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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ; こ(む)、こ(み)、こ(める); be crowded
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4660 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3030
Japanese Reading English
い込むおいこむ(v5m) to grow old/to weaken with age/to become senile/
め込むしめこむ(v5m) to shut in/to lock in/
を込めた宿いっさいをこめたしゅくはくりょうall-inclusive hotel charges/
り込みとりこみさぎ confidence trick/
ち込むうちこむ (v5m) to drive in (e.g. nail, stake)/to devote oneself to/to shoot into/to smash/to throw into/to cast into/(P)/
じ込むだんじこむ (v5m) to have a talk with/
込めさきごめじゅう(n) muzzle loader/
め込むそめこむ to dye/
込みしりごみ (n) flinching/recoiling/shrinking (from)/
滲み込むしみこむto permeate/to soak into/
り込むはりこむ(v5m) to be on the lookout/to lie in wait/
込むとびこむ (v5m) to jump in/to leap in/to plunge into/to dive/
け込むつけこむ(v5m) to pickle a large amount/
り込むわりこむ (v5m) to cut in/to thrust oneself into/to wedge oneself in/to muscle in on/to interrupt/to disturb/(P)/
込みねこみ (n) asleep (in bed)/sick in bed/
れ込むいれこむ (v5m) to put forth (effort)/
り込むふりこむ (v5m) to rain upon/
み込むはさみこむ (v5m) to insert/(P)/
り込むおどりこむ (v5m) to jump into/to rush into/
び込みとびこみ (n) jump/plunge/dive/
らし込むたらしこむ (v5) to drop into, drop by drop/
れ込むふれこむ (v5m) to announce/to pretend to be/to pass off for/to pose as/to herald/
込みのみこみ(n) understanding/apprehension/
て込むたてこむ (v5m) to be crowded/to be busy/(P)/
掻い込むかいこむ(v5m) to scoop into/
み込むよみこむ(v5m) to express (e.g. emotion)/to fetch (e.g. CPU inst.)/to read (extra meaning) into (something)/
溜め込むためこむ(v5m) to save up/
り込みかりこみ (n) roundup/
い込むまいこむ (v5m) to drop in/to happen to/
み込みくみこみ (n) cut-in (printing)/insert/include/
り込めるぬりこめる(v1) to seal up/
り込むほうりこむ (v5m) to throw into/
れ込むおれこむ (v5m) to be folded under or inside/
蹴込むけこむ(v5m) to kick in(to)/to sustain a loss/
拭き込むふきこむ(v5m) to wipe thoroughly/to polish/
り込みはりこみ(n) stakeout/
し込むはなしこむ(v5m) to be deep in talk/(P)/
き込みひきこみせん(n) (railway) siding/service line/service wire/
め込むせめこむ(v5m) to invade/to attack/
込みみこみちがい(n) miscalculation/
り込むもぐりこむ (v5m) to slip into/to crawl into (under)/to conceal oneself (under)/
り込むくりこむ(v5m) to march in/to transfer/to send/
み込みつみこみねだん free on board price/
り込みわりこみ (n) interruption/sharing a theater box/muscling in on/wedging oneself in/cutting in line/(CPU) interrupt/
き込むせきこむ (v5m) to sound agitated, hurried, flustered/
使い込むつかいこむ(v5m) to embezzle/to misappropriate/to peculate/to accustom oneself to using/to use for a long time/
っ込むひっこむ (v5m) to draw back/to sink/to cave in/(P)/
掻き込むかきこむ(v5m) to carry under the arm/to rake in/
り込みくりこみりろんrenormalization theory/
蹴り込むけりこむ(v5m) to kick in/
込みにわかじこみ(n) hasty preparation/
げ込むなげこむ (v5m) to throw into/
り込むまつりこむ (v5m) to place an obnoxious person in an out-of-the-way post to be rid of him or her/
め込むおんなをまるめこむ(exp) to cajole a woman/to twist a woman round one's little finger/
み込みすみこみ(adj-no,n) live-in/
し込むながしこむ (v5m) to pour into/to wash down/
い込みおいこみ (n) final stage/last spurt/
み込むつみこむ (v5m) to load (with goods, cargo)/to put on board/to stow aboard/
綴じ込みとじこみ(n) a file/
れ込むあばれこむ(v5m) to enter someone's territory by force/
っ込めるひっこめる(v1) to draw in/to take in/
込むしこむ (v5m) to train/to teach/to educate/to stock/to prepare/
ぜいこみ(n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary)/
込みとびこみ(n) jump/plunge/dive/
嵌め込みはめこみ(oK) (n) insertion/inlaying/
し込みもうしこみ (n) application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge/(P)/
込みいきごみ (n) ardor/enthusiasm/
れ込み宿つれこみやど(n) love hotel/
び込みとびこみじさつ committing suicide by throwing oneself in front of an onrushing train/
れ込みふれこみ(n) (exaggerated) professing to be/passing oneself off as/
もうしこみ(n) application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge/(P)/
れ込むなだれこむ (v5m) to rush or crowd into/to surge into/
り込むはかりこむ(v5m) to measure liberally/
みこみ (n) hope/prospects/expectation/
り込まれるつりこまれる to be carried away by/to be talked into/
り込みうりこみ(n) sales promotion/
え込みうえこみ (n) thick growth of plants/plantation/shrubbery/
込むはなしこむ(v5m) to be deep in talk/(P)/
蹴込みけこみ(n) riser/footboard/
惚れ込むほれこむ(v5m) to be charmed by/
り込むはいりこむ(v5m) (1) to go into/to come into/to penetrate/to get in/to step in (a house)/(2) to become complicated/
し込めるおしこめる (v1) to shut up/to imprison/
込めるおしこめる (v1) to shut up/to imprison/
き込むききこむ (v5m) to get information/to find out/to get wind of/
呑み込みはやのみこみ(n) (drawing) hasty conclusions/
ぎ込むかつぎこむ (v5m) to carry something into a place/
溺れ込むおぼれこむ(v5) to drown/to get addicted/to become infatuated/
込み桶しこみおけ(n) vat for making rice wine/
み込むかがみこむ (v5m) to lean over/to lean in/
い込みおもいこみ (n) the wrong impression/
み込むつつみこむ (v5m) to wrap up/
り込むどなりこむ(v5m) to storm in with a yell/
び込みよびこみ (n) tout/
れ込むなだれこむ (v5m) to rush or crowd into/to surge into/
捩じ込むねじこむ(v5m) to screw in/to thrust into a container/to protest against (and demand compensation)/
り込むかりこむ(v5) to borrow/
けり 込むけりこむ(v5m) to kick in/
け込むつけこむ(v5m) to take advantage of/to impose on/to make an entry/(P)/
み込むふみこむ(v5m) to step into (someone else's territory)/to break into/to raid/
込みもうしこみ(n) application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge/(P)/
込みひとごみ(n) crowd of people/(P)/
り込むしばりこむ (v5) to bind together/
ち込むもちこむ (v5m,vt) to lodge/to take something into ../to bring in/(P)/
じ込ますしんじこます(v5) to lead to believe/
り込みきりこみ (n) a cut/a notch/a raid/
込みふりこみ (io) (n) a payment made via bank deposit transfer/
り込めるやりこめる(v1) to talk down/
込むみこむ (v5m) to anticipate/to estimate/
っ込みつっこみ (n) penetration/straight man (in comedy)/rape (id)/
し込むさしこむ(v5m) to insert/to put in/to thrust in/to plug in/to shine in/to flow in/
き込むまきこむ(v5m) to roll up/to involve/to enfold/to swallow up/to drag into/(P)/
け込みかけこみでら (n) (women's) refuge/
込みみこみ (n) hope/prospects/expectation/(P)/
ち込みうちこみ(n) driving/pounding in/shooting into/falling badly in love/putting (one's heart) into/
い込むかいこむ(v5m) to purchase/to buy up/
み込むすみこむ (v5m) to be a live-in employee/to live in/to live with/
覗き込むのぞきこむ(v5m) to look into/to peer in/
い込めるいいこめる(v1) to talk down/to argue down/
い込むいきおいこむ (v5m) to brace oneself/
し込むおしこむ (v5m) to push into/to crowd into/
らい込むくらいこむ (v5m) to be sent up/to be imprisoned/to be jailed/
り込みふりこみ(n) a payment made via bank deposit transfer/
込みぜいこみ(n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary)/
込むまきこむ(v5m) to roll up/to involve/to enfold/to swallow up/to drag into/(P)/
込むいこむ(v5m) to cast in a mold/
込むにこむ (v5m) to cook together/to boil well/(P)/
げ込むにげこむ(v5m) to take refuge in/to succeed in running away/
き込むかきこむ(v5m) to fill in (writing)/
り込みくりこみ (n) (uk) renormalisation (physics)/
り込みすりこみ(n) imprinting/
込みしこみ (n) training/stocking up/preparation/
使い込みつかいこみ(n) embezzlement/
し込むもうしこむ (v5m) to apply for/to make an application/to propose (marriage)/to offer (mediation)/to make an overture (of peace)/to challenge/to lodge (objections)/to request (an interview)/to subscribe for/to book/to reserve/(P)/
込みうえこみ(n) thick growth of plants/plantation/shrubbery/
り込めるふりこめる(v1) to rain (or snow), keeping people indoors/
込みわりこみ(n) interruption/sharing a theater box/muscling in on/wedging oneself in/cutting in line/(CPU) interrupt/
れ込みたれこみ (n) squealing (to authorities)/
り込むとまりこむ (v5m) to stay overnight/
め込むうめこむ (v5m) to bury/
り込みくりこみぐんrenormalisation group (physics)/
き込むだきこむ (v5m) to hold in one's arms/to bring over a person to one's side/to involve/
び込みとびこみだい (n) diving board/
叩き込むたたきこむ(v5m) to drive into/to throw into/to hit into/
汲み込むくみこむ(v5m) to fill with water/
え込むおぼえこむ(v5m) to master/
の めり込むのめりこむ(v5m) to be completely absorbed in/to fall for (something)/
込むしゃれこむ(v5m) to get dressed up/
り込むはいりこむ (v5m) (1) to go into/to come into/to penetrate/to get in/to step in (a house)/(2) to become complicated/
び込むよびこむ(v5m) to call in/to restore a disowned son/
り込むだまりこむ (v5m) to say no more/to sink into silence/
ち込みもちこみ(n) bring-your-own (food and drink)/
はめ込みはめこみ(n) insertion/inlaying/
じ込めるとじこめる (v1) to lock up/to shut up/to imprison/
て込むあてこむ(v5m) to count on/
り込むすわりこむ (v5m) to sit down (and bask)/to sit-in (in protest)/
り込むのりこむ(v5m) to board/to embark on/to get into (a car)/to ship (passengers)/to man (a ship)/to help (someone) into/to march into/to enter/(P)/
い込みみはらいこみ (n) not paid up (capital)/
み込むしみこむ (v5m) to soak into/to permeate/
り込みふりこみ payment
ひきこみせん(n) (railway) siding/service line/service wire/
え込むおしえこむ(v5m) to train to/to give an idea to/
り込むてりこむ (v5m) to shine into or upon/
み込みつみこみ (n) loading/
い込むおいこむ (v5m) to herd/to corner/to drive/(P)/
り込むよわりこむ(v5) to weaken/to be at wits' end/
り込みとりこみごと(n) confusion/bustle/
め込みうめこみ embedded/
り込むぬりこむ (v5m) to paint over heavily/to plaster up/
し込みもうしこみじゅん order of applications/in order of application/
え込むかかえこむ(v5m) to hold (carry) a thing in one's arm/to embrace (a baby)/to take upon oneself/
っ込みひっこみ(n) retreat/retirement/depression (hole)/
おりこみ (n) foldout/insertion/
込むきこむ (v5m) to wear extra clothes/
き込みたきこみごはん (n) rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients/
じ込むしんじこむ(v5m) to believe implicitly/to believe firmly/
り込みとりこみ(n) confusion/
込みとりこみ(n) confusion/
て込むたてこむ(v5m) to be crowded/to be busy/
し込むへしこむ (v5m) to push into/
り込むもりこむ (v5m) to incorporate/to include/
び込むはこびこむ (v5m) to carry in/to bring in/
込めてごめ (n) rape/
咳き込むせきこむ(v5m) to cough violently/
き込むひきこむ (v5m) to draw in/to win over/
っ込みひっこみじあん (n) shy/withdrawn/
込むいきごむ(v5m) to be enthusiastic about/
込むききこむ (v5m) to get information/to find out/to get wind of/
て込めるたてこめる(v1) to be shut tight/
込むわりこむ (v5m) to cut in/to thrust oneself into/to wedge oneself in/to muscle in on/to interrupt/to disturb/
ち込むぶちこむ (v5m) to drive in (e.g. nail, stake)/to devote oneself to/to shoot into/to smash/to throw into/to cast into/
り込むふりこむ (v5m) to make a payment via bank deposit transfer/
塞ぎ込むふさぎこむ(v5m) to mope/
め込むまるめこむ(v5m) to coax/to seduce/(P)/
け込みかけこみ (n) last-minute rush/stampede/
り込みきりこみたい(n) shock corps/
じ込むふうじこむ (v5m) to entrap/
込めもとごめ (n) breech-loading/
り込むねむりこむ (v5m) to fall asleep/to sleep deeply/
り込むおくりこむ(v5m) to send in/
り込むおりこむ (v5m) to be incorporated in/
たらし込むたらしこむ(v5m) to cajole/to deceive/to seduce/
込むしょげこむ(v5m) to be utterly disheartened/
誑し込むたらしこむ(v5m) to cajole/to deceive/to seduce/
り込むつりこむ (v5m) to take in/to attract/
め込むきめこむ (v5m) to take for granted/to assume/to pretend/
び込むとびこむto dive into
え込むかんがえこむ(v5m) to ponder/to brood/
込めもとごめじゅう(n) breechloader/
込みにこみ (n) stew/hodgepodge/
込みもちこみ (n) bring-your-own (food and drink)/
り込むうりこむ(v5m) to build a market for/to become well known/to sell/(P)/
け込みつけこみ(n) entry/booking/
綴じ込むとじこむ(io) (v5m) to (keep on) file/
り込むいりこむ (v5m) (1) to go into/to come into/to penetrate/to get in/to step in (a house)/(2) to become complicated/
さえ込むおさえこむ(v5m) to pin down/to immobilize/
ち込むおちこむ (v5m) to fall into/to feel down (sad)/(P)/
い込むぬいこむ(v5m) to sew in/
り込みなぐりこみ (n) raid/(P)/
ぎ込むつぎこむ (v5m) to pour into/to put into/to invest in/to inject/to impregnate/to infuse/to instill/to implant/to imbue/
み込むたのみこむ (v5m) to request earnestly/
い込みかこいこみ (n) enclosure/
呑み込みのみこみ(n) (quick or slow to) understand/
ぎ込むそそぎこむ (v5m) to pour into/to put into/to invest in/to inject/to impregnate/to infuse/to instill/to implant/to imbue/
り込むきりこむ(v5m) to cut into/to raid/to attack/to cut up/
ふさぎ込むふさぎこむ (v5m) to mope/
み込むたたみこむ (v5m) to fold in/to bear deep in mind/to follow up/
縺れ込むもつれこむ(v5m) to proceed though deadlocked/
い込むさそいこむ(v5m) to entice/to tempt/to invite someone to join in/
はめ込むはめこむ(v5m) to inlay/to insert/to fix into a container/
ち込めるたちこめる(v1) to envelop/
がり込むあがりこむ (v5m) to enter/to step in/
が込められたこころをこ められた(exp) wholehearted/
り込むとりこむ (v5m) to take in/to introduce/to be busy/to be confused/(P)/
き込むたきこむ(v5m) to cook (something) with rice/
い込むおもいこむ (v5m) to be under impression that/to be convinced that/to imagine that/to set one's heart on/to be bent on/(P)/
え込むかぞえこむ(v5) to number among/
み込むくみこむ (v5m) to insert/to include/to cut in (printing)/(P)/
い込むしまいこむ (v5m) to put away/to stow away/to tuck away/to hoard/
げ込むころげこむ(v5m) to roll or tumble into/
じ込むとじこむ (v5m) to (keep on) file/
め込みつめこみしゅぎ (belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning/
り込むすりこむ(v5m) to insert (an illustration)/to stencil (a pattern)/
れ込むまぎれこむ (v5m) to disappear into/to slip into/to be lost in/to be mixed up with/
し込みおしこみ(n) burglary/burglar/closet/
え込むおさえこむ (v5m) to push into/to crowd into/
み込むのみこむ (v5m) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/to understand/to take in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest/(P)/
り込むかりこむ (v5m) to cut/to dress/to prune/to trim/to clip/(P)/
り込みおりこみ(n) foldout/insertion/
坐り込むすわりこむ(v5m) to sit down (and bask)/to sit-in (in protest)/
がり込むころがりこむ(v5m) to roll in/to tumble into/to come to live with/to fall in one's way/to visit (esp. to stay overnight as an unwanted guest)/
込みみこみhope, possibility
め込むつめこむ (v5m) to cram/to stuff/to jam/to squeeze/to pack/to crowd/(P)/
え込むひえこむ(v5m) to get colder/to get chilled/(P)/
まり込みとまりこみ (n) staying somewhere (overnight) due to circumstances/
り込むはしりこむ(v5m) to run into (a building)/
き込みききこみそうさ (police) legwork/
込みもうしこみじゅんorder of applications/in order of application/
り込みかりこみ(n) haircut/pruning/
込みかきこみ (n,vs) writing/entry (e.g. form)/
嵌め込むはめこむ(oK) (v5m) to inlay/to insert/to fix into a container/
り込みとりこみちゅう in midst of confusion/
い込むまよいこむ (v5m) to go astray/to lose one's way/
込みでうんちんこみで freight included (prepaid)/
り込むすりこむ (v5m) to rub in/to grind and mix/
し込みもうしこみしょ(n) application form/written application/
び込むしのびこむ (v5m) to creep in/to steal in/
呑み込むのみこむ(v5m) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/to understand/to take in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest/
き込むふきこむ (v5m) to blow into/to breathe into/to inspire/to lay down a recording (music, video, etc.)/to indoctrinate/(P)/
り込むすりこむ(v5m) to rub in/to grind and mix/
綴込むとじこむ(io) (v5m) to (keep on) file/
み込みのみこみ (n) understanding/apprehension/
れ込むきれこむ (v5m) to cut into/
込み杖しこみづえ (n) sword cane/
を込めてこころをこめて (exp) wholeheartedly/
り込むすべりこむ (v5m) to slide into (base)/to slip into (ditch)/
り込むたぐりこむ (v5m) to reel in/
込むねこむ (v5m) to stay in bed/to sleep/to be laid up for a long time/
り込みすわりこみ(n,vs) sit-in (i.e. in protest)/
び込みたかとびこみ(n) the high dive/
れ込むながれこむ (v5m) to flow/to pour/to stream/
り込むおりこむ (v5m) to fold inside/
き込むききこむ (v5m) to have heard/
き摺り込むひきずりこむ (v5m) to drag in/
じ込めるふうじこめる (v1) to shut in/to confine/to contain/
え込むうえこむ(v5m) to plant/
い込むはらいこむ (v5m) to deposit/to pay in/(P)/
っ込むつっこむ (v5m) to plunge into/to go into deeply/(P)/
り込むめりこむ(v5m) to sink into/to cave in/
れ込むつれこむ (v5m) to bring (somebody into a place)/
き込みたきこみ(something) cooked with rice/
騙し込むだましこむ(v5m) to deceive/to ensnare/
び込むとびこむ (v5m) to jump in/to leap in/to plunge into/to dive/(P)/
き込みききこみ(n) getting information/
い込むくいこむ (v5m) to eat into/(P)/
れ込みきれこみ (n) cut/notch/incision/
き込みかきこみ (n,vs) writing/entry (e.g. form)/
け込むかけこむ (v5m) to rush in (at the last minute)/to stampede/
込むりょうりのたねを しこむ(exp) to prepare for cooking/
り込みきりこみたん(n) run-of-the-mine coal/
け込むとけこむ (v5m) to melt into/(P)/
もうしこみしょ(n) application form/written application/
い込むすいこむ (v5m) to inhale/(P)/
み込みふみこみ (n) stepping into/breaking or rushing into/
尻込みしりごみ(n,vs) recoil/hesitation/flinching/shrinking back/
込むさしこむ(v5m) to jam a batter (with an inside pitch) (baseball)/
じ込めふうじこめせいさく(n) containment policy/
り込みとまりこみ (n) staying somewhere (overnight) due to circumstances/
り込みいりごみ(n) coming in together/unreserved seats for the public/