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Kanji: Radical: (くるま) : ケイ; かる(い)、かろ(やか); light
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4620 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1515
Japanese Reading English
尻の軽いしりのかるいおんなwanton girl/
くちがる(adj-na,n) loose-lipped/talkative/
が軽いくちがかるい having a loose tongue/being talkative/
てがる(adj-na,n) easy/simple/informal/offhand/cheap/(P)/
尻 軽なしりがるなおんなwanton girl/
みがる(adj-na,n) light/agile/nimble/casual/carefree/(P)/
鼎 の軽かなえのけいちょうを とう(exp) to call one's ability into question/to weigh one's ability/
あしがる(n) common foot soldier/
さんけい (n) three famous beauty spots/
の軽りんもうのけいちょうなしbe equal in weight (significance)/
剽軽ひょうきんものcomical person/
尻軽 しりがるおんなpromiscuous woman/
尻軽しりがる(adj-na,n) agility/fickleness/frivolous/of loose morals/
きがる(adj-na,n) cheerful/buoyant/lighthearted/(P)/
剽軽ひょうきん(adj-na,n) facetious/droll/funny/