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Kanji: Radical: () : シン; ; body, person
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4601 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3553
Japanese Reading English
しんしんしょう (n) psychosomatic illness/
うきみ (n) life of misery/
かはんしん(n) lower half of body/(P)/
しゃしん (n) (Buddh.) renouncing the flesh or the world/becoming a priest/risking one's life for others/
いちみ partisans/gang/conspirators/
うけみけい(gram) passive voice/
さしみ (n) sliced raw fish/(P)/
はんしんよくsitz bath/
じしん(n) by oneself/personally/(P)/
ほうしん (n) gun barrel/
しゅうしんかいいん (n) life member/
すてみ (n) at the risk of one's life/
ぜんしんふずい total paralysis/
剥き身むきみ(n) shellfish stripped from its shell/
ぜんしんぜんれい (n) complete devotion/body and soul/one's best/
うけみ(adj-na,n) passive/passive voice/(P)/
あぶらみ (n) fat meat/(P)/
ほそみ (n) narrow/thin (sized)/slender/
どくしん single, unmarried, celibate
渾身こんしん(n) with all one's might/with one's whole body/
り身つくりみ(n) sliced raw fish/
つ身ひとつみ (n) baby clothes/
しゅっしんち(n) birthplace/native place/
たんしんふにん solo assignment/transfer/
ほねみ(n) flesh and bones/
おおみ (n) long blade/
しんしんしょうがい mental and physical disorder/
と身だいがくせいとみぶん をいつわる(exp) to misrepresent oneself as a university student/
ほしん(n) self-protection/
ぶんしん (n) parturition/delivery/one's child/branch/offshoot/one's other self/
しゅうしんかん(n) official holding a lifetime appointment/
じんしんほごhabeas corpus/
き身うきみ(n) floating on one's back/
ていとうへいしん (vs) prostrating oneself/
賤しい身いやしいみなりshabby appearance/
とうしん (n) body proportions/
たんしんじゅうsingle-barreled gun/
身がかたみがせまいfeeling ashamed/
しゅうしんねんきん a life pension or annuity/
じんしんばいばい slave trade/white-slave trade/
たいしん (n) person of high rank or income/
ばしん horse's length/
し身さしみ (n) sliced raw fish/
じんしんこうげき personal attack/
そうみ (n) one's whole body/
きみ (n) egg yolk/(P)/
びょうしん (n) weak constitution/ill health/
ごしん (n) self-protection/
じゅうしん (n) gun barrel/
どくしん (n) bachelorhood/single/unmarried/celibate/(P)/
いれずみ (n,vs) tattoo/
しんみ (adj-na,n) relative/kind/cordial/
ずいしん (n) an attendant/
ほっしん (n) Buddhism's highest form of existence/
しししんちゅうのむし(n) treacherous friend/
かたみ (n) shoulders/
はだみ (n) body/
どくしんせいかつ (n,vs) bachelor's life/life of a bachelor/
しゅうしんこようせい (n) (Japanese) system of lifetime employment/(P)/
り身きりみ(n) cut/slice (meat, fish)/
き身うきみ (n) wretched life/
じょうはんしん(n) upper half of body/bust/(P)/
らしん (n) naked (body)/
に身をねるげきじょうにみをゆ だねる(exp) to yield oneself to passion/
あかみ(n) lean meat/lean tuna/heartwood/
けんしん (n) dedication/devotion/
ぜんしんぞうfull-length portrait or statue/
てんしん (n) (job) turnover/
ち身うちみ (n) (a) bruise/
はんしんぞうhalf-length statue or portrait/bust/
へんしん (n,vs) metamorphosis/disguise/transformation/(P)/
ぶんしん (n,vs) tattoo/
きりみ (n) cut/slice (meat, fish)/
ふんこつさいしん (n) making one's best exertions/
とうしん (n) sword blade/
しょうしんじさつ burning oneself to death/suicide by fire/
しゅっしんこう alma mater/
かげみ (n) person always at one's side/
しゅうしんほけん whole life insurance/
じんしんほごれいじょう writ of habeas corpus/
身のわせさしみのもりあわせ plate of assorted sashimi/
が身わがみ (n) myself/oneself/
じしんばん(n) (Edo-period) guardhouses within the city/
どくしんきぞくunmarried persons living affluently/
つ身みつみ (n) baby clothes/
し身さしみ (n) (in sumo) a quick thrust of the hand/
て身すてみ(n) at the risk of one's life/
りっしんしゅっせ (n) success in life/
どくしんしゃ(n) unmarried person/bachelor/spinster/
わり身かわりみ (n) change of stance/
しゅっしん (n) graduate from/come from/(P)/
そくしんじょうぶつ (n) attainment of Buddhahood during life/
身がかたみがひろい wide shoulders/(P)/
しゅうしん(n) the whole life/(P)/
はんていしんhalf a boat length/
どくしんもの(n) unmarried person/bachelor/spinster/
ぜんしんよくfull bath/
はんしん(n) bending backward/strutting/
り身そりみ(n) strutting/sticking out the chest/
さしみぼうちょう fish-slicing knife/
いっしんじょう(adj-no,n) personal (affairs)/
さずはだみはなさず(adv) always carry/
とうしんだい(n) life-size(d)/
ふみもち(adj-na) misconduct/profligacy/licentiousness/
ぜんしん(n) antecedents/ancestor/previous position/previous existence/predecessor organization/(P)/
しい身いやしいみなりshabby appearance/
ていしん (n) boat length/(P)/
おんみ (n) (polite term for) the body/you (him)/
なまみ(n) living flesh/flesh and blood/the quick/
ふんこつさいしん (iK) (n) making one's best exertions/
りっしん(n,vs) establishing oneself in life/success in life/
しんしん(n) mind and body/(P)/
き身ぬきみ (n) naked (drawn) sword/
ちょうしん (n) tall figure/high stature/
かたみ (n) one side of a body/
なかみ (n) contents/interior/substance/filling/(sword) blade/(P)/
ごしんじゅつ art of self-defense/
しゅうしんけい(n) life imprisonment/
しょうしん (n) humble position/
ぜんしんびょうgeneral constitutional illness/
けしん (n) (Buddhist) incarnation/impersonation/personification/
まんしんそういhaving wounds all over one's body/
しょうしん (n) burning oneself (to death)/self-immolation/
しゅうしん(n) morals/ethics/moral training/
て身あてみ (n) strike/blow/
からみ (n) traveling alone and with little luggage/
さしみsashimi (sliced raw fish)
挺身ていしん(n) volunteer/volunteering/
はんしん (n) half the body/half length/(P)/
いっしん (n) oneself/one's own interests/throughout the body/
ぜんしんますいgeneral anesthesia/
しもはんしん(n) lower half of body/
痩身そうしん(n) slim figure/weight reduction/
剥身すきみ(n) slice of meat or fish/
はんしんふずい (n) paralyzed on one side/
たんしん (n-adv,n-t) alone/unaided/away from home/
そうしんぐ (n) (personal) accessories (ornaments, outfit)/
挺身ていしんたい(n) volunteer corps/
しろみ (n) (1) white of egg/(2) white meat/sapwood/(3) white-fleshed fish for sushi and sashimi (e.g. tai, hirame, karei)/
り身よりみ(n) (sumo) push an opponent out with one's body/
ほしんじゅつ (n) art of self-protection/
へいしんていとう (n,vs) prostrating oneself/kowtowing/going down on one's knees/
身頃まえみごろ(n) front/
どくしんりょう hostel for bachelors/(P)/
に身をめるいすにみをしずめる (exp) to sink into a chair/
あいみたがい(n) mutual assistance or sympathy/
まんしん (n) the whole body/
ようしん (n) leaf blade/
じんしんほごほう(n) (Japan's) Protection of Personal Liberty Law (1948)/
身のごしんのじゅつ art of self-defense/
擂り身すりみ(n) minced fish or meat/
に身をめるくがいにみをしずめ る(exp) to become a prostitute (sink into a brothel)/
剥身むきみ(n) shellfish removed from the shell/
ひとみ(n) the human body/one's person/
ひとみごくう (n) human sacrifice/victim/
き身いきみ (n) living body/flesh and blood;raw meat/
ふじみ (adj-na,n) invulnerability/immortality/insensibility to pain/(P)/
ぜんしん(n) the whole body/full-length (portrait)/(P)/
はだみ(n) body/
けんしんてき (adj-na) devoted/
が身をわがみをうらむ(exp) to blame oneself/
とうしん (n) suicide by jumping into a river (base of a waterfall, from a high place)/
け身うけみ(adj-na,n) passive/passive voice/(P)/
じんしん (n) the human body/one's person/
らわしい身けがらわしいみなりdirty getup (appearance)/
ぜんしんすいじゃく general prostration/
じんしんじこ traffic accident resulting in personal injury or death/
身をさしみをつくる (exp) to slice (raw fish)/