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Kanji: Radical: (くるま) : グン; ; army
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 628 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2080
Japanese Reading English
きゅうぐんじん ex-soldier/
かいぐん navy
くうぐんたいいair force captain/
じゅうぐん (n) campaign/
退たいえきぐんじん (n) ex-serviceman/
ぜんぐん (n) front-line troops/
べいくうぐんUS Air Force/
がいせんぐんreturning victorious army/
きゅうえんぐんreinforcements/relief column/
ゆうぐん (n) reserve corps/flying squadron/
しょくぎょうぐんじん career soldier/
れんごうぐん(n) (WWII) the Allies/allied forces/
きょうさんぐんcommunist army/
ふゆしょうぐん(n) General Winter/ard winter/Jack Frost/
きゅうせいぐん(n) Salvation Army/(P)/
ざいにちべいぐん US Forces, Japan/
しんりゃくぐんinvading army/
べいかいぐん US Navy/
くうぐんりょくair power/
いっとうぐんそうsergeant first class/
ふゆしょうぐんJack Frost
こうげきぐん attacking force/
じんみんかいほうぐん(n) People's Liberation Army/
こくみんぐん(n) national army/
しょうぐん (n) general/shogun/(P)/
かくめいぐん(n) revolutionary army/
りくかいくうぐん (n) land, sea and air forces/
こうぐん rear guard/
じゅうぐんきしゃ war correspondent/
いちぐん (n) an army/the whole army/first string players (sports)/
とうぐんthe eastern army/
こぐんふんとう (n) fighting alone/
ちゅうきょうぐんChinese Communist Army/
さんとうぐんそう sergeant/
じょうびぐん(n) standing army/
しゅっせいぐんじん soldier at the front/
せいきぐん(n) regular army/
てきぐん (n) enemy army/(P)/
こうぐん (n) (Japan's) Imperial Army/
しょうぐんけ (n) family positioned to accede to the shogunate/
ごうどうぐん combined armies/
痍軍しょういぐんじん(n) wounded soldier/disabled veteran/
けんぐん (n) expeditionary army/
じょせいぐんwomens team/
いっぱくこうぐんan overnight march/
ゆうぐんぶたい friendly troops/
はけんぐんexpeditionary force/
きょうこうぐん(n) forced march/
にほんぐんJapanese Army/
かいぐんしょう (n) Department of the Navy/
軍をいていちぐんをひきいてat the head of an army/
ばんぐん hosts/all the armies/
くうぐんきち air (force) base/
にぐん (n) second string players (sports)/
えんぐん(n) reinforcement/(P)/
りくぐんしかんがっこう (U.S.) Military Academy/
りょうぐん (n) both armies/both teams/
かいぐんきち (n) naval base/
せんりょうぐんarmy of occupation/
ざいかんべいぐんU.S. troops stationed in (South) Korean/
どうめいぐんallied armies/
軍のしょうぐんのがいがある(exp) to look like a commander/
ぎゆうぐん(n) volunteer army/
よびぐん(n) reserve army/reserve troops/
かんぐん (n) government army/
りくぐんだいがく Military Staff College/
軍のばんぐんのしゅLord of hosts/
へいわいじぐん peace-keeping force/
しんにゅうぐんinvading army/
はんらんぐん rebel army/
たこくせきぐん (n) multinational force/
かいぐんへいがっこうnaval academy/
しゅっせいぐん army in the field/
せきぐん (n) Red Army/
ばくぐん (n) the shogunate army/
べいりくぐんUS Army/
かいぐんだいじんMinister of the Navy/
ざいごうぐんじん ex-soldier/a veteran/
ざいにちべいりくぐんUS Army, Japan/
とうばつぐんa punitive force/
べいぐんへいりょく American military (force)/
さんぐんふくごうたいmilitary-industrial complex/
しゅくぐん (n) army purge/
がいせんしょうぐん triumphant general/
せんりゃくくうぐん (n) strategic air force/
さいぐんび(n) rearmament/
ぞくぐん (n) rebel army/(P)/
りくぐんしょう(n) (U.S.) Department of the Army/
ゆうぐんきしゃ roving reporter/
こくれんぐん(n) UN troops or peacekeeping force/
しんぐん (n) (a) march/advance/
しゅつぐん (n) expedition/
じんみんぐんPeople's Army/
かいぐん(n) navy/(P)/
軍のしんぐんのめいれい をくだす(exp) to give a marching order/
らんぐん(n) melee/
しんぐんちゅう on the march/
かくぐんしゅく(n) nuclear disarmament/
りくぐんだいじん Army Minister/Minister of War/
せんぐんばんば (n) (having experienced) many battles/
さんぎょうよびぐん the ranks of the unemployed/
ぜんしょうぐんever-victorious army/
にとうぐんそう staff sergeant/
しんちゅうぐん(n) occupying forces/
はんぐん (n) antimilitary/
てんぐん heavenly hosts/
じゅうじぐんきしthe Crusaders/
じゅうじぐん (n) Crusades/Crusaders/
こうぐん (n) march(ing)/
ふせいきぐん irregular forces/guerrillas/
殿でんぐん (n) rear guard/
しょうぐんしょく(n) the shogunate/
ぜんぐん (n) the whole army/the whole team/
叛軍はんぐん(n) rebel army/mutinous troops/
さんぐん (n) great army/mighty host/whole army/
こぐん(n) lone (isolated) force/forlorn force/
げんぐん the Mongol forces/
くうぐん (n) Air Force/(P)/
ちゅうりゅうぐんstationed troops/
ざいごうぐんじんかいassociation of veterans/the American Legion/
べいぐん(n) the US armed forces/
きょじんぐんGiants (Japanese baseball team)/
ゆうぐん (n) friendly troops/
はいぐん (n) defeat/lost battle/
ぎぐん (n) righteous army/
じょうしぐん(n) Amazonian troops/Amazons/
こくぐん (n) national armed forces/
ごうぐん (n) veteran/reservist/ex-soldier/
せいいたいしょうぐん (n) commander in chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians/great, unifying leader/
くうぐんれんらくしょう こうair liaison officer/
りくぐん (n) army/(P)/