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Kanji: Radical: (くるま) : リン; ; ring
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4630 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1589
Japanese Reading English
せたきんをきせたゆびわ ring plated with gold/
どうりん (n) driving wheel/
いちじせんりん primary coil/
吊り輪つりわ(n) (gymnastic) rings/
うちわどうし members of the family/insiders/
ごりんせいか Olympic Torch/
輪のマークごりんのマー クthe five-ring Olympic emblem/
にりん (n) two wheels/two flowers/
ひょうりん the moon/
ぜんりん (n) front wheel/
こうりん (n) halo/
輪喧嘩うちわげんか family quarrel/quarreling among themselves/
しちりん(n) earthen charcoal brazier (for cooking)/
がいりんざん(n) outer rim of a crater/
おもわ (n) features/
ごりんき(n) Olympic Flag/
だつりん (n) wheel flying off its axle/
ぜんしゃりんfront wheel/
ちくわ(n) tube-shaped fish paste cake/
く輪になってまるくわになっておどる(exp) to dance in a circle/
ごりん (n) the Olympics/(P)/
たいりん (adj-no,n) large-flowered/
ごりんかいぎ olympic congress/
はなわ (n) nose ring/
じりんこんごう Kalacakra/Wheel of Time (tantric Buddhist deity)/
あとわ(n) rear wheel/
にりんしゃ(n) two wheeled vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, etc)/
輪のごりんのとう five-story pagoda/
こんりんざい(adv,n) the deepest bottom of the earth/never/not...at all/on no account/for all the world/till doomsday/
けいりんじょうcycle racing track (course)/
がいりんせん(n) paddle steamer/
き輪うきわ (n) life buoy/float/
頸輪くびわ(n) (animal) collar/necklace/
りょうりん (n) two wheels/
輪廻たいせきりんねcycle of sedimentation/
ぎんりん (n) silver ring/bicycle/
きんのゆびわgold ring/
うちわ(adj-na,adj-no,n) moderate/private matter/family circle/the inside/conservative/pigeon-toed/
いちりん (n) one flower/a wheel/
の輪つきのわ (n) ring around the moon/
まえわ (n) front wheel/
にちりん (n) the sun/
にわかきょうげん(n) farce/extravaganza/
の輪熊つきのわぐま (n) Asian black bear/
げつりん (n) moon/
ちゅうりんじょう(n) parking area for bicycles/
ダイヤのダイヤのゆびわdiamond ring/
みみわ(n) earring/helix/
けいりんせんしゅ (n) professional cyclist/
喉輪のどわ(n) (sumo) thrust at the opponent's throat/
かなわ (n) metal rings or hoops or bands/
だいわ (n) architrave/
ねんりん (n) annual tree ring/(P)/
かたわ (adj-na,n) deformity/disfigurement/
こうりん(n) rear wheel/
輪揉めうちわもめ (n) internal dissension/family trouble/
うでわ(n) bracelet/bangle/(P)/
かっそうしゃりん landing gear/
ごりんたいかい Olympic Games/(P)/
けいりん (n) bicycle race/road race/(P)/
くびわ (n) necklace/choker/
かっそうりんlanding gear/
くりん(n) pagoda finial/
はんりん (n) semicircle/half-moon/
だいしゃりん(n) (gymnastical) giant swing/all-out effort/frenzied activity/
ゆびわ(n) (finger) ring/(P)/
さんりんしゃ(n) three wheeled vehicle (tricycle, motorcycle, etc)/three wheeler/
くどうりん (n) driving wheel/
はなわ (n) wreath/garland/
さんりん (n) three wheels/
いちりんざし(n) vase for one flower/
そうりん (n) two wheels/
よんりんくどう (n) four-wheel drive/
くちわ (n) muzzle/
こんやくゆびわ engagement ring/
埴輪はにわ(n) haniwa (unglazed earthen objects fashioned in ancient Japan)/
がいりん(n) wheel rim/paddle wheel/
よんりんくどうしゃ(n) four wheel drive car/
いちりんざし(n) vase for one flower/
いちりんしゃ(n) unicycle/monocycle/wheelbarrow/
ぜんりんくどう frontwheel drive/
ふくりん (n) ornamental border/
輪麩ちくわふ (n) flour paste cake in the form of a tube/
しゃりん(n) (car) wheel/(P)/
けっこんゆびわ wedding ring/