老い込む | おいこむ | (v5m) to grow old/to weaken with age/to become
senile/ |
締め込む | しめこむ | (v5m) to shut in/to lock in/ |
一切を込めた宿泊料 | いっさいをこめたしゅくはくりょう | all-inclusive hotel charges/ |
取り込み詐欺 | とりこみさぎ
| confidence trick/ |
打ち込む | うちこむ
| (v5m) to drive in (e.g. nail, stake)/to devote
oneself to/to shoot into/to smash/to throw into/to cast into/(P)/ |
談じ込む | だんじこむ
| (v5m) to have a talk with/ |
先込め銃 | さきごめじゅう | (n) muzzle loader/ |
染め込む | そめこむ
| to dye/ |
後込み | しりごみ
| (n) flinching/recoiling/shrinking
(from)/ |
滲み込む | しみこむ | to permeate/to soak
into/ |
張り込む | はりこむ | (v5m) to be on the lookout/to lie in wait/ |
飛込む | とびこむ
| (v5m) to jump in/to leap in/to plunge into/to
dive/ |
漬け込む | つけこむ | (v5m) to pickle a large amount/ |
割り込む | わりこむ
| (v5m) to cut in/to thrust oneself into/to wedge
oneself in/to muscle in on/to interrupt/to disturb/(P)/ |
寝込み | ねこみ
| (n) asleep (in bed)/sick in bed/ |
入れ込む | いれこむ
| (v5m) to put forth (effort)/ |
降り込む | ふりこむ
| (v5m) to rain upon/ |
挟み込む | はさみこむ
| (v5m) to insert/(P)/ |
躍り込む | おどりこむ
| (v5m) to jump into/to rush into/ |
飛び込み | とびこみ
| (n) jump/plunge/dive/ |
垂らし込む | たらしこむ
| (v5) to drop into, drop by drop/ |
触れ込む | ふれこむ
| (v5m) to announce/to pretend to be/to pass off
for/to pose as/to herald/ |
飲込み | のみこみ | (n) understanding/apprehension/ |
立て込む | たてこむ
| (v5m) to be crowded/to be
busy/(P)/ |
掻い込む | かいこむ | (v5m) to scoop
into/ |
読み込む | よみこむ | (v5m) to express (e.g. emotion)/to fetch (e.g. CPU
inst.)/to read (extra meaning) into (something)/ |
溜め込む | ためこむ | (v5m) to save up/ |
狩り込み | かりこみ
| (n) roundup/ |
舞い込む | まいこむ
| (v5m) to drop in/to happen to/ |
組み込み | くみこみ
| (n) cut-in (printing)/insert/include/ |
塗り込める | ぬりこめる | (v1) to seal up/ |
放り込む | ほうりこむ
| (v5m) to throw into/ |
折れ込む | おれこむ
| (v5m) to be folded under or
inside/ |
蹴込む | けこむ | (v5m) to kick
in(to)/to sustain a loss/ |
拭き込む | ふきこむ | (v5m) to wipe
thoroughly/to polish/ |
張り込み | はりこみ | (n) stakeout/ |
話し込む | はなしこむ | (v5m) to be deep in talk/(P)/ |
引き込み線 | ひきこみせん | (n) (railway) siding/service line/service
wire/ |
攻め込む | せめこむ | (v5m) to invade/to attack/ |
見込み違い | みこみちがい | (n) miscalculation/ |
潜り込む | もぐりこむ
| (v5m) to slip into/to crawl into (under)/to
conceal oneself (under)/ |
繰り込む | くりこむ | (v5m) to march in/to transfer/to send/ |
積み込み値段 | つみこみねだん
| free on board price/ |
割り込み | わりこみ
| (n) interruption/sharing a theater box/muscling
in on/wedging oneself in/cutting in line/(CPU) interrupt/ |
急き込む | せきこむ
| (v5m) to sound agitated, hurried,
flustered/ |
使い込む | つかいこむ | (v5m) to embezzle/to misappropriate/to peculate/to
accustom oneself to using/to use for a long time/ |
引っ込む | ひっこむ
| (v5m) to draw back/to sink/to cave
in/(P)/ |
掻き込む | かきこむ | (v5m) to carry
under the arm/to rake in/ |
繰り込み理論 | くりこみりろん | renormalization theory/ |
蹴り込む | けりこむ | (v5m) to kick in/ |
俄仕込み | にわかじこみ | (n) hasty preparation/ |
投げ込む | なげこむ
| (v5m) to throw into/ |
祭り込む | まつりこむ
| (v5m) to place an obnoxious person in an
out-of-the-way post to be rid of him or her/ |
女を丸め込む | おんなをまるめこむ | (exp) to cajole a woman/to twist a woman round one's
little finger/ |
住み込み | すみこみ | (adj-no,n) live-in/ |
流し込む | ながしこむ
| (v5m) to pour into/to wash down/ |
追い込み | おいこみ
| (n) final stage/last spurt/ |
積み込む | つみこむ
| (v5m) to load (with goods, cargo)/to put on
board/to stow aboard/ |
綴じ込み | とじこみ | (n) a
file/ |
暴れ込む | あばれこむ | (v5m) to enter someone's territory by
force/ |
引っ込める | ひっこめる | (v1) to draw in/to take in/ |
仕込む | しこむ
| (v5m) to train/to teach/to educate/to stock/to
prepare/ |
税込 | ぜいこみ | (n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g.
salary)/ |
飛込み | とびこみ | (n) jump/plunge/dive/ |
嵌め込み | はめこみ | (oK) (n) insertion/inlaying/ |
申し込み | もうしこみ
| (n)
application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge/(P)/ |
意気込み | いきごみ
| (n) ardor/enthusiasm/ |
連れ込み宿 | つれこみやど | (n) love hotel/ |
飛び込み自殺 | とびこみじさつ
| committing suicide by throwing oneself in front
of an onrushing train/ |
触れ込み | ふれこみ | (n) (exaggerated) professing to be/passing oneself off
as/ |
申込 | もうしこみ | (n)
application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge/(P)/ |
雪崩れ込む | なだれこむ
| (v5m) to rush or crowd into/to surge
into/ |
量り込む | はかりこむ | (v5m) to measure liberally/ |
見込 | みこみ
| (n) hope/prospects/expectation/ |
釣り込まれる | つりこまれる
| to be carried away by/to be talked
into/ |
売り込み | うりこみ | (n) sales promotion/ |
植え込み | うえこみ
| (n) thick growth of
plants/plantation/shrubbery/ |
話込む | はなしこむ | (v5m) to be deep in talk/(P)/ |
蹴込み | けこみ | (n) riser/footboard/ |
惚れ込む | ほれこむ | (v5m) to be charmed by/ |
這入り込む | はいりこむ | (v5m) (1) to go into/to come into/to penetrate/to get
in/to step in (a house)/(2) to become complicated/ |
押し込める | おしこめる
| (v1) to shut up/to imprison/ |
押込める | おしこめる
| (v1) to shut up/to imprison/ |
聞き込む | ききこむ
| (v5m) to get information/to find out/to get
wind of/ |
早呑み込み | はやのみこみ | (n) (drawing) hasty conclusions/ |
担ぎ込む | かつぎこむ
| (v5m) to carry something into a
place/ |
溺れ込む | おぼれこむ | (v5) to drown/to
get addicted/to become infatuated/ |
仕込み桶 | しこみおけ | (n) vat for making rice wine/ |
屈み込む | かがみこむ
| (v5m) to lean over/to lean in/ |
思い込み | おもいこみ
| (n) the wrong impression/ |
包み込む | つつみこむ
| (v5m) to wrap up/ |
怒鳴り込む | どなりこむ | (v5m) to storm in with a yell/ |
呼び込み | よびこみ
| (n) tout/ |
傾れ込む | なだれこむ
| (v5m) to rush or crowd into/to surge
into/ |
捩じ込む | ねじこむ | (v5m) to screw
in/to thrust into a container/to protest against (and demand
compensation)/ |
借り込む | かりこむ | (v5) to borrow/ |
込む | けりこむ | (v5m) to
kick in/ |
付け込む | つけこむ | (v5m) to take advantage of/to impose on/to make an
entry/(P)/ |
踏み込む | ふみこむ | (v5m) to step into (someone else's territory)/to break
into/to raid/ |
申込み | もうしこみ | (n)
application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge/(P)/ |
人込み | ひとごみ | (n) crowd of people/(P)/ |
縛り込む | しばりこむ
| (v5) to bind together/ |
持ち込む | もちこむ
| (v5m,vt) to lodge/to take something into ../to
bring in/(P)/ |
信じ込ます | しんじこます | (v5) to lead to believe/ |
切り込み | きりこみ
| (n) a cut/a notch/a raid/ |
振込み | ふりこみ
| (io) (n) a payment made via bank deposit
transfer/ |
遣り込める | やりこめる | (v1) to talk down/ |
見込む | みこむ
| (v5m) to anticipate/to estimate/ |
突っ込み | つっこみ
| (n) penetration/straight man (in comedy)/rape
(id)/ |
差し込む | さしこむ | (v5m) to insert/to put in/to thrust in/to plug in/to
shine in/to flow in/ |
巻き込む | まきこむ | (v5m) to roll up/to involve/to enfold/to swallow up/to
drag into/(P)/ |
駆け込み寺 | かけこみでら
| (n) (women's) refuge/ |
見込み | みこみ
| (n) hope/prospects/expectation/(P)/ |
打ち込み | うちこみ | (n) driving/pounding in/shooting into/falling badly in
love/putting (one's heart) into/ |
買い込む | かいこむ | (v5m) to purchase/to buy up/ |
住み込む | すみこむ
| (v5m) to be a live-in employee/to live in/to
live with/ |
覗き込む | のぞきこむ | (v5m) to look
into/to peer in/ |
言い込める | いいこめる | (v1) to talk down/to argue down/ |
勢い込む | いきおいこむ
| (v5m) to brace oneself/ |
押し込む | おしこむ
| (v5m) to push into/to crowd into/ |
食らい込む | くらいこむ
| (v5m) to be sent up/to be imprisoned/to be
jailed/ |
振り込み | ふりこみ | (n) a payment made via bank deposit
transfer/ |
税込み | ぜいこみ | (n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g.
salary)/ |
巻込む | まきこむ | (v5m) to roll up/to involve/to enfold/to swallow up/to
drag into/(P)/ |
鋳込む | いこむ | (v5m) to cast in a mold/ |
煮込む | にこむ
| (v5m) to cook together/to boil
well/(P)/ |
逃げ込む | にげこむ | (v5m) to take refuge in/to succeed in running
away/ |
書き込む | かきこむ | (v5m) to fill in (writing)/ |
繰り込み | くりこみ
| (n) (uk) renormalisation
(physics)/ |
刷り込み | すりこみ | (n) imprinting/ |
仕込み | しこみ
| (n) training/stocking up/preparation/ |
使い込み | つかいこみ | (n) embezzlement/ |
申し込む | もうしこむ
| (v5m) to apply for/to make an application/to
propose (marriage)/to offer (mediation)/to make an overture (of peace)/to
challenge/to lodge (objections)/to request (an interview)/to subscribe for/to
book/to reserve/(P)/ |
植込み | うえこみ | (n) thick growth of
plants/plantation/shrubbery/ |
降り込める | ふりこめる | (v1) to rain (or snow), keeping people
indoors/ |
割込み | わりこみ | (n) interruption/sharing a theater box/muscling in
on/wedging oneself in/cutting in line/(CPU) interrupt/ |
垂れ込み | たれこみ
| (n) squealing (to authorities)/ |
泊り込む | とまりこむ
| (v5m) to stay overnight/ |
埋め込む | うめこむ
| (v5m) to bury/ |
繰り込み群 | くりこみぐん | renormalisation group (physics)/ |
抱き込む | だきこむ
| (v5m) to hold in one's arms/to bring over a
person to one's side/to involve/ |
飛び込み台 | とびこみだい
| (n) diving board/ |
叩き込む | たたきこむ | (v5m) to drive into/to throw into/to hit
into/ |
汲み込む | くみこむ | (v5m) to fill with
water/ |
覚え込む | おぼえこむ | (v5m) to master/ |
めり込む | のめりこむ | (v5m)
to be completely absorbed in/to fall for (something)/ |
洒落込む | しゃれこむ | (v5m) to get dressed up/ |
入り込む | はいりこむ
| (v5m) (1) to go into/to come into/to
penetrate/to get in/to step in (a house)/(2) to become
complicated/ |
呼び込む | よびこむ | (v5m) to call in/to restore a disowned son/ |
黙り込む | だまりこむ
| (v5m) to say no more/to sink into
silence/ |
持ち込み | もちこみ | (n) bring-your-own (food and drink)/ |
はめ込み | はめこみ | (n) insertion/inlaying/ |
閉じ込める | とじこめる
| (v1) to lock up/to shut up/to
imprison/ |
当て込む | あてこむ | (v5m) to count on/ |
座り込む | すわりこむ
| (v5m) to sit down (and bask)/to sit-in (in
protest)/ |
乗り込む | のりこむ | (v5m) to board/to embark on/to get into (a car)/to ship
(passengers)/to man (a ship)/to help (someone) into/to march into/to
enter/(P)/ |
未払い込み | みはらいこみ
| (n) not paid up (capital)/ |
染み込む | しみこむ
| (v5m) to soak into/to permeate/ |
振り込み | ふりこみ
| payment |
引込線 | ひきこみせん | (n) (railway) siding/service line/service
wire/ |
教え込む | おしえこむ | (v5m) to train to/to give an idea to/ |
照り込む | てりこむ
| (v5m) to shine into or upon/ |
積み込み | つみこみ
| (n) loading/ |
追い込む | おいこむ
| (v5m) to herd/to corner/to drive/(P)/ |
弱り込む | よわりこむ | (v5) to weaken/to be at wits' end/ |
取り込み事 | とりこみごと | (n) confusion/bustle/ |
埋め込み | うめこみ
| embedded/ |
塗り込む | ぬりこむ
| (v5m) to paint over heavily/to plaster
up/ |
申し込み順 | もうしこみじゅん
| order of applications/in order of
application/ |
抱え込む | かかえこむ | (v5m) to hold (carry) a thing in one's arm/to embrace (a
baby)/to take upon oneself/ |
引っ込み | ひっこみ | (n) retreat/retirement/depression (hole)/ |
折込 | おりこみ
| (n) foldout/insertion/ |
着込む | きこむ
| (v5m) to wear extra clothes/ |
炊き込み御飯 | たきこみごはん
| (n) rice seasoned and cooked with various
ingredients/ |
信じ込む | しんじこむ | (v5m) to believe implicitly/to believe
firmly/ |
取り込み | とりこみ | (n) confusion/ |
取込み | とりこみ | (n) confusion/ |
点て込む | たてこむ | (v5m) to be crowded/to be busy/ |
圧し込む | へしこむ
| (v5m) to push into/ |
盛り込む | もりこむ
| (v5m) to incorporate/to include/ |
運び込む | はこびこむ
| (v5m) to carry in/to bring in/ |
手込め | てごめ
| (n) rape/ |
咳き込む | せきこむ | (v5m) to cough violently/ |
引き込む | ひきこむ
| (v5m) to draw in/to win over/ |
引っ込み思案 | ひっこみじあん
| (n) shy/withdrawn/ |
意気込む | いきごむ | (v5m) to be enthusiastic about/ |
聞込む | ききこむ
| (v5m) to get information/to find out/to get
wind of/ |
立て込める | たてこめる | (v1) to be shut tight/ |
割込む | わりこむ
| (v5m) to cut in/to thrust oneself into/to wedge
oneself in/to muscle in on/to interrupt/to disturb/ |
打ち込む | ぶちこむ
| (v5m) to drive in (e.g. nail, stake)/to devote
oneself to/to shoot into/to smash/to throw into/to cast into/ |
振り込む | ふりこむ
| (v5m) to make a payment via bank deposit
transfer/ |
塞ぎ込む | ふさぎこむ | (v5m) to
mope/ |
丸め込む | まるめこむ | (v5m) to coax/to seduce/(P)/ |
駆け込み | かけこみ
| (n) last-minute rush/stampede/ |
切り込み隊 | きりこみたい | (n) shock corps/ |
封じ込む | ふうじこむ
| (v5m) to entrap/ |
元込め | もとごめ
| (n) breech-loading/ |
眠り込む | ねむりこむ
| (v5m) to fall asleep/to sleep
deeply/ |
送り込む | おくりこむ | (v5m) to send in/ |
織り込む | おりこむ
| (v5m) to be incorporated in/ |
たらし込む | たらしこむ | (v5m) to cajole/to deceive/to seduce/ |
悄気込む | しょげこむ | (v5m) to be utterly disheartened/ |
誑し込む | たらしこむ | (v5m) to cajole/to deceive/to seduce/ |
釣り込む | つりこむ
| (v5m) to take in/to attract/ |
決め込む | きめこむ
| (v5m) to take for granted/to assume/to
pretend/ |
飛び込む | とびこむ | to dive into |
考え込む | かんがえこむ | (v5m) to ponder/to brood/ |
元込め銃 | もとごめじゅう | (n) breechloader/ |
煮込み | にこみ
| (n) stew/hodgepodge/ |
持込み | もちこみ
| (n) bring-your-own (food and
drink)/ |
売り込む | うりこむ | (v5m) to build a market for/to become well known/to
sell/(P)/ |
付け込み | つけこみ | (n) entry/booking/ |
綴じ込む | とじこむ | (io) (v5m) to (keep on) file/ |
入り込む | いりこむ
| (v5m) (1) to go into/to come into/to
penetrate/to get in/to step in (a house)/(2) to become
complicated/ |
押さえ込む | おさえこむ | (v5m) to pin down/to immobilize/ |
落ち込む | おちこむ
| (v5m) to fall into/to feel down
(sad)/(P)/ |
縫い込む | ぬいこむ | (v5m) to sew in/ |
殴り込み | なぐりこみ
| (n) raid/(P)/ |
注ぎ込む | つぎこむ
| (v5m) to pour into/to put into/to invest in/to
inject/to impregnate/to infuse/to instill/to implant/to imbue/ |
頼み込む | たのみこむ
| (v5m) to request earnestly/ |
囲い込み | かこいこみ
| (n) enclosure/ |
呑み込み | のみこみ | (n) (quick or slow to) understand/ |
注ぎ込む | そそぎこむ
| (v5m) to pour into/to put into/to invest in/to
inject/to impregnate/to infuse/to instill/to implant/to imbue/ |
切り込む | きりこむ | (v5m) to cut into/to raid/to attack/to cut up/ |
ふさぎ込む | ふさぎこむ
| (v5m) to mope/ |
畳み込む | たたみこむ
| (v5m) to fold in/to bear deep in mind/to follow
up/ |
縺れ込む | もつれこむ | (v5m) to proceed
though deadlocked/ |
誘い込む | さそいこむ | (v5m) to entice/to tempt/to invite someone to join
in/ |
はめ込む | はめこむ | (v5m) to inlay/to
insert/to fix into a container/ |
立ち込める | たちこめる | (v1) to envelop/ |
上がり込む | あがりこむ
| (v5m) to enter/to step in/ |
心が込められた | こころをこ
められた | (exp) wholehearted/ |
取り込む | とりこむ
| (v5m) to take in/to introduce/to be busy/to be
confused/(P)/ |
炊き込む | たきこむ | (v5m) to cook (something) with rice/ |
思い込む | おもいこむ
| (v5m) to be under impression that/to be
convinced that/to imagine that/to set one's heart on/to be bent
on/(P)/ |
数え込む | かぞえこむ | (v5) to number among/ |
組み込む | くみこむ
| (v5m) to insert/to include/to cut in
(printing)/(P)/ |
仕舞い込む | しまいこむ
| (v5m) to put away/to stow away/to tuck away/to
hoard/ |
転げ込む | ころげこむ | (v5m) to roll or tumble into/ |
閉じ込む | とじこむ
| (v5m) to (keep on) file/ |
詰め込み主義 | つめこみしゅぎ
| (belief in the desirability of) education by
rote learning/ |
刷り込む | すりこむ | (v5m) to insert (an illustration)/to stencil (a
pattern)/ |
手の込んだ | てのこんだ | intricate/elaborate/ |
紛れ込む | まぎれこむ
| (v5m) to disappear into/to slip into/to be lost
in/to be mixed up with/ |
押し込み | おしこみ | (n) burglary/burglar/closet/ |
押え込む | おさえこむ
| (v5m) to push into/to crowd into/ |
飲み込む | のみこむ
| (v5m) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/to
understand/to take in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest/(P)/ |
刈り込む | かりこむ
| (v5m) to cut/to dress/to prune/to trim/to
clip/(P)/ |
折り込み | おりこみ | (n) foldout/insertion/ |
坐り込む | すわりこむ | (v5m) to sit down (and bask)/to sit-in (in
protest)/ |
転がり込む | ころがりこむ | (v5m) to roll in/to tumble into/to come to live with/to
fall in one's way/to visit (esp. to stay overnight as an unwanted
guest)/ |
見込み | みこみ | hope, possibility |
詰め込む | つめこむ
| (v5m) to cram/to stuff/to jam/to squeeze/to
pack/to crowd/(P)/ |
冷え込む | ひえこむ | (v5m) to get colder/to get chilled/(P)/ |
泊まり込み | とまりこみ
| (n) staying somewhere (overnight) due to
circumstances/ |
走り込む | はしりこむ | (v5m) to run into (a building)/ |
聞き込み捜査 | ききこみそうさ
| (police) legwork/ |
申込み順 | もうしこみじゅん | order of applications/in order of
application/ |
刈り込み | かりこみ | (n) haircut/pruning/ |
書込み | かきこみ
| (n,vs) writing/entry (e.g. form)/ |
嵌め込む | はめこむ | (oK) (v5m) to inlay/to insert/to fix into a
container/ |
取り込み中 | とりこみちゅう
| in midst of confusion/ |
迷い込む | まよいこむ
| (v5m) to go astray/to lose one's
way/ |
運賃込みで | うんちんこみで
| freight included (prepaid)/ |
摩り込む | すりこむ
| (v5m) to rub in/to grind and mix/ |
申し込み書 | もうしこみしょ | (n) application form/written application/ |
忍び込む | しのびこむ
| (v5m) to creep in/to steal in/ |
呑み込む | のみこむ | (v5m) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/to understand/to
take in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest/ |
吹き込む | ふきこむ
| (v5m) to blow into/to breathe into/to
inspire/to lay down a recording (music, video, etc.)/to
indoctrinate/(P)/ |
擦り込む | すりこむ | (v5m) to rub in/to grind and mix/ |
綴込む | とじこむ | (io) (v5m) to (keep on) file/ |
飲み込み | のみこみ
| (n) understanding/apprehension/ |
切れ込む | きれこむ
| (v5m) to cut into/ |
仕込み杖 | しこみづえ
| (n) sword cane/ |
心を込めて | こころをこめて
| (exp) wholeheartedly/ |
滑り込む | すべりこむ
| (v5m) to slide into (base)/to slip into
(ditch)/ |
手繰り込む | たぐりこむ
| (v5m) to reel in/ |
寝込む | ねこむ
| (v5m) to stay in bed/to sleep/to be laid up for
a long time/ |
座り込み | すわりこみ | (n,vs) sit-in (i.e. in protest)/ |
高飛び込み | たかとびこみ | (n) the high dive/ |
流れ込む | ながれこむ
| (v5m) to flow/to pour/to stream/ |
折り込む | おりこむ
| (v5m) to fold inside/ |
聴き込む | ききこむ
| (v5m) to have heard/ |
引き摺り込む | ひきずりこむ
| (v5m) to drag in/ |
封じ込める | ふうじこめる
| (v1) to shut in/to confine/to
contain/ |
植え込む | うえこむ | (v5m) to plant/ |
払い込む | はらいこむ
| (v5m) to deposit/to pay in/(P)/ |
突っ込む | つっこむ
| (v5m) to plunge into/to go into
deeply/(P)/ |
減り込む | めりこむ | (v5m) to sink into/to cave in/ |
連れ込む | つれこむ
| (v5m) to bring (somebody into a
place)/ |
炊き込み | たきこみ | (something) cooked with rice/ |
騙し込む | だましこむ | (v5m) to deceive/to ensnare/ |
飛び込む | とびこむ
| (v5m) to jump in/to leap in/to plunge into/to
dive/(P)/ |
聞き込み | ききこみ | (n) getting information/ |
食い込む | くいこむ
| (v5m) to eat into/(P)/ |
切れ込み | きれこみ
| (n) cut/notch/incision/ |
書き込み | かきこみ
| (n,vs) writing/entry (e.g. form)/ |
駆け込む | かけこむ
| (v5m) to rush in (at the last minute)/to
stampede/ |
料理の種を仕込む | りょうりのたねを
しこむ | (exp) to prepare for cooking/ |
切り込み炭 | きりこみたん | (n) run-of-the-mine coal/ |
溶け込む | とけこむ
| (v5m) to melt into/(P)/ |
申込書 | もうしこみしょ | (n) application form/written application/ |
吸い込む | すいこむ
| (v5m) to inhale/(P)/ |
踏み込み | ふみこみ
| (n) stepping into/breaking or rushing
into/ |
尻込み | しりごみ | (n,vs)
recoil/hesitation/flinching/shrinking back/ |
生飲み込み | なまのみこみ | superficial/ |
差込む | さしこむ | (v5m) to jam a batter (with an inside pitch)
(baseball)/ |
封じ込め政策 | ふうじこめせいさく | (n) containment policy/ |
泊り込み | とまりこみ
| (n) staying somewhere (overnight) due to
circumstances/ |
入り込み | いりごみ | (n) coming in together/unreserved seats for the
public/ |