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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ヘン; あた(り); vicinity
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4661 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3029
Japanese Reading English
へいこうしへんけい (n) parallelogram/
ふとうへんunequal sides/
はまべ(n) beach/foreshore/(P)/
うへん (n) right side/
さわべ (n) edge of a swamp/
この辺このへん(n) this area/around here/
たいへん (n) (geometrical) opposite side/
むへん (adj-na,n) infinite/boundless/
こうへん (n) public ceremonies/public affairs/
わたなべWatanabe (Japanese surname)
すいへん (n) waterside/
しへん(n) 4-sided/
しんぺん(n) one's person/
きへん (n) near a desk/
岡辺おかべ(n) vicinity of a hill/
かわべ (n) riverside/edge of a river/
の辺りまのあたり (adv,n) in one's presence/face to face/on the spot/before one's eyes/
なへん(n) where/
どの辺 どのへん(n) whereabouts/(P)/
きしべ(n) bank (of a river)/(P)/
じょうへん (n) the upper side/
かたほろり corner/remote country place/
やまべ (n) mountain/vicinity of a mountain/
とうへんさんかくけい isosceles triangle/
さへん (n) left side (of an equation)/
る辺しるべ (n) acquaintance/friend/
こうだいむへん (adj-na,n) boundless/infinite/vast/
枕辺まくらべ(n) bedside/
しゅうへんしょこくsurrounding countries/neighboring countries/
辺にてっぺんにhigh up in the sky/
の辺たかっけいのへん side of a polygon/
ふへん (adj-na,n) universality/ubiquity/omnipresence/
かんぺん(n) government or official circles/official quarters/
きんぺん(n) neighbourhood/vicinity/(P)/
しゅうへんきき peripherals/
の辺りにいえのあたりに around the house/
ほくへん(n) northern extremity/
たへんけい(n) polygon/(P)/
此 の辺このへん(n) this area/around here/
辺にこうへんにaround the mouth/
とうへん (n) equal sides/
うみべ (n) beach/(P)/
いっぺん (n) a side (of a triangle)/
えんぺん (n) edge/relative/relations/border/
まどべ(n) by the window/
そくへん (n) corner/
みずべ (n) waterside/
いっぺんとう(n) complete devotion to one side/
ちょうへん long boundary/
の辺りにのほとりにin the neighborhood of/in the vicinity of/close by/near/by/
しへんけい (n) quadrilateral/
とうへんさんかっけい isosceles triangle/
にとうへんさんかくけい (n) isosceles triangle/
ぶへん (n) military affairs/military people/
おかべ(n) vicinity of a hill/
みちべ (n) roadside/
なへん (n) where/
ろへんだんわ fireside chat/
のべ (n) field/
むへんさい(adj-na,n) infinite/boundless/
しゃへん (n) oblique line/hypotenuse/(P)/
うわべ (n) seeming/exterior/surface/outside/outward appearance/
しゅうへん(n) circumference/outskirts/environs/(computer) peripheral/(P)/
にとうへんさんかっけい(n) isosceles triangle/
うらべ (n) seacoast/
る辺よるべ (n) place to go/person to turn to or depend on/one's resort/
はちへんけい octagon/
磯辺いそべ(n) seashore/beach/
ていへん (n) base (geometry, society)/
ろへん (n) fireside/
むへんざい(adj-na,n) infinite/boundless/
てっぺん (n) top/summit/apex/scalp/(P)/
辺りいっさくねんあたり the year before last or thereabouts/
こうへん(n) around one's lips/
疱疹こうへんたんじゅんほうしんcold sore/
しゅうへんこく neighboring or surrounding country/