The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary
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Kanji: Radical: (からい) : ; や(める); word
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3860 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1364
Japanese Reading English
がいこうじれいdiplomatic language/
じょじ (n) (gram) particle/auxiliary word/
ぼんわじてん Sanskrit-Japanese dictionary/
讚辞さんじ(n) praise/
せっとうじ (n) prefix/
かんわじてん Chinese-Japanese character dictionary/
を辞めるかいしゃをやめ る(exp) to leave the company/
ふつえいじてん French-English dictionary/
さんじ (n) eulogy/compliment/
いんせきじにん (vs) taking responsibility upon oneself (and resigning)/
ちゅうにちじてんChinese-Japanese dictionary/
葡辞にっぽじしょJapanese-Portuguese dictionary/
にちいじてん Japanese-Italian dictionary/
とうじ (n) funeral address/message of condolence/words of condolence/(P)/
遁辞とんじ(n) an excuse/
せつじ(n) prefixes and suffixes/affix/
ちゅうじてんmedium-sized dictionary/
からせじ(n) flattery/lip service/
ちょうじ (n) message of condolence/memorial address/(P)/
しゅじそせいげんりhead feature principle/HFP/
辞苑こうじえん Koujien (famous Japanese Dictionary)/
じんめいじてんbiographical dictionary/
くんじ (n) address to students/(P)/
がくしゅうじてん (n) learner's dictionary/
お辞おじぎ(n,vs) bow/(P)/
しゅうじぎもん rhetorical question/
しゅじそせいきやく head feature convention/HFC/
でんしじしょ electronic dictionary/
だいじ (n) words/one's lines/
おじぎ(n,vs) bow/
びじ(n) flowery language/
らぽにちじてん Latin-Portuguese-Japanese dictionary/
しゅじ(n) subject/topic/
しきじ(n) ceremonial address/(P)/
の辞こくべつのじparting (farewell) address/
しゅうじ (n) figure of speech/rhetorical flourish/
わえいじしょ(n) Japanese-English dictionary/
きょじ (n) falsehood/
おせじ(n) flattery/compliment/(P)/
べつじ (n) farewell address/parting words/
しゃじ(n) thanks/apology/
めいじ (n) term/name/
ないかくそうじしょくen masse resignation of the cabinet/
じんめいじしょ biographical dictionary/
しゅうじほう(n) rhetoric/
ぎじquestionable word/
こくじ (n) farewell address/
そうじしょく(n,vs) mass resignation/
とうじ (n) formal reply/
しゅじくどうくこうぞうぶんぽうhead-driven phrase structure grammar/HPSG/
おせじ(n) flattery/compliment/
こじ (n,vs) decline positively/
ちめいじてん (n) geographical dictionary/gazetteer/
へんじ(n) reply/response/
しゅうじがく(n) rhetoric/
西にっせいじてんJapanese-Spanish dictionary/
の辞たってべつのじしょにあたってみる(exp) to try another dictionary/
そじ (n) wording/phraseology/diction/
にっちょうじてん Japanese-Korean dictionary/
わどくじてん Japanese-German dictionary/
ひゃっかじてん (n) encyclopedia/(P)/
かんじ (n) stereotyped epithet/
びじれいく (n) flowery words/rhetorical flourishes/(P)/
わえいじてんJapanese-English dictionary/
かんえいじてん Kanji to English dictionary/
せじ (n) flattery/compliment/(P)/
れんじ copula/
繋 辞けいじ(n) copula/
こくごじてんJapanese-language dictionary/
だいじ(n) prefatory words/epigraph/
えいわじてん English-Japanese dictionary/
せつびじ(n) suffix/
蕪辞 ぶじ(n) coarse speech or writing/humble reference to one's own words/
しゅくじ (n) congratulatory address/(P)/
ほうじ (n) praise/eulogy/
はいじ (n) resigning/declining/
げんじ (n) language/speech/
ひんじ (n) object of a verb/(in logic) the object/
そうじ(n) farewell address/
しゃこうじれい a polite or diplomatic way of putting things/