (n) course/route/channel/(P)/
せいろかびょういんSt Luke Hospital/
ちかみち (n) short way/shortcut/
ゆうりょうどうろ toll road/
とうめいこうそくどう ろTokyo-Nagoya Expressway/
たいけんこうろ great circle sailing route/
にほんどうろこうだん (n) Japan Highway Public Corporation/
てつろ(n) railroad/railway/
ちょくろ (n) straight road/short cut/
どうろゆそう (n) road transport/
隘路あいろ(n) defile/narrow path/bottleneck/
たんろ short circuit/
ばつろ (n) last days/end/fate/
まつろ (n) last days/end/fate/
闇路やみじ(n) dark road/
うみじ(n-t) sea route/
ふなじ (n) sea route/voyage/
しんろしどう guidance counseling/
ていじろ(n) T junction/
みそじ(n) age thirty/
こうそくどうろ highway/freeway/(P)/
じゅうじろ(n) crossroads/(P)/
ななそじ(n) age seventy/
でんしかいろ electronic circuit/
どうろこうじ road construction/
ちょくそうろstraight course/
うかいろ(n) detour sign/diversion sign/
せっきんけいろ avenue of approach/
きょうきゅうろsupply route/
いそじ (n) 50 years/age fifty/
しんけいかいろもうbiological neural network/
やしおじ(n) long sea voyage/
きろ (n-adv,n-t) one's way back/(P)/
迂路うろ(n) detour/
でんろ(n) electrical circuit/
しんじついちろ path of sincerity/
こうくうろ(n) air route/
ほうすいろ (n) drainage ditch/drain/
路をかいひけいろをかくりつ re-route/
こうじ (n) lane/alley/
ようすいろ(n) irrigation channel or ditch/flume/
かいじょうゆそうろ(n) marine transportation routes/
しゅうせきかいろ integrated-circuit/
はんろ (n) market/outlet/opening/(P)/
てんろれきてい Pilgrim's Progress/
きろ (n) forked road/crossroads/(P)/
かいろしゃだんきcircuit breaker/
ふくろこうじ(n) blind alley/(P)/
りろせいぜん (n) logical/
ふくろこうじぶん garden-path sentences/
こうろ (n) course/(sea) route/run/(P)/
えきろ (n) post road/
どうろけんせつ (n) road construction/
あわじしまisland in Hyogo Prefecture/
めいしんこうそくどう ろ(n) Meishin Expressway/
どうろこうつうほう(n) Road Traffic Law/
よすいろ(n) spillway/
り路かえりみち(n) the way back or home/return trip/
い路かよいじ (n) route/
かいかいろopen circuit/
ゆめじ(n) dreaming/
路アドレスがいろアドレスstreet address/
ろんりかいろ logic device/logic circuit/
かいろずcircuit diagram/schematic/
じゅしんかいろ (n) receiving circuit/
ぐんろ military road/
かいろ (n-t) sea route/(P)/
こうろ (n) public road/highway/
えんようこうろ sea lane/
かんせんけいろ (n) infection route/
どうろ road, way, street
いちにちじa day's journey/
へいかいろ(n) closed circuit/
やえのしおじ distant seas/
ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ ULSI/ultra large-scale integration/
こいじ(n) romance/love's pathway/
でんそうろline/transmission line/transmission path/transmission route/link/
そうろ(n) race track/course/express trail/(P)/
でんきかいろ electric circuit/
しんろ (n) course/direction/compass bearing/
へいろ(n) closed circuit/
ちょうちょうだいきぼ しゅうせきかいろULSI/ultra large-scale integration/
どうろそうじじん street sweeper (person)/
きょくろ winding road/
尿にょうろ urinary tract/
叉路さんさろ (n) three-forked road/
退路をたいろをたつ(exp) to cut off the retreat/
ちょくりゅうかいろ direct-current circuit/
だんろ disconnection (of a wire)/
ひめじ Himeji (city in Hyogo pref)
かいろ circuit (electric)
せいろかSaint Luke's (Tokyo Hospital)/
ほきゅうろa supply line/
どうろひょうしきroad sign/signpost/
がいこくこうろ foreign route/
てつどうせんろ (n) railroad track/rail line/
やまじ (n) mountain path/
つうろ (n) passage/pathway/(P)/
りくろ (n-adv,n-t) overland route/land route/(P)/
りろ(n) logic/reasoning/argument/
しょうじ(n) lane/alley/
しおじ (n) a tideway/a sea route/
たびじ (n) journey/
なんろ (n) rough or steep path/
けんろ (n) steep path/(P)/
いちろ (adv,n) one road/one way/straight/earnestly/
むそじ (n) age sixty/